Well-known member
So I finally got tired of PhotoBucket ruining my early ride reports. Found a way to download all PB folder pictures with just one click, uploaded them to my web site and voila! Another 4 hours of my life gone..
So here goes...
2010-07-26 WFO9 - Eureka CA
published by dcarver on Mon, 07/02/2012 - 17:46
dCarver's rides
See below - this posting had PhotoBucket pictures which PB blurred unles you pay them monthly extortion fees. So **** them.
Permalink Submitted by dcarver on Sun, 03/15/2020 - 17:12.
Day One - Hondarosa to the Highlander's
[SIZE=13.44px]The trip starts. MCML arrived the night before departure. Much food and drink. We decided to make hotel reservations after imbibing. Not always good, but it worked out great this time, stay tuned. BTW, MCML is a lady killer. Trust me. Had I known now what I didn't know then, no way would I allow my gal to get this close to the stallion.. (hey, what's the hand location about, eh?)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]First stop, in true CBA style, was, oh, about 30 miles west of the Hondarosa - Kitty's in Morro Bay..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Next stop, oh, about 30 miles north on highway 1, to snooker lookies at the sealies.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]This guy reminded me of Old Michael![/SIZE][SIZE=13.44px] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Another 25 miles and it's time for a pottie stop. Too much coffee at Kittie's. Ragged Point, on CA 1.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Road construction would be a common theme on this ride.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Ms. dcarver's long time friend.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Finally, arrival at the Highlander's - oh nooo, more good food, drinks and much laughter! [/SIZE][SIZE=13.44px]Oh, this was the start of the the 'Big Deck' hillarity later up in Eureka![/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Nice deck, Highlander![/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Nice bike too![/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Ok then, you caption this one! (oh baby, oh baby, what nice firm ones you have?[/SIZE]
...to be continued
Day Two - Highlander's to Gualala, CA
[SIZE=13.44px]Every day should start with a good friend and a map..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Leaving the hill's of the HighLander domain..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Lot's of fog was a routine element of this ride too. There really is a town down there somewhere..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Where the heck are we?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Name the location if you can...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Ms Dcarver on the GroupW bench![/SIZE][SIZE=13.44px] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Oh Look![/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]We crossed the GayBayBridge...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]..and ended up at Nic's Cove, Tomales Bay CA on highway 1. Great place, friendly peeps, EXCELLENT food.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Ms Dcarver and the fisher dude..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]There's a pier that ends in a hut like thing that had really cool old stuff there..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Ms dCarver yaks it up with the manager, a really nice guy who has made all the proper decisions for his family.. left the big city and opportunities for better education for his kid and better life for the family. Got to respect that..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]And look who rolls up? The Highlanders! They left after we did, cause they are slaves to the man and had to work a half day,[/SIZE][SIZE=13.44px] [/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]We ran across really friendly peeps and business's on this trip - this is Bone's in [/SIZE][SIZE=13.44px]Gualala[/SIZE][SIZE=13.44px] [/SIZE]CA
[SIZE=13.44px]See what I mean about MCML, the stallion? Notice how I'm tossed to the side like an old worn out shoe..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]If you ever have the chance, stay at this hotel. The manager, Erik Bennett, is a great guy. VERY motobike friendly place. They put a fresh towel on your bike before you wake to clean with. The provide a microfiber cloth in the room to clean your helmet and shield. He was very interested to learn what else could be done for the motobike club. I suggested small spray bottles with envio cleaner for bike windshields, mirrors, chrome, etc. My bet is it will soon be done. Stop by if you can.[/SIZE]
..to be continued
Day Three - Gualala Ca to Eureka, CA
[SIZE=13.44px]Somebody has to ride these roads..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]and see these beaches. We ran across a Shakespearean actor learning his lines here. He was a bit, uh, different, but a nice guy.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]MCML considers the theory of evolution and wonders if the waitress will appear from the waves...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Neat old wooden tressel.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Where or what is this? Name it and win a prize. Keep it clean boyz n' gurlz.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Ok too late, the location is revealed![/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Arriving at the Red Lion, Eureka. Let the games begin! StinkyBigPants Toby (notice the erect camera lense?) and Ms dCarver.[/SIZE]
Ms dCarver, Fairlaner Richard and MCML Joseph
[SIZE=13.44px]Mr. and Mrs. FjRay[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Fairlaner and Ms dCarver[/SIZE]
Niehart aka Pops
[SIZE=13.44px]Escapfjrst or something like that. Call him George.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]The unconquerable Petey. If you want to have fun, try to determine a conversation between Fairlaner and Petey, jes sayin'..[/SIZE]
On to the nightlife [SIZE=13.44px]The brain trust table..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]The Hcycles[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Rob and Terry (what is there handle? jeesh, too many things to remember..)[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Rog n' Deb ps, Rog LOVES cats! [/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]MadMike2 in rare form![/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]I have no idea how Dolly got up there, really![/SIZE]
..to be continued
Day Three - Eureka day ride and Party
Over the last three exhausting days we had ridden almost 600 miles. Ms dCarver wanted a rest day, and I wanted to ride. Fairlaner invited me on a ride but I declined when it was morbidly apparent excessive testosterone and penis envy was at stake. So I had planned a solo ride based on a route Fairlaner and MadMike had generated.
At breakfast, ran across Niehart, Panman, George of the Jungle aka fjrescpaeartist or whaterverthehellhishandleis and, once they realized I had a MAP they wanted to go. So went to 4.
Somehow, 4 went 8. RuhRohRollie, this group is getting big. One dropped out when he heard the temps would exceed 64F, so back to 7. Niehart, a guy I've not ridden with, but who I know by rep as being a solid and thinking man's rider, volunteered to run sweep. K7Volvo, or whateverthehellhishandleis, Luis, had a radio, and the bike to bike really helped keep the group together. I slotted him midpack.
And off we went. Oh damn, another beautiful day to ride motobikes on roads not yet ridden!
[SIZE=13.44px]The base route was 299E to 3S to 36W to 101N and back to the barn.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]299E was a bit of a slog. It's a main road from Redding? to Eureka, had 28 miles of construction zone. At a rest stop, I asked the group how they felt about crossing double yellows - the response was 'only if entirely safe'. I can live with that, literally. So we slow poked, and I was careful to not grab a pass that the entire group or at least half the group could not make. And so it went.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.44px]Finally, on a huge uphill, the 3 trucks ahead ground down to a first gear pace.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.44px]"I've been soo good for soooooo long" I radioed to Luis.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]"I can't take it anymore" and with that put the trucks into quick dispatch. Then waited and ran a slow pace for the crew to get by too.[/SIZE]
The riders doing a good job in keeping space
[SIZE=13.44px]K7Vulva or whateverthehellhishandleis - Luis[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Fred, aka juniorfjr or whateverthehellhishandleis[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Panman showing how to hula dance an FJR without the FJR! Hudson not soo impressed..[/SIZE]
Hudson aka Dave Green
[SIZE=13.44px]Girl with nice ****ies taking hamburger orders. Gawd, she was slow, but who the hell cares?[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Truck driver guy waiting for his big rig tire to be replaced.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]"600 dollars for the service call from Redding, $450 for the tire. Not much profit in today's run"[/SIZE]
KrZy8 lookig good!
Closing comment -
Thanks to all the riders on this ride, seriously. We had a good pace, everyone paid respect to the laws of physics and personal abilities. I did not see anyone unintentionally cross the double yellow due to a blown line and didn't see any white line dancing either. For those that know, I'm really reluctant to ride in groups much less lead a group. This group rocked - thanks again for not ruining my ride due to sheer stupidity.
...to be continued
Day 4 - What day is this? Wow, I'm having a GREAT time!
[SIZE=13.44px]Somehow, not quiet sure, but breakfast for the old farts rolled around at the Samoa sp? house. One waitress for 25+ hungry peeps = no problems! Boy oh boy, that gal was GOOD![/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Tyler and Ms dCarver.[/SIZE]
Dean Tanji
Michael Kneebone?
Ignacio, Matt Watkins.
Hal Rissser, KaitsDad
Petey, Pops, Fred Franklin
Hal Risser, KaitsDad, pontificates from the podium.
George Jersich! aka Kwanajawdge or something like that.
Samoa cook house.
Miss Tyler
Tyler thinks KwanaJawdge is full o' ****!
[SIZE=13.44px]Met BikerGeek and the entirely better half! He has a great RR titled 'Milestones'. If you've not read it, get going slackers..[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]...and don't forget to wash your ANUS before returning to work![/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Back a the hotel, peeps were heading out for another ride. Ms dCarver and I decided to chill and see what the day brought.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Ignacio, on the other hand, had been out bird hunting...[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Ryan and Jeanette were heading out..[/SIZE]
..to be continued
The final stretch
Well, I have to work tomorrow, and I've spent hours on this already - and still don't have the video ready or even started. Onward we go!
I want to thank the organizers for this WFO, especially Hal, KaitsDad. I can't imagaine the amount of work involved to pull something like this off. Kudos to all, we had a great time and fully appreciate your efforts.
for TWN -
Hugs n' Kisses
So here goes...
2010-07-26 WFO9 - Eureka CA

published by dcarver on Mon, 07/02/2012 - 17:46
dCarver's rides
See below - this posting had PhotoBucket pictures which PB blurred unles you pay them monthly extortion fees. So **** them.
Permalink Submitted by dcarver on Sun, 03/15/2020 - 17:12.
Day One - Hondarosa to the Highlander's
[SIZE=13.44px]The trip starts. MCML arrived the night before departure. Much food and drink. We decided to make hotel reservations after imbibing. Not always good, but it worked out great this time, stay tuned. BTW, MCML is a lady killer. Trust me. Had I known now what I didn't know then, no way would I allow my gal to get this close to the stallion.. (hey, what's the hand location about, eh?)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]First stop, in true CBA style, was, oh, about 30 miles west of the Hondarosa - Kitty's in Morro Bay..[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Next stop, oh, about 30 miles north on highway 1, to snooker lookies at the sealies.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]This guy reminded me of Old Michael![/SIZE][SIZE=13.44px] [/SIZE]




[SIZE=13.44px]Another 25 miles and it's time for a pottie stop. Too much coffee at Kittie's. Ragged Point, on CA 1.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Road construction would be a common theme on this ride.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Ms. dcarver's long time friend.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Finally, arrival at the Highlander's - oh nooo, more good food, drinks and much laughter! [/SIZE][SIZE=13.44px]Oh, this was the start of the the 'Big Deck' hillarity later up in Eureka![/SIZE]



[SIZE=13.44px]Nice deck, Highlander![/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Nice bike too![/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Ok then, you caption this one! (oh baby, oh baby, what nice firm ones you have?[/SIZE]



...to be continued
Day Two - Highlander's to Gualala, CA
[SIZE=13.44px]Every day should start with a good friend and a map..[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Leaving the hill's of the HighLander domain..[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Lot's of fog was a routine element of this ride too. There really is a town down there somewhere..[/SIZE]




[SIZE=13.44px]Where the heck are we?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Name the location if you can...[/SIZE]




[SIZE=13.44px]Ms Dcarver on the GroupW bench![/SIZE][SIZE=13.44px] [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Oh Look![/SIZE]




[SIZE=13.44px]We crossed the GayBayBridge...[/SIZE]



[SIZE=13.44px]..and ended up at Nic's Cove, Tomales Bay CA on highway 1. Great place, friendly peeps, EXCELLENT food.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Ms Dcarver and the fisher dude..[/SIZE]



[SIZE=13.44px]There's a pier that ends in a hut like thing that had really cool old stuff there..[/SIZE]



[SIZE=13.44px]Ms dCarver yaks it up with the manager, a really nice guy who has made all the proper decisions for his family.. left the big city and opportunities for better education for his kid and better life for the family. Got to respect that..[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]And look who rolls up? The Highlanders! They left after we did, cause they are slaves to the man and had to work a half day,[/SIZE][SIZE=13.44px] [/SIZE]



[SIZE=13.44px]We ran across really friendly peeps and business's on this trip - this is Bone's in [/SIZE][SIZE=13.44px]Gualala[/SIZE][SIZE=13.44px] [/SIZE]CA


[SIZE=13.44px]See what I mean about MCML, the stallion? Notice how I'm tossed to the side like an old worn out shoe..[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]If you ever have the chance, stay at this hotel. The manager, Erik Bennett, is a great guy. VERY motobike friendly place. They put a fresh towel on your bike before you wake to clean with. The provide a microfiber cloth in the room to clean your helmet and shield. He was very interested to learn what else could be done for the motobike club. I suggested small spray bottles with envio cleaner for bike windshields, mirrors, chrome, etc. My bet is it will soon be done. Stop by if you can.[/SIZE]

..to be continued
Day Three - Gualala Ca to Eureka, CA
[SIZE=13.44px]Somebody has to ride these roads..[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]and see these beaches. We ran across a Shakespearean actor learning his lines here. He was a bit, uh, different, but a nice guy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]MCML considers the theory of evolution and wonders if the waitress will appear from the waves...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Neat old wooden tressel.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.44px]Where or what is this? Name it and win a prize. Keep it clean boyz n' gurlz.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Ok too late, the location is revealed![/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Arriving at the Red Lion, Eureka. Let the games begin! StinkyBigPants Toby (notice the erect camera lense?) and Ms dCarver.[/SIZE]

Ms dCarver, Fairlaner Richard and MCML Joseph

[SIZE=13.44px]Mr. and Mrs. FjRay[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Fairlaner and Ms dCarver[/SIZE]

Niehart aka Pops

[SIZE=13.44px]Escapfjrst or something like that. Call him George.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]The unconquerable Petey. If you want to have fun, try to determine a conversation between Fairlaner and Petey, jes sayin'..[/SIZE]


On to the nightlife [SIZE=13.44px]The brain trust table..[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]The Hcycles[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Rob and Terry (what is there handle? jeesh, too many things to remember..)[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Rog n' Deb ps, Rog LOVES cats! [/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]MadMike2 in rare form![/SIZE]



[SIZE=13.44px]I have no idea how Dolly got up there, really![/SIZE]

..to be continued
Day Three - Eureka day ride and Party
Over the last three exhausting days we had ridden almost 600 miles. Ms dCarver wanted a rest day, and I wanted to ride. Fairlaner invited me on a ride but I declined when it was morbidly apparent excessive testosterone and penis envy was at stake. So I had planned a solo ride based on a route Fairlaner and MadMike had generated.
At breakfast, ran across Niehart, Panman, George of the Jungle aka fjrescpaeartist or whaterverthehellhishandleis and, once they realized I had a MAP they wanted to go. So went to 4.
Somehow, 4 went 8. RuhRohRollie, this group is getting big. One dropped out when he heard the temps would exceed 64F, so back to 7. Niehart, a guy I've not ridden with, but who I know by rep as being a solid and thinking man's rider, volunteered to run sweep. K7Volvo, or whateverthehellhishandleis, Luis, had a radio, and the bike to bike really helped keep the group together. I slotted him midpack.
And off we went. Oh damn, another beautiful day to ride motobikes on roads not yet ridden!

[SIZE=13.44px]The base route was 299E to 3S to 36W to 101N and back to the barn.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]299E was a bit of a slog. It's a main road from Redding? to Eureka, had 28 miles of construction zone. At a rest stop, I asked the group how they felt about crossing double yellows - the response was 'only if entirely safe'. I can live with that, literally. So we slow poked, and I was careful to not grab a pass that the entire group or at least half the group could not make. And so it went.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.44px]Finally, on a huge uphill, the 3 trucks ahead ground down to a first gear pace.[/SIZE][SIZE=13.44px]"I've been soo good for soooooo long" I radioed to Luis.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]"I can't take it anymore" and with that put the trucks into quick dispatch. Then waited and ran a slow pace for the crew to get by too.[/SIZE]

The riders doing a good job in keeping space





[SIZE=13.44px]K7Vulva or whateverthehellhishandleis - Luis[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Fred, aka juniorfjr or whateverthehellhishandleis[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Panman showing how to hula dance an FJR without the FJR! Hudson not soo impressed..[/SIZE]


Hudson aka Dave Green

[SIZE=13.44px]Girl with nice ****ies taking hamburger orders. Gawd, she was slow, but who the hell cares?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Truck driver guy waiting for his big rig tire to be replaced.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]"600 dollars for the service call from Redding, $450 for the tire. Not much profit in today's run"[/SIZE]













KrZy8 lookig good!





Closing comment -
Thanks to all the riders on this ride, seriously. We had a good pace, everyone paid respect to the laws of physics and personal abilities. I did not see anyone unintentionally cross the double yellow due to a blown line and didn't see any white line dancing either. For those that know, I'm really reluctant to ride in groups much less lead a group. This group rocked - thanks again for not ruining my ride due to sheer stupidity.
...to be continued
Day 4 - What day is this? Wow, I'm having a GREAT time!
[SIZE=13.44px]Somehow, not quiet sure, but breakfast for the old farts rolled around at the Samoa sp? house. One waitress for 25+ hungry peeps = no problems! Boy oh boy, that gal was GOOD![/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Tyler and Ms dCarver.[/SIZE]





Dean Tanji

Michael Kneebone?



Ignacio, Matt Watkins.

Hal Rissser, KaitsDad





Petey, Pops, Fred Franklin




Hal Risser, KaitsDad, pontificates from the podium.


George Jersich! aka Kwanajawdge or something like that.

Samoa cook house.

Miss Tyler


Tyler thinks KwanaJawdge is full o' ****!




[SIZE=13.44px]Met BikerGeek and the entirely better half! He has a great RR titled 'Milestones'. If you've not read it, get going slackers..[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]...and don't forget to wash your ANUS before returning to work![/SIZE]


[SIZE=13.44px]Back a the hotel, peeps were heading out for another ride. Ms dCarver and I decided to chill and see what the day brought.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=13.44px]Ignacio, on the other hand, had been out bird hunting...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Ryan and Jeanette were heading out..[/SIZE]

..to be continued
The final stretch
Well, I have to work tomorrow, and I've spent hours on this already - and still don't have the video ready or even started. Onward we go!
[SIZE=13.44px]Tyler presented a heartfelt 'Thank You' to the community for assisting with her recovery. Nary a dry eye was to be found. Fortunately, some peeps had off color comments to get us chuckling again, even after Kaitsdad read a roll call of missing and lost forever members.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Dean Tanji presented a most excellent preview of his new video documenting the last Iron Butt Rally. It was truly good and I'm buying a copy.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Even better was watching Ignacio when the presentation hit the screen. I was watching, knowing that competitors are competitors.. when I see a MX race, even on TV, the adrenaline starts to flow. Think this happened to Iggie?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Tyler had brought 'special' presents for MadMike2. Now then, how to get Mike's ticket number so it could be 'accidentally drawn'? What happens in Eureka...[/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]JB, Hans, won an air filter! He also gave a great presentation on the riding tribes, customs, rituals, and social somethingortheother![/SIZE]

[SIZE=13.44px]Oh Canada! This gal, sorry, I don't recall your name, (France!) but whe ROCKED! Solo rider, really fun spirit, ready for anything life has to offer. You go Sistah![/SIZE]

I want to thank the organizers for this WFO, especially Hal, KaitsDad. I can't imagaine the amount of work involved to pull something like this off. Kudos to all, we had a great time and fully appreciate your efforts.
for TWN -
Hugs n' Kisses