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Over the hill--and going faster!
Jun 26, 2005
Reaction score
The Jughandle State
OK, back to BIKE biz!

What's going on with stators? There were a couple of explorations and they vanished. Hope it's not related to the board-wars!

YT, Uncle WC has been busy. He said he'd be gone and riding/tech-ing for a couple of LD rides for a bit. I think he's gonna miss WFO-4 also. Others have posted that it is being worked on.

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No, it appeared to be related to Cypress and their legal Army of Darkness. Why, and how, I don't know. But then, law doesn't have to make sense.

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No, it appeared to be related to Cypress and their legal Army of Darkness. Why, and how, I don't know. But then, law doesn't have to make sense.
Isn't Electrex (or some place like that) that makes all sorts of stators for bikes (Dale's XX has one)? If so, wanna bet that Sunnyside or Cypress have little control over a remanufactured (or new) part like that if someone was to work through to a solution.

Perhaps the snag might be going through a dealership and their concern about their franchise?

Go to the source and ask some questions.

Info will be forthcoming, of this I have no doubt. WC alluded to this on That Other Forum II after the original stator thread went bye bye. He's busy right now playing Iron Ass, so we have ta wait I guess.


On the other forum I posted the story of SEA suing Phil Katz for creating FAR better programs for archiving and unarchiving to .ARC files--PKARC and PKXARC. First he could use "ARC" in his program names, then they successfully claimed they .ARC was proprietorial and he couldn't use his s/w on their format. So he was banned from working with .ARC files. So Katz created a new format, explicitly put it in the public domain, and wrote s/w for it nobody could beat. That new format was called .ZIP. Anybody seen an .ARC file in 15 years?

Sometimes lawyers cut off their clients' noses to suit the lawyers' pockets.

Can't someone figure out a way to fabricate up one of the gear driven alternators off of a new R1? That would only add 490 watts! More than anyone would probably need.

There has to be someone on this list that is capable of something like that. I think there would be room for it.

Grady A. Dunham

I'll be going up to Electrex tomorrow, or Friday, for some testing of the stock stator on the bike. They already have a stock part for bench testing. I'll follow up here, when I have some hard info.

Hope this helps, and all the best to my FJR family..........


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At Tech West they tested a Experimental model. It was not enough of an improvment over stock to justify the cost. Mother Yammy :ph34r: wasn't too happy about it. I wouldn't be expecting too much about it any time soon. TJ

So, assuming this was from Elecctrex, it seems it might be a price-conscious alternative if a swap is required. But not something that would be justified if replacing a known-good OEM in an attempt to get greater output.

Good to know.
