Smitty Audiovox Wiring question

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Mr. Impatient
Aug 17, 2006
Reaction score
Rockford, IL
Yes, I have sent Smitty an E-Mail to ask this same question, but he has not responded yet, and I figure someone on here probably knows the answer anyway.

Smitty installed an Audiovox CC on my old 2006 bike in late 2007. When I crashed that bike I had to take off as many farkles as I could in a very short amount of time. While I was good about marking some items, I failed to note which wires the cruise control connected to at the ECU. I have three wires coming from the cruise control unit that need to be connected at the ECU. They are Red, Blue, and Purple. Can anyone give me an idea of where I need to connect them?

Also, are there any items I need to change on the bike other than just hooking things up?


Red, if it comes from the main unit, is for 12 volts. Specifically for 12 volts from the brake light circuit, but 12 volts is what it needs.

Purple is to watch the brake lights. 12 volts with brakes on, 0 when off.

The blue wire, which should have a noise filter in it, is the tach sensor, should go to the ignition coil, although there is a place on the ECU to pick that up. The others wouldn't be ECU connections, though.

Thanks for the reply. I continued to read several posts and found some of the same info. Purple wire goes to the yellow wire in the tail light group of wires that runs under the seat. The red wire goes to the blue wire in that same grouping.

The blue wire goes to the ignition coil as you stated, but where do I tie the wire in?

Thanks for the reply. I continued to read several posts and found some of the same info. Purple wire goes to the yellow wire in the tail light group of wires that runs under the seat. The red wire goes to the blue wire in that same grouping.

The blue wire goes to the ignition coil as you stated, but where do I tie the wire in?
The best place to tie into the coil wiring is right at the coil. It's a standard spade connector that goes to the coil, so if you make a jumper with male and female ends and the AVCC blue wire attached also, then you can just plug this short section inline between the coil and the original coil connection. Hope that makes sense because I don't have a picture handy to show it. :(

The best place to tie into the coil wiring is right at the make a jumper with male and female ends and the AVCC blue wire attached also, then you can just plug this short section inline between the coil and the original coil connection. Hope that makes sense because I don't have a picture handy to show it. :(
This is a drawing that I made of the Tee I used in my AVCC insall. It has found uses in other places as a tap that does not compromise the electrical system, you can change from spade connectors to pins as required.


I found a picture of what Harald is talking about, BUT I have ZERO idea of where that connecting point is on the cycle. I like the idea of connecting it in that manner, since it is one less wire to splice into.

I found a picture of what Harald is talking about, BUT I have ZERO idea of where that connecting point is...
Check out the post just above your post. If the Tee you found looks like this one then you will attach it directly to the coil terminal. The coil lives under the D panel area.

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A nice photo of this can be found here: <Link> Look at post #2.

I don't know if this will help, but if you look at this photo of my bike, you can just see the same setup in the upper left of this photo:


It's right under the reflection of the garage light off the fuel tank. The only reason I show it, is because it makes it clear what area of the bike you will be working on.

In addition to FJRCarShopGuy's thread, you will want to familiarize yourself with this thread: <Link>

In addition to FJRCarShopGuy's thread, you will want to familiarize yourself with this thread: <Link>
BINGO! I am sure that is what Smitty did, since he installed my cruise right after this solution was found. I shouldn't need to change any of the DIP switch settings, since I can only assume Smitty did that when he initially installed the unit.

Now, anyone have a nice picture of the orange wire near the ECU plug to make my understanding of this complete?

Anyone want to confirm that the orange wire I want to tap in to with the blue wire from the Audiovox in the larger diameter orange wire on the far right side of the ECU?

Anyone want to confirm that the orange wire I want to tap in to with the blue wire from the Audiovox in the larger diameter orange wire on the far right side of the ECU?
That orange wire at the ECU is a place to tap with the blue AVCC wire. What we were saying in previous posts about making a Tee is to let you connect the AVCC blue wire to the Gray/Red wire at the coil without damaging the critical coil signal wire insulation like you would have to at the ECU orange wire. My, that was poorly written, when I have some time I'll make another go of it.

Be sure that someplace along the blue AVCC wire there is a filter. The filter will be a lump in series with the blue wire and it should have a red and white tag on it.

Alan, thanks for the reply. I understand why making the T was done, but after reading the post linked here <> I have to believe Smitty tied into the orange wire for the reasons mentioned in that thread. I am not saying that is the ideal way to do it, but that is how he did it (I think) and I had no problems. I suppose I could extend the blue wire from the Audiovox unit and run it up to where I could tie in with the gray/red wire.

Yes, the blue wire has the filter on it, or at least there is a lump that Smitty put heat shrink over, so I would assume that is what is in there, but I will cut it open just to double check.

Thanks again.

...after reading the post linked here <> I have to believe Smitty tied into the orange wire for the reasons mentioned in that thread. I am not saying that is the ideal way to do it, but that is how he did it (I think) and I had no problems...
Sounds like your AVCC blue wire has the filter in place.

The root cause of flaky AVCC operation was resolved by changing DIP switch 7 to the OFF position making the AVCC blue wire connection point irrelevant.

You can tap the gray/red wire or orange wire right at the ECU connector if you don't mind compromising the insulation of the wire. If you don't mind running the wire through the frame you can attach to the gray/red wire or orange wire at the coils with a Tee and not disturb the insulation (a plus for reliability). The reason the gray/red wire is suggested over the orange wire at the coil is simply access, the gray/red wire is right there and the orange wire is a real chore to dig down to.

If your AVCC servo unit is very close to the ECU connector then making the hook-up there would be easier, but with damage to the ECU wire's insulation and perhaps wire strands. If the servo unit is closer to the coils then it may make more sense to take the shorter wire run over to the coils. I call this one to be a personal preference with no impact on function of the AVCC.

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Thank you yet again. the servo unit is under the seat, so it is inches away from the orange wire at the ECU. I feel comfortable splicing into that wire, but I might still run it up to the other location since it seems safer overall. It shouldn't be a big deal either way.

Thanks to everyone for the help with this. I never would have thought I would be able to install (OK, re-install) the cruise control without taking to someone.

I sent an E-Mail directly to Smitty this last Sunday, but I haven't heard anything back from him. I know he was working all kinds of odd hours, so I didn't want to call him until at least this coming weekend. Thanks for the offer though.
