Strokes, recovery and my fjr.

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Well-known member
Dec 12, 2006
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Kelseyville, CA
I am writing this in the hope I can help other fjr riders through what I have survived. My name is Wink and I saved my fjr from the junk man. My fjr saved me. If you look at "2005 Burned fjr" post you know how I got my fjr. About six months later after I recovered from a lay down to avoid a mini van I repaired the same bike and have added 7000 miles to her. Then on a sunday morning I suffered my fourth stroke. I was taken to UCSF medical center and lost the complete use of the left side of my body. The doctors did their best, but I kept loosing function, they were treating me with a drug called HEPPERIN. I had been treated with a drug called "PLAVIX" and had responded to it so I asked if we could try PLAVIX with in two days I was able to move my little finger. Two weeks later I was moved to a rehab hospital. I regainened the use of the left side of my body some what and was discharged. I found out later the HEPPERIN I was given came from CHINA and was defective. It took me six months til I could squeeze the clutch on my beloved fjr, but I was determined to ride again. Then I received a letter from DMV the Doctors had reported my stroke to the DMV and they REVOKED my License. The problem was they sent the letter to the wrong address and by the time I got it I had ridden almost 1500 miles on my bike and 2000 miles dodge truck. I read the DMV letter; I cried. It was the worst day of my life! I now had to prove to the DMV people I could drive a car and I had to retake the DMV motorcycle test. Everyday I would go out to my bike and squeeze the clutch over and over. I got stonger I went in and passed their tests AGAIN! What the state of California does is Horrable! I have to take PLAVIX the rest of my life; but I can RIDE! These are some symptons of stroke: sudden blearded vison, a loss of consentration, motor skill. 50% of all people over 50 have already had at least one stroke don't ignor sysptoms see your doctor.

I am writing this in the hope I can help other fjr riders through what I have survived. My name is Wink and I saved my fjr from the junk man. My fjr saved me. If you look at "2005 Burned fjr" post you know how I got my fjr. About six months later after I recovered from a lay down to avoid a mini van I repaired the same bike and have added 7000 miles to her. Then on a sunday morning I suffered my fourth stroke. I was taken to UCSF medical center and lost the complete use of the left side of my body. The doctors did their best, but I kept loosing function, they were treating me with a drug called HEPPERIN. I had been treated with a drug called "PLAVIX" and had responded to it so I asked if we could try PLAVIX with in two days I was able to move my little finger. Two weeks later I was moved to a rehab hospital. I regainened the use of the left side of my body some what and was discharged. I found out later the HEPPERIN I was given came from CHINA and was defective. It took me six months til I could squeeze the clutch on my beloved fjr, but I was determined to ride again. Then I received a letter from DMV the Doctors had reported my stroke to the DMV and they REVOKED my License. The problem was they sent the letter to the wrong address and by the time I got it I had ridden almost 1500 miles on my bike and 2000 miles dodge truck. I read the DMV letter; I cried. It was the worst day of my life! I now had to prove to the DMV people I could drive a car and I had to retake the DMV motorcycle test. Everyday I would go out to my bike and squeeze the clutch over and over. I got stonger I went in and passed their tests AGAIN! What the state of California does is Horrable! I have to take PLAVIX the rest of my life; but I can RIDE! These are some symptons of stroke: sudden blearded vison, a loss of consentration, motor skill. 50% of all people over 50 have already had at least one stroke don't ignor sysptoms see your doctor.
Good on ya Wink! Sounds like your as tough as old billy goat knees! Give em heaps mate

I am writing this in the hope I can help other fjr riders through what I have survived. My name is Wink and I saved my fjr from the junk man. My fjr saved me. If you look at "2005 Burned fjr" post you know how I got my fjr. About six months later after I recovered from a lay down to avoid a mini van I repaired the same bike and have added 7000 miles to her. Then on a sunday morning I suffered my fourth stroke. I was taken to UCSF medical center and lost the complete use of the left side of my body. The doctors did their best, but I kept loosing function, they were treating me with a drug called HEPPERIN. I had been treated with a drug called "PLAVIX" and had responded to it so I asked if we could try PLAVIX with in two days I was able to move my little finger. Two weeks later I was moved to a rehab hospital. I regainened the use of the left side of my body some what and was discharged. I found out later the HEPPERIN I was given came from CHINA and was defective. It took me six months til I could squeeze the clutch on my beloved fjr, but I was determined to ride again. Then I received a letter from DMV the Doctors had reported my stroke to the DMV and they REVOKED my License. The problem was they sent the letter to the wrong address and by the time I got it I had ridden almost 1500 miles on my bike and 2000 miles dodge truck. I read the DMV letter; I cried. It was the worst day of my life! I now had to prove to the DMV people I could drive a car and I had to retake the DMV motorcycle test. Everyday I would go out to my bike and squeeze the clutch over and over. I got stonger I went in and passed their tests AGAIN! What the state of California does is Horrable! I have to take PLAVIX the rest of my life; but I can RIDE! These are some symptons of stroke: sudden blearded vison, a loss of consentration, motor skill. 50% of all people over 50 have already had at least one stroke don't ignor sysptoms see your doctor.
Good on ya Wink! Sounds like your as tough as old billy goat knees! Give em heaps mate
How common this must be having drugs made over seas and the standards not up to par. It's hard enough for US companys to keep there standards up never mind what the hell is going on somewhere else. Glad it all worked out and your back on the road again.


Generics, NO THANK YOU.

Congratulations on pulling through and for sure inspiring all us motorcycle addicts.

I hope the best comes to you and you recover fully.

Thanks for the heads up on drugs. My sister will not use Generic Drugs for the same reason. Cost and Insurance dictate I do but I have no issues that I have been made aware of.

Keep at it and enjoy life.

I had a stroke a year ago. I had been taking Coumadin for Atrial Fibrilation but the VA doc didn't think I needed to stay on coumadn so he had me take baby aspirin. It wasn't enough and a clot from my heart got into my brain and found the off switch. After some time in the hospital they turned me loose and said I would be on coumadin for life along with a list of other shit. I don't like taking a bunch of nonrecreational :rolleyes: drugs but if it keeps me on the bike then it's good. Now if I could solve the money issues I could ride a lot :)

Hell of a story Wink --- you're some kind of hero. My Dad had 3 strokes many, many years ago. The second stroke was because the hospital prescribed an incorrect doseage of meds! Probably not made in China back in the 60's though.

Hang in there Sir :)

Too cool, Wink; congrats for taking on BOTH the debilitation AND the bureaucrats and overcoming both! I'm going to "cut and paste" your story and send it into my high school's web site, as there has been quite a bit of talk there of strokes and their effects on peoples' lives. May you enjoy many more miles AND years.

Luckily, the FJR does have a 4 stroke engine.

I plan to keep riding even it means a special built Can Am Spyder with Steven Hawking breath controllers.

So go Wink go!


Well shared 'Wink', puts it into perspective and surely beams glimmer of hope to many others.

Happy for you that you are able to ride again.

50% of all people over 50 have already had at least one stroke
Would you mind to cite the source for this statement?
I'm guessing this statistic encompasses what are called "mini-strokes," which are actually pretty common.
TIA/mini strokes don't get reported many times so data would be hard to collect, I'd expect. He said stroke, but the claim he made doesn't line up with the AHA stats I'm familiar with. Just curious where he got the info. I didn't stay at a Holiday Inn last night, but I do play Paramedic on a regular basis.

