Well-known member
We all know 2020 was a strange year and it doesn't seem to be much different now that we are well into 2021. One difference is that I forgot to post this announcement. But if you read the recap of the 2020 SFO - the Hurricane Zeta experience then you know SFO 2021 is a go October 28th - 31st.
With Zeta knocking on our door the day before the start of SFO needless to say it was an event-filled weekend. Just when you think mother nature has thrown all she has at you she pops in with the unthinkable. But we survived and even thrived in the more difficult conditions. So on with 2021 and here's the plan (pretty much copied and pasted from last year's announcement) -
Again, I used to post some long crap about all the details, not this year, we're gonna do the same damn thing (minus Zeta). After five years we've kinda figured it out so things ain't changing, just getting better. If you need details just check out the SFO 2019 post. Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel - you know the routine. The only thing that will change is the Rally Fee - not due to inflation or any of the sort, but I think this year we'll rent a van to have at the hotel to simplify the Tipsey Taxi. So let's go with $75 this year.
Really the only thing you NEED to know are the dates, you already know the rest.
So here it is - HALLOWEEN!!!!! Thursday, Oct. 28th thru Sunday the 31st.
Come on in Thursday night and MrsBandit will do her (becoming famous) Cincinnati chili, Friday night we'll jam with The Negotiators (Allen and maybe Jon - I think he might be on a tour bus that week on the West Coast in California doing a set of Led Zepplin tribute shows) while we enjoy the low country shrimp boil, then Saturday we'll gnaw on Stan the BBQ Man's tasty rib bones while Rocking Rodney strums the country tunes for us again, hopefully around a bonfire under a crisp and clear October sky!
A little change up to our entertainment line-up. Friday night we'll enjoy the low country shrimp boil while Rocking Rodney strums the country tunes for us again. This is now a maybe, Rodney is understandably hitting the big time, as y'all know, he's that good. He says if the new band he has joined doesn't have a gig they may just come set up or he'll play solo. If they have a gig then I'll be checking on a backup plan. Saturday we'll gnaw on Stan the BBQ Man's tasty rib bones while we jam with THE Negotiators (Allen will be solo, Jon will be on a tour bus that week on the West Coast in California doing a set of Led Zepplin tribute shows), hopefully around a bonfire under a crisp and clear October sky!
Campers pitch your tent, hoteliers stay where you want, but we recommend The Inn of Clanton again. They've treated us right through the years. I'll call them and get the room block set up. We'll probably get the same deal as last year (or something close to it) $62ish plus tax (includes the two tickets for the Shoney's Breakfast Bar). That will be the base of the Tipsey Taxi.
I'll set up a Rally Rally again, modified with some things learned from last year, fewer boni locations to make it easier to participate. Details to follow at a later date, but it'll be fun. I encourage everyone to consider doing it. That'll be on Saturday, the 30th.
Alrighty, that's it, post up if your down with everything.
Brevity brought to you by the new and improved FJRBandit
List of attendees - UPDATED September 27th, 2021
Current list of attendees
FJRbandit and MrsBandit
Hondapotamus (RIP)
FJRFarrier (she said IN
The Maybe / Possibly list
gixxerjasen (maybe, possibly)
AllenC (penciled in)
LKLD (a maybe - but without Marie, hmmm, is that even allowed :?: )
The Maybe / Possibly list
gixxerjasen (maybe, possibly)
AllenC (penciled in)
LKLD (a maybe - but without Marie, hmmm, is that even allowed :?: )
P.S. My excuse for forgetting to post the announcement is we've had some big changes in our world. MrsBandit and I have moved to the Orlando area. We are no longer residents of Alabama. So give me a break please - it's been a wild 2021! See y'all in Jemison on Halloween weekend! :zombwobb:
With Zeta knocking on our door the day before the start of SFO needless to say it was an event-filled weekend. Just when you think mother nature has thrown all she has at you she pops in with the unthinkable. But we survived and even thrived in the more difficult conditions. So on with 2021 and here's the plan (pretty much copied and pasted from last year's announcement) -
Again, I used to post some long crap about all the details, not this year, we're gonna do the same damn thing (minus Zeta). After five years we've kinda figured it out so things ain't changing, just getting better. If you need details just check out the SFO 2019 post. Same Bat Time, Same Bat Channel - you know the routine. The only thing that will change is the Rally Fee - not due to inflation or any of the sort, but I think this year we'll rent a van to have at the hotel to simplify the Tipsey Taxi. So let's go with $75 this year.
Really the only thing you NEED to know are the dates, you already know the rest.
So here it is - HALLOWEEN!!!!! Thursday, Oct. 28th thru Sunday the 31st.
Come on in Thursday night and MrsBandit will do her (becoming famous) Cincinnati chili, F
A little change up to our entertainment line-up. Friday night we'll enjoy the low country shrimp boil while Rocking Rodney strums the country tunes for us again. This is now a maybe, Rodney is understandably hitting the big time, as y'all know, he's that good. He says if the new band he has joined doesn't have a gig they may just come set up or he'll play solo. If they have a gig then I'll be checking on a backup plan. Saturday we'll gnaw on Stan the BBQ Man's tasty rib bones while we jam with THE Negotiator
Campers pitch your tent, hoteliers stay where you want, but we recommend The Inn of Clanton again. They've treated us right through the years. I'll call them and get the room block set up. We'll probably get the same deal as last year (or something close to it) $62ish plus tax (includes the two tickets for the Shoney's Breakfast Bar). That will be the base of the Tipsey Taxi.
I'll set up a Rally Rally again, modified with some things learned from last year, fewer boni locations to make it easier to participate. Details to follow at a later date, but it'll be fun. I encourage everyone to consider doing it. That'll be on Saturday, the 30th.
Alrighty, that's it, post up if your down with everything.
Brevity brought to you by the new and improved FJRBandit
List of attendees - UPDATED September 27th, 2021
Current list of attendees
FJRbandit and MrsBandit
Hondapotamus (RIP)
FJRFarrier (she said IN
The Maybe / Possibly list
gixxerjasen (maybe, possibly)
AllenC (penciled in)
LKLD (a maybe - but without Marie, hmmm, is that even allowed :?: )
The Maybe / Possibly list
gixxerjasen (maybe, possibly)
AllenC (penciled in)
LKLD (a maybe - but without Marie, hmmm, is that even allowed :?: )
P.S. My excuse for forgetting to post the announcement is we've had some big changes in our world. MrsBandit and I have moved to the Orlando area. We are no longer residents of Alabama. So give me a break please - it's been a wild 2021! See y'all in Jemison on Halloween weekend! :zombwobb: