Spring 08 trip to Norway

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Well-known member
Jan 15, 2007
Reaction score
Fairfield Bay, AR
I may be traveling to Norway with a friend to see an exchange student that stayed with his family a few years back. If I go we will rent 3 bikes and tour Eastern Europe and maybe the UK. We would like to start in Norway if possible.

Can anyone suggest routes and FJR rentals?

Your help would be appreciated.


Can't help with the bike rentals but I was very fortuante to travel thru Norway during a summer in the mid 60's while in the Army. Oslo is a stunningly beautiful city & any time near fjiords will be spectacular also. Spring comes late to many areas there & not a lot of roads travelling to the northern parts of Norway are open year round. Need someone to carry your luggage?

I may be traveling to Norway with a friend to see an exchange student that stayed with his family a few years back. If I go we will rent 3 bikes and tour Eastern Europe and maybe the UK. We would like to start in Norway if possible.
Can anyone suggest routes and FJR rentals?

Your help would be appreciated.

No idea, but hope you have a great time...


Here's a link




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I may be traveling to Norway with a friend to see an exchange student that stayed with his family a few years back. If I go we will rent 3 bikes and tour Eastern Europe and maybe the UK. We would like to start in Norway if possible.
Can anyone suggest routes and FJR rentals?

Your help would be appreciated.

Get over to www.my-mc.com


The site is run by a great man who live just out of Oslo. He just posted a new video of a Norway tour. Steinar runs several sites and gave me and my wife a tour of his Oslo when I was there 3 years ago. Wanted to go next summer but the exchange rate has me stopped.

Bill Harr

Norway is hands down the most beautiful country I've been to.

I went from London to Norway..... so took a ferry into bergen. From there I went up the west coast for a while, then into sweden, and finally up to Alta and Nordkapp.

I suspect that if you are going in spring, going above the artic circle will be tough.

Even if not, the western Fjords are gorgeous. Totally.

Which part of Eastern Europe? UK is nice, I lived there. I'd give that a thumbs up, especially if you take the ferry into northern England. Scotland is great, albeit a bit wet.

If you are heading to the Baltics, those are pretty nice, watch out for cops in Lithuania, they were brutal there. Poland is cool. Not sure what your route would be. You'd probably find enough to do in Scandanavia....

Can't help you with rentals. I had my FJR. :)
