Shoe Tree's

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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
Medford, Oregon
Thought I would make a new thread, every once in a while we'll come across these shoe trees out in the middle of nowhere. So I thought I would post pictures of them. I'll try to post more, I don't always carry my camera when I take off for rides. I don't plan most of my short rides. It's taken me a while to figure out the picture thingy. So if you come across your own please take a picture and post them.

This one was taken out on a road between Hermiston, Oregon and Pendleton Oregon. The road is a favorite of mine and my riding partner, my son Tony

Yep Eastern Oregon doesn't have too many trees, it's a desert.

Ordrock, I believe...


...your idea...


...has some merit.


I'll follow your posts.

And yeah, Eastern Oregon is surprisingly barren.

What're you sayin', tc? :D
Just agreeing that eastern Oregon is pretty barren. On my way back to SoCal from WFO last summer, I stopped by Owyhee Dam on the Oregon/Idaho border, and then took US-95 through Jordan Valley to Winnemucca. There's not a lot out there, but the scenery isn't bad, and except for the gully-washer of a thunderstorm, the ride was great.

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What're you sayin', tc? :D
Just agreeing that eastern Oregon is pretty barren. On my way back to SoCal from WFO last summer, I stopped by Owyhee Dam on the Oregon/Idaho border, and then took US-95 through Jordan Valley to Winnemucca. There's not a lot out there, but the scenery isn't bad, and except for the gully-washer of a thunderstorm, the ride was great.
The scenery is really very beautiful out there, huh? It's just not the lush, pine-forested landscape one

thinks of when you hear "OOOOregon".

Hang on. Peyton's texting me. ...Wants to know what he should call next.

Hang on. Peyton's texting me. ...Wants to know what he should call next.
NO FRIGGIN' WONDER that the Colts' first two excursions into the red zone resulted only in field goals!!

Stop it already, you hack!

EDIT: Thank gawd, with less than 2:00 in the half, apparently Peyton doesn't have time in the 2 minute drill to text your sorry ass, and it shows in the result!!

:clapping: :yahoo:

Now, how about texting your play calling to the Jets' QB Sanchez instead?

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Ordrock, I believe...


...your idea...


...has some merit.


I'll follow your posts.

And yeah, Eastern Oregon is surprisingly barren.
First, woohoo! you did it !! :clapping: Second, what does T&A have to do with shoe trees? What did I miss ?? :unsure:

Ordrock, I believe...


...your idea...


...has some merit.


I'll follow your posts.

And yeah, Eastern Oregon is surprisingly barren.
First, woohoo! you did it !! :clapping: Second, what does T&A have to do with shoe trees? What did I miss ?? :unsure:
It's all about the scenery, Mary Ellen, not just the shoe trees. :dribble:

Er...uhm...that is...I dream think. ;)

Ordrock, I believe...


...your idea...


...has some merit.


I'll follow your posts.

And yeah, Eastern Oregon is surprisingly barren.
First, woohoo! you did it !! :clapping: Second, what does T&A have to do with shoe trees? What did I miss ?? :unsure:
It's all about the scenery, Mary Ellen, not just the shoe trees. :dribble:

Er...uhm...that is...I dream think. ;)
Wrong. It's about sport. Archery....hunting.... like shoe-tree hunting. Put on a helmet and get in the game, Mikey :D

Ordrock, I believe...


...your idea...


...has some merit.


I'll follow your posts.

And yeah, Eastern Oregon is surprisingly barren.
First, woohoo! you did it !! :clapping: Second, what does T&A have to do with shoe trees? What did I miss ?? :unsure:

That is sooooooooo female. :D

It's a guy thing. T&A is a functional and correct response to any situation. The universal answer to any question is a variation on the theme.

Ordrock, I believe...


...your idea...


...has some merit.


I'll follow your posts.

And yeah, Eastern Oregon is surprisingly barren.
First, woohoo! you did it !! :clapping: Second, what does T&A have to do with shoe trees? What did I miss ?? :unsure:

That is sooooooooo female. :D

It's a guy thing. T&A is a functional and correct response to any situation. The universal answer to any question is a variation on the theme.
Besides, Mary Ellen, what do YOU think we experience as we ride, hot tired and thirsty, across the desert?

I believe his shoes are hanging from a tree somewhere. :rolleyes:
I don't know whats more ghey. The fact that you posted that, or that you searched for it.
Keep momma happy and everybody is happy, bro. :lol:

Besides, I have a reputation as a selfless giving man I have to keep up... :glare:

[SIZE=8pt](Don't tell MEM but I ran across the pic while looking at half-nude women archers I can't post. I said, "What the hell...")[/SIZE]

I believe his shoes are hanging from a tree somewhere. :rolleyes:
I don't know whats more ghey. The fact that you posted that, or that you searched for it.
Hey B! it was a gift from SPU to me :D Is that any worse than shopping for feminine hygiene it .......

And you're right, Shiny. If mama aint' happy, ain't nobody happy :lol:
