Sticking clutch

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Mar 17, 2008
Reaction score
Long Island NY
My 07' clutch is hanging up when I pull in the lever to shift and also when clutch is pulled in coming to a stop. It seems to be worst when the oil is cold and not as bad when hot. Is this a common problem on these bikes?

My 07' clutch is hanging up when I pull in the lever to shift and also when clutch is pulled in coming to a stop. It seems to be worst when the oil is cold and not as bad when hot. Is this a common problem on these bikes?
It is mostly on new bikes, or bikes that have sat for a while. The plates can dry out and then stick together. Then you are only running on a few slipping plates instead of the whole stack. The fix is to remove the plates, clean them and then soak them in oil before reinstall.

My 07' clutch is hanging up when I pull in the lever to shift and also when clutch is pulled in coming to a stop. It seems to be worst when the oil is cold and not as bad when hot. Is this a common problem on these bikes?
Clutch Drag is a problem with the '07's. Seems that somewhere along the assembly line somebody decided to grease the plates of the clutch! Mine did the same thing and then one day it didn't come out of gear and I rear-ended a Honda.

Take your bike into your dealer and have them remove the clutch basket and plates. You will find that some of them are stuck together. My dealer replace the entire clutch under warranty and it is a completely new bike now.

See my original post @;#entry449086

Good luck and be careful until you get it fixed!

My 07' clutch is hanging up when I pull in the lever to shift and also when clutch is pulled in coming to a stop. It seems to be worst when the oil is cold and not as bad when hot. Is this a common problem on these bikes?

Just needs to "break in" ..................OK I think I'm post whoring now...........sorry.

My 07' clutch is hanging up when I pull in the lever to shift and also when clutch is pulled in coming to a stop. It seems to be worst when the oil is cold and not as bad when hot. Is this a common problem on these bikes?

Happened once on mine after sitting for a few days after a track day.....Took it to the dealer, dealer could not replicate and it has not happened since on my 07. I suspect the dealers and Yamaha know its an issue. There are enough blogs out there.

Try adjusting you'r lever to the furthest out position. As mentioned before the gen II's have a larger slave cylinder and while it reduces effort it really dosen't have the travel to seperate the disks as much as desired.

Other stuff,...1)In the morning or when cold pull in the clutch lever and do a 2 sec count (maybe even an extra squeeze) before shifting down to first and you'll lose that nasty FJR CLUNK. 2) Take the "slack" out of the shift lever (some call it pre-loading) during upshifts, of difference if you'r newer to bike tranny's.

