Screaming Banshee Horn (split version) - Does it fit?

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Apr 18, 2010
Reaction score
Knoxville, TN
The January 2014 issue of Rider magazine has a review of the Screaming Banshee horn system which comes in a "split" version with the compressor pump separated from the horn and connected with a hose. Has anyone tried mounting one of these on an FJR in the stock horn locations?

I bought a Stebel horn for my KLR650 (and really like it!), but the Stebels are too big to fit neatly into the stock horn location(s). This "split" version "might" fit, but I wanted to know if anyone has done this before I leap.

The Screaming Banshee has a cool controller that has various settings, one of which allows you to blip your regular horn or honk both if you hold the button longer. Of course, if I take the stock horns off, there would not be a regular horn to blip, but that is OK with me.

Many moons ago I fitted air horns to my car. There was something like 18 inches or 2 feet of air hose.

This gave a small delay between pressing the button and the air horns sounding, which meant a very short touch of the button would give a blip of the original horn, suitable for telling the car in front that the lights had gone green.

A longer press would light up the blasters, which would pick up a straying car and throw it back into its proper lane.

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That horn looks like a rebranded Stebel Nautilus horn. If you don't mind cutting and bending an aftermarket bracket, you can mount a Stebel Nautilus horn on the FJR and keep the stock horns mounted. Check my post from a few years back:

There's also been a few guys that took apart a Stebel horn and mounted it's 2 halves where the stock horns used to be. A quick search of the forum should get you some ideas....

I am assuming by the lack of replies that nobody has bought and installed the Screaming Banshee "split" horn yet.

I currently have a set of "highway blasters" horns mounted where the stock horns were and they are loud enough - sound like a big Buick - but I have occasionally noticed cage drivers looking all around (right past and through me) looking for the "car" and apparently not seeing me or ignoring me because they think they are looking for a big car. As I said, I have a Stebel horn on my KLR650 and it is loud and distinctive enough that it gets the appropriate attention and response. Others have noted that the Stebel horn will not fit in the stock FJR horn locations, thus my interest in the Screaming Banshee split horn setup.

The "highway blasters" fit "ok" but they plastic fork slider guards touch them if I "dive" while the handlebars are are hard right or left (only when stopping hard when parking). This isn't much of an issue, but if the Screaming Banshee horn or pump were much larger in those locations, then they might contact more. That is my concern.

Any actual experiences with the Screaming Banshee split horn setup would be appreciated. Thanks.

Considering the few replies you've gotten, and if you don't trust Harald's take on it, then I'm afraid you might have to be the first to try them out. You wouldn't be the first one to buy something only to find out it didn't work. Or it might work out wonderfully.
