Shirts Want One?

Yamaha FJR Motorcycle Forum

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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2005
Reaction score
Midland, MI
made this up last week and wondered if anybody would like to order some from a place by me

he quoted me 10.30 each if we order 12 i guess if twelve of us want one i can do the shipping from here and do the foot work.

the shirts must be all the same color so its eather black with red print or gray with black print .

Using the word "JAP" on a t-shirt is NOT something I think we should be doing. If you don't know why then you really must be ignorant to the fact that it's a racial slur. I mean no disrespect to you and I'm sure you didn't mean to disrespect the Japanese but please consider something else in the design of this t-shirt. Thank you. <_<

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I'll pass there, thanks. Maybe you can seel then thru Abecrombie and Finch?

that makes 10

Using the word "JAP" on a t-shirt is NOT something I think we should be doing. If you don't know why then you really must be ignorant to the fact that it's a racial slur. I mean no disrespect to you and I'm sure you didn't mean to disrespect the Japanese but please consider something else in the design of this t-shirt. Thank you.
i know little of japanese terms.

I always thoutht it was just a short way to say the word.

guess we will half to have a pole regarding this.

and by the way no disrespect intended and none taken.

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hey, while we're being sensitive, the bike should be on two wheels, not pulling a wheelie, sends an irresponsible message to kids... :bleh: :bleh:


like i care...

good on you, trinibob, for showing initative and original thought...

what about:

f- fhilistines

j- jews

r- romans


f- friends

j- just

r- ride


f- feejer

j- just

r- rocks


just go with your shirt as YOU envision it.... :clap: :clap: :clap:

--put in my vote also for using just the FJR letters. The Jap thing doesn't offend me, I think it would just look better. If you do go that way, put me down for (2) in large size. Thanks, from a fellow Kraut! :bleh:

f- feejerj- just

r- rocks
Uhm.. isn't that like a symantical mobius strip? an acronym that's comprised with the word that's the acronym itself?

or uhm..


my head hurts now... :(
