SPANK in Arkansas

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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2005
Reaction score
Joshua Tree, CA
Good Folks.

Spank 2009 is pretty low on riders but we're going ahead with it. If you've been on the fence about it, remember the sign-up cutoff is April 1st, and I ain't foolin' ya on that. And at $150 for solo riders, its as affordable as I could make it.

Jack Tollette, RallyMaster Sumo Cum Loudly of Waltz Across Texas fame will be a part of the rally, but HOW remains a surprise. Were pretty excited to get the old guy back on the scene, and who knows, another Waltz may come to pass if we show our support for it.

A lot of folks have wondered why Arkansas, and all I can say is that Arkansas is a well kept secret. Too secret for my taste, hence the reason I chose it. Plus it takes me out of my comfort zone geographically, and thats something I enjoy quite a bit.

I offer a public apology to the Ezell's RTE being held the same weekend. When I set the date, I THOUGHT I had a clear calendar date, but I was mistaken. All I can say is that rallyists will still get a chance to eat there, but not during the RTE proper.<G>

We're going back to pre-GPS times. Laptops won't help much either. I'm taking this rally old school and throwing in some things riders haven't seen in rallys since the mid-nineties. Hijinx, hilarity, good old fashioned FUN with a sheepish grin.

I Promise®: There will be no lipstick, sit-ups, or reading comprehension tricks. Just some thinking and some riding and a lot of laughs. Ya know, Old School.

I certainly hope you'll join us.

Sign-ups at the address below.

George Zelenz

SPANK Rally Master

Mr. George, Sorry for my delay I have now gotten my ASS off the freakin fence and the Entry is in the mail. See ya in Arkansas.

Hal, a BBG, then an easy 9 hours or so and you're there. Shaves a day of vacation off. Two if you repeat on the way home.


Hal, a BBG, then an easy 9 hours or so and you're there. Shaves a day of vacation off. Two if you repeat on the way home.
Eric, thanks, but if I have a new job by then, I won't have any vacation time to use. Just got the call yesterday.

GZ, I would be there but I gota go Clampin and playing Chef, just plain UNSATISFACTORY SCHEDULING

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This is also the same weekend as the SFO rally in Eureka Springs too unfortunately and I'm still contemplating this rally even tho I may be in less than ideal condition after the SFO rally...

I just had an idea, maybe some of the folks coming in for the SFO rally might be interested in doing the SPANK rally too?

Gonna post that over there and see if there are any takers.

