Hello, just came out of the garage after installing the "all balls" tapered roller bearings in my '06. The lower bearing race is a pain in the butt to install,because you are working over head. So what I did was to make a cheap bearing race installer. I cut 2 pcs. of 3/16"
thick by 2" wide steel stock ,drilled a 3/8" hole in each pc ( exactly in the center ) & used a pc of 3/8" all thread about 11"s long . I double nutted the one end of the all thread,put one pc of stock on the rod,then the new race, run the rod up the neck of the frame,put the other plate on the rod ,then the nut. You want to center the plates over the openings & the lower race. Run the nut on the top down finger tight while you get everything centered.Then you can start to tighten the nut on the top ( slowly ) ,check the race on the bottom & you can give the plate a couple taps with a long drift @ 3 & 9 o'clock.. This will take the tention off the nut you tightened.Re-check your centering on both plates & tighten the nut again. This is in effect pulling the lower race into the neck. IMPORTANT- this will not draw the race all the way into its installed depth. I used this to start the race into the bore- its very hard to start & get square
overhead. After I drew the race as far as it would go w/the plate -I drove the race the rest of the way with a tapered punch. Good luck,it can be done. It worked for me. Cheap ! Sliick