Serious mistake today, looked at a 2007

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Well-known member
Mar 10, 2006
Reaction score
Dallas, NC
Local Yami dealer that has NEVER before made any reasonable deal with locals (they make a killing screwing Marines out of their money instead), today made me an almost reasonable offer on trading-in my 05 for that lovely 07 on their showroom floor.

I must admit that to my somewhat colorblind eyes the Black Cherry is pretty much black under interior lighting. I'm planning another visit tomorrow to see it in (hopefully) outdoor sunlight. I could possibly, might consider, almost warmed up to the idea of owning one.

It has to be three things affecting the dealership:

1. They have it in stock instead of special ordering it.

2. It's January and pretty damn cold by coastal standards.

3. All the Marines that were due home late December are rumored to not be returning before June.

All adds up to my normally worthless local cash, actually having some value to the probably starving dealership. Ain't free enterprise wonderful!

Wish me luck. Thoughts?

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UhOh, my buddies got the fever... But you are on schedule for my plan too. My 06 goes away in 08, 09 at the latest. So far, no 06's have been declared a ticker, so that's a plus. The 07 color though? Bro, what happened to 'cut me and I bleed blue, err, black cherry cream de la mintie poo? :rolleyes:

The only thing I don't like about the '07 is that the cherry doesn't show up as well in traffic.

I must admit that to my somewhat colorblind eyes the Black Cherry is pretty much black under interior lighting. I'm planning another visit tomorrow to see it in (hopefully) outdoor sunlight.
You, my friend, are in serious trouble. Resistance may be least once you've seen how great that cherry-coke bike looks in the sun. You COULD try leaving your checkbook behind. :(

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UhOh, my buddies got the fever... But you are on schedule for my plan too. My 06 goes away in 08, 09 at the latest. So far, no 06's have been declared a ticker, so that's a plus. The 07 color though? Bro, what happened to 'cut me and I bleed blue, err, black cherry cream de la mintie poo? :rolleyes:
I know, I KNOW! It pains me so to even consider ANY shade of red. I'll just declare it black and claim ignorance until Yamaha comes to their senses and produces fast blue again. Maybe 09???

And what's even worse, I JUST received my brand new HJC CS-12 Yikes-III helmet with that awesome blue and white pattern! Oh well, sometimes it pays to be colorblind.


Sorry Jeff...You definitely caught the fever. Its all over but the smilin'!! :yahoo: When you start selling your old farkles, can I have 1st dibs on your sliders?

Sorry Jeff...You definitely caught the fever. Its all over but the smilin'!! :yahoo: When you start selling your old farkles, can I have 1st dibs on your sliders?
Uh Oh!

The buzzards South Carolina Eagles are already circling the poor 05's defarkled carcus!


Jeff, Whats a good deal? Remeber D&H is 11,700 then the trade.

Call em, see what they can do. And I'll give ya a place to stay before you go back home.

Jeff, Whats a good deal? Remeber D&H is 11,700 then the trade.
Call em, see what they can do. And I'll give ya a place to stay before you go back home.
Depending on when you get the bike, D&H may put you up overnight. They are renovating the house across the street from their dealership for FJR purchasers to use.

And I'm with you on being color blind to clothes. I just bought a new Roadcrafter in anticipation of buying an '06 and here's the end result :) .


Jeff, Whats a good deal? Remeber D&H is 11,700 then the trade.
Call em, see what they can do. And I'll give ya a place to stay before you go back home.
Depending on when you get the bike, D&H may put you up overnight. They are renovating the house across the street from their dealership for FJR purchasers to use.

And I'm with you on being color blind to clothes. I just bought a new Roadcrafter in anticipation of buying an '06 and here's the end result :) .


I hate to say it, but that is really ugly! :dribble: I have a blue 06, if you want to give that ugly blue thing away and try to color co-ordinate with that beautiful 07....or you could trade me your red motorcycle for my slightly used and scratched 06 and be in style! :rolleyes:


I was at my local dealer in MN and saw the Black Cherry. They haven't got them out on the floor yet but he had one in back ready to come out. I personally thought it was awesome color in person too. Although I do like the color of the R6 better. he one of those ready to come out also. They look REALLY nice. But that is the thing about colors. It's whatever YOU like.

I asked what he would give me on my 05 on trade. He thought I was nuts considering all that I have done to mine. :wacko:


Yeah, that's why I stay away from dealers as much as possible! My brain says there's not enough difference to justify it, buy my eyes and the lust says "What the hell, go for it!" lol :dribble:

Sorry Jeff...You definitely caught the fever. Its all over but the smilin'!! :yahoo: When you start selling your old farkles, can I have 1st dibs on your sliders?
Uh Oh!

The buzzards South Carolina Eagles are already circling the poor 05's defarkled carcus!


Dude, You are freakin Toast. :yahoo: Be like a nike man and do it.


[SIZE=14pt]It is far easier to get forgiveness than it is to get permission[/SIZE]

That is of course if you have a missus to worry about.

If you dont, then what are you worried about. You can Ebay the other colored gear.... Hmm. I do like that Cherry tho

Did Yamaha come out with this decidely different color to push sales of the AE? Cherry? Black would have been much better. IMO. Don't mind me I'm still looking for a Blue FJR. Anyone got one for sale?

Don't mind me I'm still looking for a Blue FJR. Anyone got one for sale?
Are you Joking? Look in the For Sale section. A number of them are their. I even had mine for sale until I decided to keep it. :yahoo: I should thank valetz, opt8low, my wife, and others for helping come to my senses.
