some more thoughts about Colorado riding

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Well-known member
Jun 6, 2007
Reaction score
Not sure I'm gonna make it to NAFO but I thought I'd mention a few things based on 30+ years of riding, hiking, dirt biking and climbing in CO.

Many of you have experience riding in the mountains so none of this will be new to you, but for those making there first trip perhaps it will be useful, as some of our conditions can be surprising.

1) altitude sickness - already discussed clicky to discussion

2) sunburn - our clear skies and high altitude mean that you should plan on covering up unless you're already tanned. You can get a pretty good burn on anything that is exposed in a couple of hours and never notice it while riding. Not much of a problem if you're wearing the right gear except maybe on the back of the neck. Baldies like me take note for off-bike activities.

3) rain - the last half of the summer can have torrential, but usually brief, rainstorms, usually headed West to East. But sometimes they just park in one spot for a few hours. Bring quality rain gear.

4) thunder and lightning - those rainstorms are often accompanied by violent but usually brief, lightning displays. Rain doesn't bother me, but lightning scares the hell out of me. I try to avoid riding or playing golf or other outside activities during these. Note that at least where I am (south central mountains) the usual pattern is 1/2 hour of hard rain with lightning, then then lightning mostly goes away, but the rain stays for an hour or two. Just use some common sense.

5) temp - in the morning in can be surprisingly cool in the mountains, like as low as the fifties around 7 am (mountains only though). And if it rains it can be COLD, like hypothermia cold, if you get wet. Gear up appropriately.

3) rain - the last half of the summer can have torrential, but usually brief, rainstorms, usually headed West to East. But sometimes they just park in one spot for a few hours. Bring quality rain gear.
Looks like we're good! The last half of the summer doesn't start til the second week of August? :p

Thanx for the tips!

Looks like we're good! The last half of the summer doesn't start til the second week of August? :p
Thanx for the tips!
The monsoons start approximately July 15, but can come earlier or rarely not at all.

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I like to add some caution.

We are having a growing boom here in western Colorado and Wyoming due to the Gas and Oil industry.

The truckers have been dropping mud on the back roads, some clumps the size of shoe boxes or bigger. They might as well be boulders when dried.

Many of them may be tired, and some have been loosing their cargo on the highways. ( ie drill pipe in Glenwood canyon, killed a few people in the lower part of the highway)

If you find yourself in the back country for any reason, Remember the up hill truck has the right of way.

Don't stop in front of them or block them coming up. They will, and have pushed vehicles off the road that have blocked their uphill progress.

These trucks can not stop and start uphill with a full load.

Many of these truckers are new to the industry and may not see the bikes. Many have been falling a sleep also.

Just something to be aware of.
