Seat advice

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 20, 2008
Reaction score
Yukon, OK
I've searched through many of the seat threads; but I found no answer to my specific need.

My seat question is specific to big guys.

I'm 6' tall, and over 300 pounds.

I love my FJR. The only problem is my butt really starts to bother me after riding for a couple hours.

It kind of starts to hurt, then numb, then just really uncomfortable.

What is the best seat for a fat guy???

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What is the best seat for a fat guy???
One that fits! There is no specific brand or model. It's all unique to body shape and personal preference.

The three custom ones mentioned again, Again, and AGAIN on this forum include Russell Day Long, Bill Mayer, and Rick Mayer....and I think roughly in that order of my choice. I'm 265 and finally got my Rick Mayer to fit...however if I had to do it over again I would have gone his brother Bill first or Russell.

Each, I believe, offer a guarantee to get it right or keep working it until it's right.

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Don't discount Corbin, either. Not custom, but also mentioned here again and again. I've always found them to be a little too firm for my...liking....but they're certainly well constructed and I can see one of those supporting a larger, uhm...area :glare:

As heavy as I am, I might need something more firm.

I have never ridden on a custom seat; so I'm just not sure.

I figure first hand experience from others might help narrow my choices.

As heavy as I am, I might need something more firm.I have never ridden on a custom seat; so I'm just not sure.

I figure first hand experience from others might help narrow my choices.
Now that you have the names of popular brands....try searching.


russell day long



No need to retype what has been typed dozens of times before.

I had a Corbin that came on my used 05: way too hard (I'm 225). Sold it (here) and bought a used Sergent, which I liked, but still had the perspiration issue going on (that's as delicately as I can say it). Ordered a Bead Rider from the linked site and used it on a very long recent trip. Took me a few days to decide for sure, but the results are in. Helped a LOT. You get used to sitting on the hard wooden beads--after all they DO sink down into the seat some--and you can move around on them quite easily. Kind of a mid-ride "butt massage," but mainly, you don't get the sweaty butt thing, even though you don't really feel any airflow. Low-cost solution to that problem, at least, and that's the main reason for seat discomfort, IMO.

I have a Sargent seat and it is worlds better than stock! Any brand new seat is going to take awhile to break in and get comfortable.

Oh yeah, I'm 6'4' and Big Boned!! :lol:


Now that you have the names of popular brands....try searching....

No need to retype what has been typed dozens of times before...
How many hours am I required to search before I'm allowed to ask questions?

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How many hours am I required to search before I'm allowed to ask questions?
I dunno.

How long is it going to take you to reread the terms your promised to read when you signed up?

Careful!!! Iggy is runnin on very little sleep.......... :dribble: ........ now play nice....... :rolleyes: :unsure:
Very little sleep + the same questions over and over again + the admins have to read every post = short fuse. I couldn't do it ... I'd flip out.

Seriously, YukonG, no big deal asking questions. It's just that pretty much all conceivable questions and answers can be found somewhere on this forum .... and most of them are in Never-Ending Pointless Recurring Threads. Don't take it too personally and, by the way, I went with the Russell! ;)

I dunno.
How long is it going to take you to reread the terms your promised to read when you signed up?
I've been reading seat threads for a week now, both here and on other sites.

There have been more posts recommending the Russell for heavy people;

but not that many posts about weights over 300 pounds for any particular seat builder.

I read "the terms" when I signed up.

I don't believe I've violated any of your terms.

If fact, this comes straight from your terms:

If you can't find something feel free to ask, but try asking, "I searched on x and y, but didn't find it. Should I try something different?"

I'm truly sorry for an inconvenience my ignorance has caused. :sorry:

I'm truly sorry for an inconvenience my ignorance has caused. :sorry:
In post # 5 of this thread, Iggy gave you 3 examples that can be cut and pasted into Google and will provide hours of reading and research for you.

That being said, @ 250+ lbs. I love my Russell and have for 55K miles.

A link from Google: Russell Day Long

In post # 5 of this thread, Iggy gave you 3 examples that can be cut and pasted into Google and will provide hours of reading and research for you...
Ohhhhh, thanks for the tip... :mda:

...That being said, @ 250+ lbs. I love my Russell and have for 55K miles...
On a serious note, thanks for the info. :thumbsup:

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YukonG, Don't take things too personal. This is just a test to check your skin thickness, the fact that your not pouting like a little school girl is a good sign.

We only hurt the ones we Love the most! :lol:

Hang around awhile...


PS: check my avatar and take it to heart.

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I am a 300 pound guy and I bought the Bill Mayer. He is a big guy who makes seats for big guys. I think he calls the new seat an evolution. He is still doing a group discount rate too. Here are some photo's from the install. Good luck and Russell was a very close second for me.

In post # 5 of this thread, Iggy gave you 3 examples that can be cut and pasted into Google and will provide hours of reading and research for you...
Ohhhhh, thanks for the tip... :mda:

...That being said, @ 250+ lbs. I love my Russell and have for 55K miles...
On a serious note, thanks for the info. :thumbsup:
Don't kick yourself too hard. Iggy's post didn't say explicitly that you were to put those into Google and if you're not familiar with going straight to Google to search the Forum, you probably missed the implication. FWIW, I never use the search engine on the forum.

Anyone tried using Cuil (pronounced "Cool") since it was launched? Clicky.


I was just being sarcastic.

Yes, I know how to google search the forum.

I'm quite familiar with IPB software.

IPB search has it's quirks; you need to be an expert with the symbols to search effectively.

Although, the admin/mod features make up for that disability.
