Smell the Glue

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Reaction score
Bothell, WA
Sitting here at Rich's Custom Seats watching Rich carve saddles and sniffing the glue. So far there's been a total of 9 bikes in and Rich is working on all of them at once. Pretty amazing to watch. Rich decides what he wants on the seat, instructs one of his minions and hands it off,. In a little while it comes back and Rich attacks it with an electric knife. Looks it over some more, maybe does a fitting with the rider, gives it back to an assistant for more work and moves on. Process repeats until Rich and customer is happy. Pretty cool multitasking. Fun day.

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Where is he, and how much?

10003 Aurora Ave, Seattle, WA. About a block and a half from Seattle Cycle Center.

Not sure how much yet - probably the better part of a grand, I'll post later.

No camera with me - DOH! But I'll post pics of the final product when I get home tonite.

Pretty cool watching Rich and his guys/gals work. Very efficient with no lack of personal attention. You get the attention you need to get the product you desire.

Sitting here at Rich's Custom Seats watching Rich carve saddles and sniffing the glue. So far there's been a total of 9 bikes in and Rich is working on all of them at once. Pretty amazing to watch. Rich decides what he wants on the seat, instructs one of his minions and hands it off,. In a little while it comes back and Rich attacks it with an electric knife. Looks it over some more, maybe does a fitting with the rider, gives it back to an assistant for more work and moves on. Process repeats until Rich and customer is happy. Pretty cool multitasking. Fun day.
Your killing brain cells boy! :rolleyes:

Sitting here at Rich's Custom Seats watching Rich carve saddles and sniffing the glue. So far there's been a total of 9 bikes in and Rich is working on all of them at once. Pretty amazing to watch. Rich decides what he wants on the seat, instructs one of his minions and hands it off,. In a little while it comes back and Rich attacks it with an electric knife. Looks it over some more, maybe does a fitting with the rider, gives it back to an assistant for more work and moves on. Process repeats until Rich and customer is happy. Pretty cool multitasking. Fun day.
Your killing brain cells boy! :rolleyes:
They're being lost to a good cause. Rich just brought over the finished seat in black leather. Very sharp. I'll post pics when I get home. So far I'm a happy camper - could be the glue.

Rich's is sure the gold standard. Expensive, but if you are riding long distances, you'll spend as much or more on a chiropractor and massage (course, those are covered under my insurance..why won't Group Health cover a Rich's custom seat, much less expensive methinks).

Give a holler if you want to ride, I am in Snoqualmie.

Just got home and so far so good. The invoice breaks down like:

Custom fitting w/ gel pad - $425

Leather cover upgrade - $100

Leather cover for rear seat - $175

WA State sales tax - $63

Total - $763

Probably a couple hundred more to have the rear custom fitted too. Soon as I can find a camera I'll shoot a couple of shots. IMHO, nice workmanship. The bike looks better after the job than before. As far as performance goes - I'll have to ride it for awhile to tell.

Some photos of Rich's workmanship:



Those that do not know in the PNW, Rich is "the man" when it comes to seats. You have to make an appointment, he moves around on the seat etc and then the work begins. Great work all around.

Nice looking seat! I just wonder how the leather will hold up to constant rain? I live just south of you and ride daily and my stock seat is wet all day (parked outside at work) for many days each year. But I suspect he also does synthetic material?

I've only done 500 mile days so far and don't have major complaints with the stock seat. But tomorrow I'm heading out on a SaddleSore 1000 ride so my tune may change on the stock seat.

Nice looking seat! I just wonder how the leather will hold up to constant rain? I live just south of you and ride daily and my stock seat is wet all day (parked outside at work) for many days each year. But I suspect he also does synthetic material?
I've only done 500 mile days so far and don't have major complaints with the stock seat. But tomorrow I'm heading out on a SaddleSore 1000 ride so my tune may change on the stock seat.

I ride every day and I asked that myself. Rich says that he much prefers leather as it will breathe and dry. He doesn't care for vinyl cause he says that once water gets in the seat it won't get out. The vinyl won't breathe. He says keep Lexol on it and it will be fine (helps to park indoors). If I didn't have a roof to park under at work, I think I'd get a bike cover to help out.

I've done a bunch of 400 and only one 500 mile days and the seat was needed for my back side. 300's were tolerable, but longer days began to wear on my backside. Not the worst stock seat I've been on, but for long days, some thing else will help.

In his words, " would you like the beautiful leather or the cheap vinyl" I've had mine 2 years now, did both front and back. Both very comfortable, so momma says. Being here in the PNW, I chose Rich for a ride in. If I were in CA, I probably would have gone with a Russell. The leather separated from the foam in the but pocket, and he fixed it and back on the road in an hour. Nothing like local service.
