So has managed to screw up BOTH my orders...

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Crash Cash

Well-known member
Jul 17, 2007
Reaction score
Sigh. I needed a rear stand for my SV-650 so I could work on it on my Harbor Freight lift. I wanted one of the "Valentino Max" ones where it flipped forward so I could use it by myself, and it wouldn't hang off the rear of the lift. So I ordered one from Well to make a long story short, they sent me a "Valentino Mick" front stand, and it took over 3 weeks to get it all straightened out.

Now the FJR needs a front tire, and my SV stand won't work because the FJR doesn't have the hole in the triple-tree pivot. I thought the Cycle Cat stand was sweet, but at $180 it was a bit much. Then oncycles puts it on sale for $95.

Hm. Do I order from them again? Or do I give them the benefit of the doubt and just forgive their mistake? Hmmm... for $90 I can forgive a mistake... So I order it, and it comes "Signature REQUIRED" and signing the notice and sticking it on the door is specifically marked as not an option. DAMMIT!!

Finally the 3rd notice has a "please call this number" and the number is disconnected, but it refers me to an 800 number. I then spend an hour explaining that:

1. No, I can't ride down and pick it up because it won't fit on any of my bikes. No, I do not have a car. No, I am not borrowing someone's car.

2. No, I can't have it delivered to work and then take it home because see #1 above.

3. No, I actually have to WORK for a living and I can't take a day off just to wait for a damn package.

4. No, I don't know any of my neighbors and I do not want the package left with one of them.

5. I paid $17 bucks to have it delivered, and either you deliver it or you don't, and I either get my package or my money back.

They're gobsmacked that I'm not in a panic about it not being delivered, and that I really don't give a shit if they have to return the package. They say 3 or 4 times that they'll have to return the package, like it's a mantra. I don't care, because I paid for it with a credit card instead of my debit card, and I'm not going to accept a restock fee because the place can't properly instruct its shipper, and I'm pretty sure Mastercard will side with me on this. I'll just simply buy something from somewhere else.

This was last Friday, and today (Wednesday) DHL just called, and miracle of miracles, it turns out that signing the delivery notice and sticking it on the door IS acceptable after all! It must be because the Pope is in town!

Idiots. However, I do think the DHL manager got her ass chewed because she was that frosty cold formal tone on the phone, and she didn't even say goodbye, she just hung up. At least I hope so.

Needless to say, will never get my business again.

Why didn't you post this under Vendors>feedback????

Eye'm jist askin en trine tuh stirritup...... :eek:

Yew gots tuh noe, sumthymes et's purdy hard tuh bee mee.

Mostly, et's purdy fun, thoe! ;)

I don't think it passes the objective test very well.
So what's so non-objective about an idiot vendor demanding an in-person signature for an $80 stand, and not accepting signing the back of the delivery notice? Newegg had no problem accepting that for $400 worth of motherboard & CPU.

By demanding an in-person signature, they ended up making my life a lot more difficult. The last time I chased down a delivery, I had to ride all the way across Orlando to a bad part of town, only to be told my package was out being delivered again and to come back tomorrow. So I had to do it again the next day, to be told the same thing, then to be told "oh we don't actually know where your package is" and to have to wait for Laurel and Hardy to contact the driver, have the driver confirm he didn't have the package, then have the warehouse searched for my package, and then have to drive all the way back across Orlando in 5 o'clock traffic. So I'm not going to do that any more.

All I want is my package to be delivered, like I paid them to do. Is that really too much to ask?

I don't think it passes the objective test very well.
So what's so non-objective about an idiot....
I think the use of the word "idiot" sums up the point that Dealer and Vendor Feedback forum posts are held to a different standard and this post doesn't fit in that particular area. You don't really know if that person is retarded or not. That's not an objective statement. It's a subjective statement.

All I want is my package to be delivered, like I paid them to do. Is that really too much to ask?
That's totally a reasonable expectation. You've vented quite well. Carry on to your hearts content in this thread.

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Annnd I get home and they sent me the wrong color! I asked for silver and they sent me red. Not that I really care what color my work stand is, but it does show these people couldn't arrange a piss-up in a brewery. It clearly states "silver" on the packing slip.

However, I must say the stand itself is just excellent. It feels more stable & trustworthy than the Pit Bull stand I used to have... it has none of that "is it centered? it doesn't feel very stable... are you sure it's in the right place?" feeling.

The handle is longer and has better leverage than the Pit Bull. It also comes off, so no more tripping over it. It's built like a tank too. The one slight problem was the button to hold the handle on didn't work, but I was able to slide the spring back into place, and it's ok now.

This was last Friday, and today (Wednesday) DHL just called, and miracle of miracles, it turns out that signing the delivery notice and sticking it on the door IS acceptable after all! It must be because the Pope is in town!
I will never use DHL. Too many bad experiences with them. If someone wants to ship something to me DHL, I will have them use another shipper or I take my business elsewhere. I have a sister who also had several problems with DHL. UPS came to her rescue. She expressed her displeasure to DHL with a letter to some executive....and she sent it by UPS!

But I'm curious....does vendor feedback only have to be positive?? And from Crash Cash's story, I would say "idiots" sums these folks up pretty accurately.


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