You know, I've seen the much ado about ColorRite, but only now have I read the info on the website. I guess coming from my background, I don't give these things a lot of thought. When I need to address it, I know what I will do.
Anyway, the website is misleading. This is not the paint that is on your motorcycle. They say it is the same COLOR. Well, so what. All colors are simply a numerical assignment of various pigments, binders, and resins. The color is determined by the sum of the weight of these ingredients. Therefore, any automotive paint manufacturer can mix the correct color with the 'formula.' While some suppliers may not have motorcycle formulas readily at hand, they can get them. They are not secret. Even without the actual formula, most modern auto body supply shops have a computerized electronic scanning eye that can be placed on various samples of the color and then produce the formula.
A lot of times, people think color does not match when in fact that is not the case. It is some other factor such as application. (yes, you can change the color that you see by technique of application.)
And not all paints are created equal. Some are better, last longer, shine more, or are softer, more prone to delaminate, etc., etc.
So, if I were to make any recommendations on paint, from my personaly experience, I would recommend PPG or R&M. You will be happier, longer.
But hey, that's just my $.02.