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Well-known member
Jun 25, 2005
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Northeast Texas
So I'm logged on to Garmin, buying the upgrade to City Navigator North America v8. Seventy five bucks, no big deal. Then, I want to buy City Navigator Europe v9 for our upcoming trip to Germany in April. $299! What! Three hundred dollars! I guess I'm over a barrel, so I'll have to get it, but I was wondering about any alternatives. I really only need Germany and Holland. Is there any other mapping software that will work with a Street Pilot 2610? I need point-to-point routing, 'cause I get so fucking lost and have no sense of direction.

I love my Garmin, and would be lost without it. Really. If I hadn't taken it on a business trip to Canada last May, I'd be wandering the frozen tundra by now. I've found Europe v9 on a couple of other sites for around $250, but shit, I had no idea it'd be so expensive.

Guess I'm stuck, huh?

So I'm logged on to Garmin, buying the upgrade to City Navigator North America v8. Seventy five bucks, no big deal. Then, I want to buy City Navigator Europe v9 for our upcoming trip to Germany in April. $299! What! Three hundred dollars! I guess I'm over a barrel, so I'll have to get it, but I was wondering about any alternatives. I really only need Germany and Holland. Is there any other mapping software that will work with a Street Pilot 2610? I need point-to-point routing, 'cause I get so fucking lost and have no sense of direction.
I love my Garmin, and would be lost without it. Really. If I hadn't taken it on a business trip to Canada last May, I'd be wandering the frozen tundra by now. I've found Europe v9 on a couple of other sites for around $250, but shit, I had no idea it'd be so expensive.

Guess I'm stuck, huh?
Yes, you are...


Having just returned from a GPS-assisted holiday in Europe, let me tell you that street level routing is worth every cent of the $250...


What a novel idea, rip off the american tourist before he leaves his own country!

Sounds like you should get it though, make a wrong turn over there and

you could end up in .............gasp..............france!

Geez, $300! I saw where some of the Middel Eastern regions were in the near $500 range......thats crazy, although I guess if you are going to do A LOT of travelling around it might just be worth it.

Many Americans find themselves in the same boat (only need it for one trip, one country, etc...)

Even if it costs you the full $300 it will be worth every cent.

When you get back, sell the DVD on ebay to recoup some of your money.

I did it two years ago and got 85% of my money back.

Although v9 will have many updates over v8 it is harder to find.

Here's a good place to buy v8 for $225, I've done lots of business with them in the past (great outfit)


Good luck, enjoy Germany!

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