Son has an accident

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Well-known member
Mar 18, 2007
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DeLand, FL
Some of you are familiar with a recent thread of mine about my son coming home on leave and the motorcycle that I bought so that he could ride while he was home. Before he left he said that he wanted to get another bike but would wait until he came back from deployment in 9 months or so.

Fast forward to a couple of days ago. I get a text message with a picture of a sweet looking 07 GSX-R600 titled "my bike". Turned out he couldn't wait and found a good deal on a used 07. I congratulated him on his purchase and added the obligatory "be careful", which I knew he would do.

This evening he called from the hospital. Car pulled out in front of him and he ended up colliding with it (cage at fault and ticketed as such). Sent him flying over the car and ended up with a broken right hand and right knee. Not a scratch otherwise. He was wearing all of his gear. Would have been much worse otherwise, I'm sure.

I'm feeling somewhat responsible for his bad fortune. If I hadn't kindled that desire to get another bike (his first was stolen), none of this would have happened. He's going to be out of commission for 6 weeks anyway. Pretty sure that he won't be able to drive with a cast on his right hand and his right leg. Life is going to suck for him for a while. Hope that the NAVY doesn't punish him in some way either. It wasn't his fault.

Anyhoo, just venting. Poor guy has bad luck with motorcycles. I'm glad that his injuries weren't worse.

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Hey, I'm just glad it wasn't any worse. But, please, don't blame yourself. You can't re-kindle the motorcycle flame in someone - it never went out! This stuff gets in your blood and stays there.

Wish him well for us.


Sorry to read about your son being injured. Wishing him a complete and quick recovery.


I wish a speedy recovery for your son! In no way should you shoulder any of the burden of this. Not your fault = bottom line.

Please make sure he gets copies of the accident report for his Navy Chain of Command (CoC). This will assist him and the CoC greatly. It will alleviate any potential problems.

Tell him to get his ass better and get back on that bike ASAP.



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Not your fault Bob. Your son is a big boy...he's making decisions for himself, as you did at his age. Obviously you feel bad for him as any parent not take on guilt that is not yours.

That being said...I'm sorry he got hurt and wish him a quick get well. Could have been worse it sounds like

i personally think you got double lucky...

you now have your son interested in cycleing which is something that you probabally both wanted.

A little bad news is a tough accident that he will remember for a long long time but on the plus side most young riders feel invincible and ride that way for a long time to come or untill something much worse happens

Your son might no longer feel so indestrucable and that is one of the best things that can happen

I hope you both have many long years and long rides together after his recovery


I know how you are feeling when your kid gets hurt and you have some small bit of guilt feeling. Terrible feeling but it goes away.

About 10 years ago, my then 14 yr old son and I were out dirt riding and I was following him very closely on a quick windy trail. Anyway, out of nowhere, he went down and sprawled out in front of me and I had to decide whether to lock up and risk hitting him with all the weight on the front tire and the rubber acting like an eraser or to lift the front wheel a bit and just catch him with the rear but with the wheel turning. Funny how some times your mind can sort out things very quickly and other times it freezes. Anyway, I hit him lightly with the front tire and a good bit harder with the rear. Sort of went over his hip and butt. It scared the bejusus out of both us but other than a few scrapes and a good bruise he was fine. Kind of pissed at me for running over him and, of course, a few years later he was fond of telling lots of folks about his Dad running him over. I felt pretty bad for a while. Both my son and daughter grew up riding on my fuel tank, then onto PW50's and on up, so anytime they got hurt, it was because Mom and Dad were pushing them on their bikes instead of letting them sit in front of the TV.

Not the same as your circumstances but I do know how you feel.

Bob, It's not your fault that he's riding again, probably would have done again on his own soon enough. And don't worry about the Navy, I suffered broken hips and multiple other broken bones during my career in the Navy by crashing in to cars (never my fault). He'll be stronger, faster, better (sounds like an old TV show), but you know what I mean. Wish him the best for all of us.


Just remember you were also the one that instilled wearing the proper gear thus making the accident outcome much better than it could've been. You nor He can do anything more about someone pulling out in front of Him. Thank God He had you as a mentor . . . .

Bob you're just having the father instinct thing in blaming yourself.

We all know the dangers when we hop on the bike EVERYTIME>

Don't blame yourself. Has he had a MSF course or defensive driving.

Glad he wasn't injured to badly.

Thanks all. I wish that I could address each of your posts individually, but I'm on and off the phone with "the boy". Plus, I'm lazy! ;)

Appreciate the good thoughts. I especially feel a kinship with a lot of the folks here because many of us are in the same situation of having adult children, or near adult kids. Try as we might, we never stop worrying about them.

Glad that he has survived the crash. Don't blame your self. You are not the one that caused the crash.

I am surprised that military hasn't outlawed bikes for the soldiers yet. I teach at their navy facility and read the statistic that they have there it is amazing how many guys get hurt on the bikes when they go on the leave.


Sorry to hear about your boy! But, it could have happened even if he were driving a car or riding a bicycle too.

At least he wasn't on 'his' new SV650!

Will the injuries affect his deployment?

Not your fault Bob. Your son is a big boy...he's making decisions for himself, as you did at his age. Obviously you feel bad for him as any parent not take on guilt that is not yours.
That being said...I'm sorry he got hurt and wish him a quick get well. Could have been worse it sounds like
Gunny, that. Glad to hear the injuries were not more serious, Bob. Hope he heals quickly!

[SIZE=10pt]Luckily, he's young enough to fully and quickly recover.[/SIZE]

Hopefully, he's now wise enough to expect every car to pull in front of him, and be pro-active enough to be ready when it happens again.

I ride like I'm an NFL running back who just got handed the ball, knowing that someone out there just wants to (unknowingly) hit me hard enough so I won't be carrying the ball any more, putting distance beween myself and the ones in pursuit, and ready to take whatever evasive action necessary to juke the ones flanking and in front of me. It's a method that's been good to me so far....

How is this "Off-topic"? Seems more like "Bike-related" to me.

[SIZE=8pt]I'm ready to tell you my secret....[/SIZE]

I see stupid people.

They're all around me. They don't know they're stupid, probably because they're too stupid to know that they're stupid. They just drive around, being stupid, never getting any smarter, because they're too stupid to care about being smarter.


Great news he's OK. Don't beat yourself over the head on this one. Sure agree he needs to get well quick and get back on but looks like he'll be in some rehab for a while also. You let him know we're all supporting him.

Biking is either in your blood or it's not. Please don't assume the responsiblility for this unfortunate event. Just be glad that his injuries are not likely severe or permanent!

Wishing him a speedy recovery.

Bob, if he had been run over while walking on the sidewalk...would that be your fault because you encouraged him to walk? No! It would be the fault of the carelss or wreckless car driver.

The only difference here is that your son inherited your zest for life and has decided to express it in the same way. It was the car driver's fault and they were ticketed for it.

You could be thankful he didn't take up skydiving.....there are few "little" accidents in that sport. :blink:

Just remember you were also the one that instilled wearing the proper gear thus making the accident outcome much better than it could've been. You nor He can do anything more about someone pulling out in front of Him. Thank God He had you as a mentor . . . .
Amen! You led him down the path of being prepared for the worst, and it paid off for him (and you).

Let him know there are hundreds of surrogate "uncles" and "aunts" thinking about him and hoping for a quick and complete recovery.

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Will the injuries affect his deployment?
He doesn't deploy until march, but his injuries could affect whether he goes or not. That would definitely be the silver lining of the thing. Wouldn't it be awful if he had to spend his entire 4-year enlistment assigned to shore duty in San Diego?

We'll see.

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