Strep Throat, oh dear God.....

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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2005
Reaction score
Placitas, NM
Hello, strep throat. I haven't had a good case of you since I was a kid... :(

Red and white polka dotted tonsils: Check

Swollen glands: Check

Fever: Check

Extreme sore throat: Check

General Malaise: Check (Sergeant and Captain Malaise as well...)

Iesu Christu my throat is killing me.

I've got motrin and antibiotics; but it'll be a couple of days 'til the antibiotics overcome it.

In the meantime, I'm trying frozen margaritas (with extra lime for the vitamin C and fluids).

What remedies, gargles, poultices, elixirs, spells or Grandma's Remedies can you suggest?

Just had a case of what I thought was strep. Had strep bout fifteen times when I was younger so I know what it is when I get it. Doc told me it wasn't strep and we argued back and forth for a bit till he said the culture was negative. Ended up he gave me some xzyathrin or some such whatever. Was feeling better the next day. If you don't start feeling better after a day your body may be accustomed to the antibiotics and you should see the doc and get something else.

As for old wives remedies....can't help ya there. Just change tooth brushes and whatever you stick into your yap a couple times after you start the antibiotics. Don't wanna recatch that ****.

Oh, sucks to be you. You can add that to your list of bad things that happens on an fjr.

edit: Also, doc told me not to drink but maybe one glass of wine with Are you ******* kidding me? So I kept up with a six pack of cold beer a night.

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Supprized ya didn't tell 'em to lean against a tree, do a crommit fix, or unwind his spring..

Ya actually gave good advice! Theres hope fer ya yat my boy.


Supprized ya didn't tell 'em to lean against a tree, do a crommit fix, or unwind his spring..

Ya actually gave good advice! Theres hope fer ya yet my boy.

Hang in there Scythian, but don't let it go to long, if ***** not workin... you'll end up like odot.


Just had a case of what I thought was strep. Had strep bout fifteen times when I was younger so I know what it is when I get it. Doc told me it wasn't strep and we argued back and forth for a bit till he said the culture was negative.
The cultures frequently come out negative even when you have a raging case....

Docs have gotten really crappy about giving antibiotics. They don't want to create resistant bugs. What they don't tell you is that the resistant bugs are created by 'denizens of the inner cities' and the 'homeless' who steal or scored limited amounts of antibiotics, rather that a full course, and essentially innoculate the bacteria against that drug.

I started researching this a few years ago when I got refused antibiotics for an obvious staph infection. From the website:

TB is an infection that has experienced spectacular ups and downs. Drugs were developed to treat it, complacency set in that it was beaten, and the disease resurged because patients stopped their medication too soon and infected others. Today, one in seven new TB cases is resistant to the two drugs most commonly used to treat it (isoniazid and rifampin), and 5 percent of these patients die.
In the Texas study, 407 patients from 1980 to 1986 were allowed to take their medication on their own. From 1986 until the end of 1992, 581 patients were closely followed, with nurses observing them take their pills. By the end of the study, the relapse rate--which reflects antibiotic resistance--fell from 20.9 to 5.5 percent. This trend is especially significant, the researchers note, because it occurred as risk factors for spreading TB--including AIDS, intravenous drug use, and homelessness--were increasing. The conclusion: Resistance can be slowed if patients take medications correctly.
The local clinic in Bernalillo is just ****** for that 'cuz they treat the 'less fortunate' who quit the antibiotics once they feel better. So they try to refuse them to me even when it it obviously warranted.

I was so sick and so pissed once with a sinus infection (rotten meat smell, pus and blood with fever and facial redness and tenderness) that I explained that I understood antibiotics, I'm not homeless or poor and you can trust me to take all the goddamned antibiotics! They coughed them up, I got better in a couple days and finished the course....

They'd rather see a certain percentage of us die in order prevent the 'overuse of antibiotics' for the collective good.

I have a good doc who trusts me that gave me a couple of standing prescriptions for antibiotics 'cuz he knows I come down with infections. I'm taking Augmentin--it's a big broad spectrum antibiotic that'll kill anything, it agrees with me....

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But nevermind all that.... The frozen margarita mixer is working its magic; my throat is aenesthetized and so is the rest of me. Sleep is God's medicine.

Times are a little rough around The Scythian Kurgan these days:

I've got strep throat; my little binkyman has the ***** (no doubt some kinda rotavirus); wifey is On Teh Rag (and has a mild case of the gastroenteritis) and stepdaughter has disasterously lost the Science Faire against projects the other kids' type-A parents obviously built. But "this too shall pass"

I suggest for a science fair project next year: "Number of Head Injuries Per Hour, and Their Aetiology, on Cartoon Network."

How cool a project would that be? The research consists of taking notes and watching A LOT of cartoons with the kid (while drinking A LOT of beer) and then tabulating them by time of day, cartoon, seriousness and cause.

****, that's good enough for a Phd Thesis.

If I ever go back to school, and I won't, I'd like to study Sociology, 'cuz people are ****** up and fun to watch. My thesis would be "Coyote and Roadrunner: Exorcising the Cold War Fears of America on Saturday Morning" The research would consist of watching A LOT of cartoons and drinking A LOT of beer.

Didn't you always just kinda know that Wiley E. Coyote was some kind of eggheaded Commie Sympathizer that always lost to organic ingenuity and hard work a typified by a small fightless bird in the Great American Southwest?

I like cartoons. I like beer.

Sure those were antibiotics they gave ya Evan? The humor side your showing is a freakin riot! Though I hope you feel better soon, the Bite yer showin' tonight is good stuff.


For the throat, amputation. The only answer.

As for your philosophical ramblings - - dude, pass around the margarita pitcher! You selfish low-life! :p

Sorry about your troubles.

The research would consist of watching A LOT of cartoons and drinking A LOT of beer.
Let me know when your accepting applicants!

Man, strep sucks. Used to get it all the time. Feels like someone has a freekin belt sander to your throat every time you swallow.

Hope you get better soon.

I'm taking Augmentin--it's a big broad spectrum antibiotic that'll kill anything, it agrees with me....
Augmentin can be v. bad on the liver- especially if you're a 50+ guy taking multiple courses of it and/or adding other liver insult at the same time - alcohol, NSAIDs, solvents, etc... . I'd be careful - but I'm twice shy on it.


Sure those were antibiotics they gave ya Evan? The humor side your showing is a freakin riot! Though I hope you feel better soon, the Bite yer showin' tonight is good stuff.

Humor? I assure you, I'm deadly serious in all the pronouncements I've made above.

I've had other friends make that observation: "You're are damned funny when you are miserable...." It's one of the reasons I was so successful in military stuff--when we really hit the suck; I got funnier and more 'transcendent' in my thinking. It's the reason Hindoos starve themselves, Catholics scourge themselves and Jews visit their mother.

It's a gift, man, like any other.... :dribble:

Now wifey is snapping at stepchild and chasing Binkerman to put a diaper on him. When she turns her Sauron-like Gaze on me, here in The Shire, it's all over....

Dear God, hold my tongue that I don't respond with a tampon/diaper joke when she turns That Great Flaming Eye upon me. "Sam, it's too much for me! I'm just a Hobbit!"

My left tonsil is quite literally throbbing while I sit in front of the furnace and shiver. May have to resort to Scots Whisky....

I'm taking Augmentin--it's a big broad spectrum antibiotic that'll kill anything, it agrees with me....
Augmentin can be v. bad on the liver- especially if you're a 50+ guy taking multiple courses of it and/or adding other liver insult at the same time - alcohol, NSAIDs, solvents, etc... . I'd be careful - but I'm twice shy on it.


Very true. I discussed this with my doctor, he knows how much I drink, 'cuz he's usually with me.

I've had recent liver tests which were shiney. I just turned 40 and only take it for 10 days about 1 a year. I take no other NSAIDs, and I'm dosing the Motrin quite low--400mg every 6 hrs. I make sure I eat and take some vitamin B complex while I'm on it. While I am enjoying some frozen margarita, I absolutely do not want to wake up with a hangover; and strep. :bad:

I appreciate the concern! This is what I started this thread for. And some sympathy.

Hold me.... :glare:

OK, I gotta lay down for a while so that I can wake up and sweat and thrash-around at 1AM.

I'm sooooo going to inflict an update on this thread tomorrow....

**** Scythian...Knowing where you live, you should be able to find a neighbor who has some type of "herbal" home remedy that should fix ya right up. :p However, after reading a couple of your posts, you may be ass deep in one of those remedies already. Seriously though, if you mix about 1/4 cup of Peroxide in a glass of warm water and gargle it, it will make your throat feel better. It tastes like ****, but it works. You can do the same thing with warm salt water if you either don't have peroxide or can't stand the taste. Get better...The weather here is really nice.

Hello, strep throat. I haven't had a good case of you since I was a kid... :(
Red and white polka dotted tonsils: Check

Swollen glands: Check

Fever: Check

Extreme sore throat: Check

General Malaise: Check (Sergeant and Captain Malaise as well...)

Iesu Christu my throat is killing me.

I've got motrin and antibiotics; but it'll be a couple of days 'til the antibiotics overcome it.

In the meantime, I'm trying frozen margaritas (with extra lime for the vitamin C and fluids).

What remedies, gargles, poultices, elixirs, spells or Grandma's Remedies can you suggest?
I work at an urgent care here in ID. I diagnosed 8 strep throats yesterday. Salt water gargles, sucrets, and be sure to throw away your tooth brush after two days on the ABX or you will re infect your self. Takes about 3 days before you will feel better.

"Drink waters out of thine own cistern"

- Book of Proverbs

More than three million Chinese drink their own urine in the belief it is good for their health, according to the official Xinhua news agency, "All kinds of throat inflammation can be helped by gargling with urine to which a bit of saffron has been added". Let me know how it works for you ! :drinks:

(btw, J/K! It sure is weird what a search engine can turn up!)

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