Someone Get Me R&G Racing's Address

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Well-known member
Jun 14, 2005
Reaction score
West Palm Beach, FL
Well, I guess it was inevitable. As everyone says, its not a matter of if, but when.

No, I didn't crash (pause for quick prayer for the future). But I did drop my bike.

I am not exactly sure what happened. Went for a quick ride and came back thrilled as usual. Took my gear off and went to put the bike up on the stand in my garage. Next thing I know I am hanging on for dear life as it is falling away from me. I didn't actually drop it. I just kind of layed it down.

I almost cried. I thought my life was over. My pristine baby, scratched? Nooooo! (Okay, this is a bit dramatic...)

I looked at it for a second because curiosity was getting the best of me and I wanted to know what it would look like on its side and what parts made contact with the floor. Then, with about 95% of what I've got I picked it back up again.

Not a fucking scratch. Not a mar, not a nick, not a dent, not a blemish. Nothing.

Goddang thing rested on the R&G slider and the exhaust can, right on the weld. The R&G has a slight mark on its underside below the outer fillet which would require a magnifying glass to see. The can was hot so it picked up a little paint off the floor, but this will come right off with a little polish. That's it!

Thank you R&G!!! $85 was great insurance. I owe you!

Moral to this story: If you don't have protection, get some. Ahhh, slider protection, that is.

-BD scratches or dings...but you DID tweak the frame...about 12 degrees off-center. Better take it to CompuTrack.


Last edited by a moderator: scratches or dings...but you DID tweak the frame...about 12 degrees off-center.  Better take it to CompuTrack.
Thats cute Radio, but in a warped way, you might have a lot of feejers just wondering, maybe even having bad dreams about tweaked frames... :erm:

BrunDog - I did basically the exact same thing as you did. Check the slider to see if it looks pushed in towards the bike. Mine worked as advertises and besides a broken rivet on the mirror, I only had a small nick on the bar end - BUT, the silver spacer on the "bobbin" was pushed inside the slider (I assume that worked as designed to absorb the energy). I noticed that the slider was closer to the fairing after the fall and assumed I bent the bolt. I order a new bolt and when I took it off the bike found the bolt was ok but the slider was "used up." Glad I checked because had I dropped it again (haven't yet), I probably would have had more damage. And yeah, it really is a crappy feeling when the bike is on the way down and there isn't anything you can do except hang on, curse, and, well, hang on! Jim
