I bought some used FJR bags for my FJ-09 and they don't have lock assemblies installed. I've ordered new ones for YOC Racing but they've been back ordered (from Yamaha)for a couple momths and I don't expect to see them for another month.
I recall that some folks reported getting 3 locks with their gen 1 FJRs and therefore, maybe, some of you have an extra bag lock kicking around your parts bin. I think it is possible to rekey them, so I don't need keys, just locks.
Please PM me if you have one you're willing to part with.
BTW, I had garauld paint the bag lids (one from a 2012, one rashed up from a 2014( you know who you are)) and they look awesome. That guy has some mad skills!
I recall that some folks reported getting 3 locks with their gen 1 FJRs and therefore, maybe, some of you have an extra bag lock kicking around your parts bin. I think it is possible to rekey them, so I don't need keys, just locks.
Please PM me if you have one you're willing to part with.
BTW, I had garauld paint the bag lids (one from a 2012, one rashed up from a 2014( you know who you are)) and they look awesome. That guy has some mad skills!