SPOT Tracking -

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I'm confused - Just ask my Wife.
FJR Supporter
Oct 16, 2005
Reaction score
Orange, CA
I've been unable to connect to any SPOT tracking page since early Monday, approx 02:00 hours.

I get the same results when I try Highlander's link as well as Ignacio's link from his blog.

I've sent SPOT customer care an email, but haven't heard back.

If anyone else out there is having the same problem, please post up.


I'm heading for SPANK this Sunday am, and would like to have this functional before then, so the SO doesn't freak out. :blink:

EDIT: - Just received this response from SPOT Customer Care:

July 29, 2008: Important Update

At the present time, we are conducting performance maintenance on the Beta version of our Shared Pages, consequently, the share page service is not available. We anticipate the services to be restored after 11h00 Eastern time on Wednesday, July 30, 2008.

Any changes to this projected time will be posted as soon as possible. We apologize for any inconveniences this may cause and thank you in advance for your patience.

And while it's now after 11:00 hours EDT July 30th, I expect it will be available soon.

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Same for me on my page.

That's a bit disconcerting. I wasn't aware the pages were in beta.

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Yeah, beta huh? That sucks. I only found out about this cuz when I stopped midway through my 1054 mile return from NAFO I just happened to call my gal. (Phone was previously off so that the batt wouldn't die searching for signal). She sounded surprised that the SPOT site wasn't working. Bummer. So much for reassuring her.

Wonder if one could aquire a satalite phone while on an extended trip and in desolate areas? I'm sure they are pricey but seems like a good idea. Rent a phone perhaps....just theorizing. PM. <>< :dntknw: :help:

Wonder if one could aquire a satalite phone while on an extended trip and in desolate areas? I'm sure they are pricey but seems like a good idea. Rent a phone perhaps....just theorizing. PM. <>< :dntknw: :help:

Anyone had any issues with coverage i.e. signal reception for transmitting position with their SPOT? I've used two different Sat phones and reception was poor at best and not very reliable. This SPOT device sounds great as long as it's reliable.

Anyone had any issues with coverage i.e. signal reception for transmitting position with their SPOT? I've used two different Sat phones and reception was poor at best and not very reliable. This SPOT device sounds great as long as it's reliable.

As the SPOT company reports, you're going to get 99.9% response in about all of North America provides your unit has a clear view of the sky.

Bunch of idiots at SPOT . . . .

They should be upgrading while their clients are running on a backup system. Since this is a personal safety system there IS NO EXCUSE for them to go down.

Yes, you can rent a satellite phone. Yes, the system is less reliable than cellular (which itself is less than 100% reliable), but if you must remain in contact, it might be the only thing.

The RCMP lend satellite phones to people who traverse the North side of Newfoundland (affectionaltely known as 'the rock') - in our 'civilised world' we tend to lose sight of the fact that the vast majority of our open space is as yet virtually untouched by man.

So much for manmade global warming.

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