Starcom Full Face Mic Wind Sock

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Well-known member
Dec 21, 2006
Reaction score
Aurora, CO
So, the little foam & velcro wind sock on my Starcom full face helmet microphone has weathered and fell to pieces. I've tried some generic foam cut down to fit; but got terrible results.

Has anyone addressed this issue with any success; aside from buying a complete new headset.


Contact Jeff @ If he doesn't have them on the shelf, they are available from Starcom. By the way, Carver gave me a small sock from Radio Shack. Works fine.

OK, don't laugh at this 'cause it works great. I took an old plastic banded hearing protector, the kind you can wear around your neck when the plugs ain't in your ears, and removed the 'nipple'. Because the nipple attaches to the plastic band, it had the perfect shape to fit over the microphone. I put a small chunk of soft foam in the center of the nipple, pierced the nipple on the end with an ice pick, then glued the nipple over the microphone using 3M upholstery glue, the aerosol can type.

An added side effect is that since the nipple sits right there in front of your lips, and some rides are boring, and the imaganation is a wonderful thing... just sayin'...

Geesh, I've never used the word nipple more in on the past than this one! :rolleyes:


Geesh, I've never used the word nipple more in on the past than this one! :rolleyes:
nipple, nipple, nipple .... I think I'll try it; but don't tell the wife. She is already jealous of how much time I spend with my FJR.
