Sidi Way Tepor Boot Review

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Well-known member
Jun 15, 2005
Reaction score
I haven't found any real reviews of these boots other than by people selling them, so I will write my own.

BACKGROUND AND GENERAL COMPLAINTS (skip to the Review below if you choose)

No dealerships where I live stock 1) a good selection of different boot styles and 2) a complete set of sizes of those boots they have. A few weeks ago I had a day to kill in Santa Barbara, CA, so I stopped at about 4 dealerships there. This is an upscale, high-end type of town, so I was hoping things would be different there. It wasn't.

A Kawasaki dealership near the airport had a few styles of boots, but not the touring type I was looking for. The very friendly and helpful salesgirl offered to ship any boots I wanted to order, but this is no better than ordering off the internet since I couldn't try them on first.

A fairly large dealership just a few blocks away had the touring style I wanted, and even had my size, but that boot just didn't feel very comfortable, so I passed.

The Ducati dealership near the downtown area had a Sidi Way Tepor boot, but a size too big. I tried it on, and other than the size, it felt pretty good. I bought a pair of the correct size off Ebay.


Sizing/Fit: I wear size US8.5. I used the crossover chart and ordered a size 42. It was definately the right size, so their crossover chart did a good job of converting to US sizes.

Comfort: I took a chance here. The boots finally showed up 2 hours before I left on a 7 day trip to Montana. I basically opened the UPS box, put them on, and left. They were fairly comfortable, even wearing them 12-14 hours a day. I didn't think about them or realise I was wearing them, which is the way it should be. My right instep area did get a little sore when walking. Strangely, the left did not. This was only an issue when walking, not while riding. This might be just a breakin issue. They were reasonably comfortable for walking, but I would not wear them on a long hike if I could avoid it.

Sweatiness: Sidi does a lot of boasting about how these boots will dissipate sweat. They really do. My feet sweat quite a bit. I wear leather casual dress sort of shoes at work, and my socks are always about 1/2 soaked in sweat by the end of the day, even when I am cold. I had 3 days of 100-105F heat in Montana, and after wearing the Sidi boots for 14 hours in this heat, my socks were only slightly damp on the bottom. Very impressive.

Waterproofing: Luckily for my trip, I didn't get a chance to test this. Looking at the materials and general construction, I am quite confident they will stay dry.

Price: $170 with free (but slow) shipping. This seems inexpensive, but the cost really didn't factor in my decision to by them.

Verdict: These boots are adequate for my purposes, and I will keep using them. I suspect there are other boots out there that I would like better, but alas, no dealers want to give me the chance to find out.

*****Footnote, Aug. 4,2007

I went to a bike concours show today at Corse Ducati, Saukville, Wisconsin. I have never been to this dealership before. I was impressed. It is without a doubt the largest dealership I have been to in terms of motorcycle gear. They had a large selection of boots, in a large selection of sizes. I wish I had shopped there when purchasing my boots. They had the Sidi Way Tepor boots, in my size, for $120, plus a big selection of other boots to choose from. They also have a large selection of gloves, helmets, and other gear. Just 15 minutes away, and I failed to visit them.

I should have visited them, as I have read about them in Peter Egan's Cycle World articles at least twice. A Ducati dealership in Saukville, Wisconsin, that puts the Santa Barbara, CA Ducatic dealership to shame. Who'd of thunk it?

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Verdict: These boots are adequate for my purposes, and I will keep using them. I suspect there are other boots out there that I would like better, but alas, no dealers want to give me the chance to find out.
I live miles from anywhere and have little opportunity to try on anything like boots, so reviews like this are very helpful.

Thanks! :)

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