Well-known member
Good luck Marcos! keep us posted on the diagnosis. Little things can sometimes be warning signs of bigger problems. It's best to have it checked. Not long ago, within the past month, the little red headed freckle faced kid in my neighborhood growing up--44 years old now---he passed away from a massive heart attack while sitting on his back deck at home one afternoon. Found out that about two days before his legs unexplainely swelled. He brought it to the attention of his wife, he suffered from allergies and given the time of year--spring--they agreed it must have something to do w/the swelling. Anyway, apparently that was the wrong assumption, Dr. said the swelling of the legs was a sign of impending heart attack, why? how? I have no idea and cant explain much less understand. I have a physical every year, any sudden unexplained re-occurring physical change at my age--I'm getting it checked.