Haha...Well, isn't this timely.
Last night, I worked swing shift for another supervisor. I was on a pretty busy 45mph road and sure enough, come up on a guy wearing jeans, wife beater, no helmet and no gloves. I could see how gloves would complicate things because he was texting. I didn't believe it at first. Never saw that before.
I drove almost next to him for almost a minute...he was oblivious until I lit up the air horn. He proceeded to **** himself and drop the phone at 40mph. THEN I pulled him over.
He had the balls to be a smart alec and say I "made" him drop the phone. He was pissed...He was even more pissed when he got $500 worth of traffic tickets for careless driving and texting while driving. I told him he was lucky he wasn't getting a citation for littering.
I actually let him run back to get his phone. By some miracle it didn't get run over. It was banged up, but I think the little case 'mostly' held it together. We had a talk about him ending up dead. I think everything I said bounced around in his little head and then fell out his other ear...Oh well.