Sacto 2 Carpinteria 2 Ojai 2 FIVE

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Jun 8, 2007
Reaction score
Shingle Springs, California
Oh, I just saw that porn isn't allowed here. Scratch that part.

Took a ride to get my new saddle made by Bill Mayer Saddles. I'll keep the narrative short and let the pics

tell the story. ( But really, a fellow just can't get enough of motorcycle saddle ride-in adventure, can he?)

Left beautiful Sacramento early Thursday morning, 4/17/08, headed for

Carpinteria State Beach Campground just south of Santa Barbara.

Camped there for the night, and zoomed the 20 or so miles over to Ojai the next morning to get my FJR a

new custom saddle. Damn, I sure spoil this bike.

Here we go.

Down FIVE and across toward Monterey to 101 south. Since I'd recently done

the PCH through here, I opted for 101 this time. Faster, but not as coma-inducing as I-5. Lots of

agriculture, and really a very pleasant route.

To the pics.

Just coming into the Pismo Beach area. I like this place.


They allow you to drive right out onto the beach here. I should have gone for it,

but I haven't dcarver's skills.


Gonna need shades.


Arrived in Carpinteria and set up camp.


Then I headed into the heart of Carpinteria's Chinatown district for a quick dinner.

It was like being in a foreign land.

(Uncle Chen Restaurant-1025 Casitas Pass Rd.-Strip Mall by the overpass.) Nice waitress.


Back to camp with refreshments before putting on sneakers and exploring this dump.


I first strolled the 50 yards to this...


and then walked up the street to the open air market. I would NEVER eat banana walnut bread!


Seriously, if you ever get the chance, this is a great campground. Everything a person

needs is nearby. Stores, hot food, the beach, showers, night clubs, and mid-70's temps in April.

Really nice. Wouldn't wanna live here though. Gas is at least 10 cents more than a

lot of places! Terrible. Terrible. It sucks to be ...................

Okay, back on topic. Strolled again out to the beach with camera and captured

some stuff as sunset approached. Didn't enhance any of these. This is just how it looked.

You only have to push the button on the camera.





Long day riding and exploring.

Goodnight Carpinteria.


"Broke camp at 5:30 the next morning." (Cowboy talk.)

To Ojai!

Things went well. Great crew. The three young men who do all the real work deserve a great thanks.

Johnny Two Wheels and I got aquainted while our Feej machines were re-saddled.

Hit the Road Jack arrived mid morning, and it was a blast getting to know him and sharing life stories.

It seems as though every FORUM participant I've had the pleasure of meeting turns out to be a

good and interesting human. (Except Dr. Rich. ... one in every crowd. And Burleigh, that sonofa........ Well. Anyways.)


Rocky himself showed up before we were done, ordered pizza for all, and then left on another

of his leisure adventures.

Finally, around noon, and after stuffing ourselves with pepperoni and jalapeno pizza,

I hit the road with Hit the Road. He was kind enough to escort me up the fanatastic Highway 33.

A really great road, and I'm awfully glad I got the chance to ride it with him.

My guide and the road. (He refused to share his camelback thing with me.)


Then about a hundred million miles back up stinkin' 5, and I was home. I'll spare ya'll photos of THAT.

Two days and 886.2 miles of trouble-free riding on my Yamaha FJR1300.

I'll share my thoughts on the new saddle when I've spent some more time in it.

That's all.

Oh, except--got home--got neat thing!



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Prick! You are 3 blocks from my home and you don't call?! Prick. You missed a fabulous grilled New York Strip dinner. Loser, prick.


Great tour, Old Michael, and great pics too....

I love the one with the sunset light reflecting off the rocks on the beach. :good:


Great trip pics and report Michael! I enjoyed our visit and showing you 'the most excellent way'! It was a great day for the ride.

I have a Sync-Pro tool too. Works well.

Great Report!!! Cali Coast makes for some great pics.

Great choice on the like the Negro.

Must have been rough riding to BMS without a seat....... :D :D At least you picked one up while you were there.

No matter what, I would have gone and gotten that Strip dinner from TWN.

Thanks for sharing this report with us.

Ya know, fer an guy with "limited" mental capacity due to advanced age, you sure do damn nice work :good:

Very nice stuff man! Thanks.


Oh man, I spent my formative years in the big city of Ventura. (growing up in the 60s in SoCal explains ALOT)

All that brings back sooooo many memories. I used to do 5 and 6 round trips up to Pine Mountain Inn on 33 a weekend on my 86 Interceptor 500 back in the day.

Glad you had a great trip!!! Nice Pics.

NOW I WANNA GO HOME. :sadsmiley:

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Sigh..........Thanks for the daydream material, all I have to look forward to is the ride home tonight after work. How did the seat work out for you. I'd like something else for my '03 for the long rides.
