slow speed handling

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Aug 14, 2008
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When I go into a slow speed turn the bars want to push in that same direction. does anybody know if I can make adjustments to the suspension to minimize this response.

I guess I don't have a real clear understanding of the issue. Can you elaborate a bit please? Also, what tires are you using? Are they worn? Cupped? Properly inflated? Are you carrying a passenger? Lots of heavy cargo? Stock suspension?

Providing a bit more into will allow someone (hopefully) to help you out.

I guess I don't have a real clear understanding of the issue. Can you elaborate a bit please? Also, what tires are you using? Are they worn? Cupped? Properly inflated? Are you carrying a passenger? Lots of heavy cargo? Stock suspension?
Providing a bit more into will allow someone (hopefully) to help you out.
+1. Inquiring minds want to know. Anyone want to bet it's low tire pressure?

You mean the bike is flopping into the corner... Typical of under inflated tires. Now, if you are trolling, try a better bait or at least wait until tomorrow for your next post. ;)

the bike is brand new and the tires are inflated to the proper pressure per the manual. this symptom is identical to an under inflated front tire, so that was the first thing I checked. I haven’t done anything with the suspension adjustments. this might be normal I have never owned a bike this heavy before.

You mean the bike is flopping into the corner... Typical of under inflated tires. Now, if you are trolling, try a better bait or at least wait until tomorrow for your next post. ;)

I have no idea what that means.

I'll try to make some asumptions:

Sounds like your saying the bike wants to fall into the turn, you have to stop it from turning sharper by itself.

I have had that happen several times. If the tires are new like you mentioned your only option is tire pressure. Usually this is corrected by adding more air to the front tire. However, I recently had this problem with a half worn tire and found I had too much air in it. Letting some out cured it. So the bottom line is experiment with the air pressure. You should find the correct pressure somewhere between 38 and 41.

Now, if by slow speed you are talking about something less than 5 MPH, then just go faster. :)

This is getting outa hand fast! Damn fools over-analyzing the problem anyway :)

Jus head over to Wally World an pick up a set of Training Wheels.... Problem solved.


Mine handled perfectly at slow speed when new with new tires. Might have a vertigo problem.

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Do you have the Bridgestone BT021's? My 08 came with these on it, and the low and high speed handling was crap from day 1, but I didn't know any better since this was the first sport/tour bike that I qwned. Had the 40 psi in the front, and rear per recommendations from this board. Front tire was down to the wear bars at 3800 mi. Inadvertantly ordered a BT020 replacement for the front since the rear has at least that many more miles on it.

The difference in handling was incredible! The bike is a joy to ride now. Instead of having to muscle it around in low or high speed corners, it "drops" into corners with minimal push on the bars, and will hold that line with minimal additional pressure. A lot of guys on this site kept saying that I just noticed a big difference because of the new tires, but this was definatly a problem since the day I got the bike with 0.0 miles. Will try Pilot Road ll next, unless I get good performance and wear from the BT020 front.

... Will try Pilot Road ll next, unless I get good performance and wear from the BT020 front.
Don't bother waiting. Order something now.

An easy way to test for front suspension effects is to move yourself back on the seat. If the adverse effects don't lessen, then you are dealing with a tire issue. Try not to drop the heavy girl as you experiment.

Doesn't sound familiar to me. My experiences have been that my 03, wave-one, FJR handles very well at slow speeds. In the MSF, the s-in-a-box drills had me successfully executing the move within the smaller box meant for the BRC course (using their 250cc bikes).

Looks like you have a 2007 ABS AE. By processess of elimination maybe we can target the problem. (When you remove the impossible, the remaining no matter how unlikely is your probable cause.)

Others with 04-06 model years and ABS haven't reported this problem, so it's not the ABS.

Some with AE's have said that the clutchless design makes slow speed moves tricky but not impossible, so it's not the AE.

That leaves the rider or that it's a Gen 2 design (longer swing arm, etc.). Surely it's not you, so it must be the bike. Trade it in for a Gen 1 design and enjoy! Better handling, and (if you are wise enough to choose an 03 model) the fastest of all model years!

[SIZE=8pt]Hey! its almost Friday.[/SIZE]

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Thanks for the commentary....... Folks, that was Bogus from Dubuque Iowa commenting on the handling characteristics of his FJR Sport Tourer on the sportrack like byways of the heartland.

Next up, Kyle from Davenport Iowa with a rebuttal as to why Davenport should be "Americas next sport touring destination".

Stay tuned.


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Do you have the Bridgestone BT021's? My 08 came with these on it, and the low and high speed handling was crap from day 1, but I didn't know any better since this was the first sport/tour bike that I qwned. Had the 40 psi in the front, and rear per recommendations from this board. Front tire was down to the wear bars at 3800 mi. Inadvertantly ordered a BT020 replacement for the front since the rear has at least that many more miles on it.
The difference in handling was incredible! The bike is a joy to ride now. Instead of having to muscle it around in low or high speed corners, it "drops" into corners with minimal push on the bars, and will hold that line with minimal additional pressure. A lot of guys on this site kept saying that I just noticed a big difference because of the new tires, but this was definatly a problem since the day I got the bike with 0.0 miles. Will try Pilot Road ll next, unless I get good performance and wear from the BT020 front.
the BT020 front suck ass (my opinion) they like to cup fairly quickly and wear kinda fast, i have 5600 on my front and its on ware-bars. Although when there where not cupped they did handle well.

Hey Bustanut, ain't never bin to the hill country round here in the Mississip valley? More twisties than ya can shake a snake at!! Even better, just a cats throw in southwest WI. Purdy scenery too!---Davenport though? Might as well be in central Illinois!

Only 2 1/2 hours til dogpile Friday!! :yahoo:

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