Shad 46 Brake Light Installation

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Well-known member
Oct 24, 2005
Reaction score
Huntington Beach, CA
I went ahead & bought a Shad 46 with the light and backrest and the instructions are....well, I don't think the guy who wrote 'em was well-versed in English. :angry2: (1)

Has anyone installed the brake lights on this thing and, if so, would you mind taking some pics of how you did it? I'm this close to saying, "Screw it" and just DIYing some kind of setup that works if I can't get the factory stuff to fly.

Thanks in advance!


Yes, his English is better than my Italian. But I'm not trying to sell any products in Italy. :rolleyes:

I believe it is Spanish, as they are made in Spain. Living in CA, you should be able to find an interpreter fairly easily!

Seriously, post up how it goes. I've got the 48 and am considering the brake light option.

I believe it is Spanish, as they are made in Spain. Living in CA, you should be able to find an interpreter fairly easily!
Seriously, post up how it goes. I've got the 48 and am considering the brake light option.
Heh. Yeah, we got plenty of "Viva Mexico" bumperstickers around here. "If'n ya like the place that much, take I-5 south; don't let the doorknob hit ya in the ass." :glare:

If I don't get any replies here I'm gonna freaking wing it 'cause damned if those instructions make sense to me. I can make "wing it" work, I know. :dwarf: :construction: :drinks:


Well the SH-48 directions leave quite a bit to be desired also. Your best bet is to look at what pics there are, the parts, and the trunk itself and try to figure out how it goes. I am Florida right now, so unfortunately no pics for ya'll. If it helps, from what I recall:

1) Wires attach to light. You have some choice here as to which wires, the directions (not), luck (maybe), or some insight will tell you which one to choose. ;)

2) Wires from light through top of case attaching to two stainless metal spring pieces (through some channel built into the case) via two small screws. These metal clips will be attached to the upper lip of the bag. There are all sorts of screws in the bag, choose two that seem appropriate, probably should be the same size at least. :)

3) On the bottom lip, two straight stainless metal pieces, that contact the above metal pieces, are attached to wires using two more small screws chosen as above. This wire runs to the bottom of the case.

4) Now you want to get juice to the case through the wires in step 3, this comes from the rack on the bike. On the 48 the wire in step 3 runs down through a small channel to a small plastic block in the bottom of the case. On the front edge of this block there are two small holes to pass a bolt through, these bolts will attach the wires inside the case to wires on the outside. The complication is two-fold:

a) There is absolutely no space to get those tiny impossible-to-hold-on-to bolts through. This part takes some mild patience.

B) Worse, the holes I mentioned above are not actually there. What you need to do is find the [SIZE=8pt]small[/SIZE] indentations where they should be. An awl will quickly produce the desired holes.

5) Wire some more stainless contacts to the bottom of the trunk, run brake light power to the metal contacts you cleverly put on the rack on the bike and off you go.

Annoyingly, those directions are probably twice as good as the ones that came with the trunk. Good luck!

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