slider material

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Am looking at sliders for an 06 and pondering what type of sliders (material made from) to purchase. I understand in a tip over it probably doesn't matter. In a down at speed are there any issues with the different materials to consider. Thanks-David

Am looking at sliders for an 06 and pondering what type of sliders (material made from) to purchase. I understand in a tip over it probably doesn't matter. In a down at speed are there any issues with the different materials to consider. Thanks-David
Some say that the aluminum ones "won't slide". I say

I've seen plenty of aluminum things slide across pavement, so I'm just not buying it. (I'm not in a position to debate this scientifically, so I could be totally wrong here...)

Either way, I love the look of my aluminum ones and I really hope I never slide test them.



Gun-I also like the looks of the aluminum in particuliar the ones made by Skyway and was thinking that was the way to go. I understand they also have several types of plastic slider material with their respective advantages and disadvantages and I was unsure of what to purchase. I don't plan to bail off at speed and hopefully they will only be TOG's however I always consider all options when I plan my business.-Thanks David

Gun-I also like the looks of the aluminum in particuliar the ones made by Skyway and was thinking that was the way to go. I understand they also have several types of plastic slider material with their respective advantages and disadvantages and I was unsure of what to purchase. I don't plan to bail off at speed and hopefully they will only be TOG's however I always consider all options when I plan my business.-Thanks David
Hey cctxfjr,

Get the Skyway sliders. You won't be dissapointed.

I don't think the issue with aluminum sliders had anything to do with whether they slide or not, it was whether the nylon or whatever will help to isolate the engine/frame from shock. If aluminum transfers a ton of force to the engine mounts bolts or frame can it cause something to snap/fail more so than a softer material.

I have no real opinion on this because I simply don't know whether that's an issue or not, just presenting the argument here. The early sliders for the FJR (moko's and R&G?) were both softer/nylon material.

As I remember a debate from a couple of years ago, there was a discussion about titanium sliders. Evidently they make nice sparks, but do not resist sliding, so the bike just sparks its way down the tarmac until it finds a soft shoulder and begins the "death roll". IIRC, Joos was not going to seell them anymore but I don't know if they were removed from his catalogs.

It was concluded that the plastic material has some resistance to sliding, thus slowing the bike as it grinds away. I believe it is hoped that the aluminum bobbins will also have "some" braking effect. My opinion would also "NOT be scientific, but I wouldn't think the aluminum bobbins would transfer much more blunt force energy than the plastic.

Hmm. I wonder about how much the slider material matters on actually sliding. I mean, there's still two really big slabs of rubber (tires) sliding across the road as well. It wouldn't seem like the slider itself would make too much difference there.

Like I said, I really don't know, though, if it makes one whit of difference.

I agree with Woodstock aluminum might pass on too much shock to frame/motor. The other thing, Trex bike down almost snapped the slider bolt. Will aluminum at speed mean an instantly gone slider?

I asked Skyway about slightly longer Delron Sliders. He was checking into the possibility of making them.

Some pictures of my just replaced 'motovation' sliders with Skyways aluminum polished sliders. What a great compliment to the Silver of the bike!





