stuck needles on tach and speedo

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Feb 10, 2006
Reaction score
Has anyone else experienced having the needle on the speedo and tach not sweep when the key is turned on and then doesn't register when the bike is in motion? It's been a little odd as sometimes it's both, sometimes one or the other. The only common thing is it usually happens when the weather is cold. If I turn the key on and off a few times, it sometimes starts working. The tach was stuck today and after the engine started warming up, the tack started working the heat from the radiator started rising.

I also have the 17mpg indicator, so I may just bring it into the dealer to have it all replaced under the warranty anyway, but I just wanted to find out if I was alone with this problem or if anyone else has seen this.

Ed, 2006 FJR1300A

Sounds like faulty electronics module. I believe that both gauges are electronic as opposed to mechanical. Warranty should handle it.

Has anyone else experienced having the needle on the speedo and tach not sweep when the key is turned on and then doesn't register when the bike is in motion? It's been a little odd as sometimes it's both, sometimes one or the other. The only common thing is it usually happens when the weather is cold. If I turn the key on and off a few times, it sometimes starts working. The tach was stuck today and after the engine started warming up, the tack started working the heat from the radiator started rising.
I also have the 17mpg indicator, so I may just bring it into the dealer to have it all replaced under the warranty anyway, but I just wanted to find out if I was alone with this problem or if anyone else has seen this.

Ed, 2006 FJR1300A


I seem to recall that DCarver had a problematic meter on his 06A - and when his meter was changed out under the tech bulletin, it corrected the situation.

You need to contact the dealer soon - they have to order the replacement meter from Yamaha using your VIN number, and it may take them some time (week or two) to get it.

If you would like a copy of the tech bulletin, pm me with your email address, and I'll send it to you.


My tach did this today when I turned the key on to get into the glove box. I tried it two more times and it worked.

My tach on the 05 sticks sometimes, or more accurately, registers low/inaccurate. It does seem to be related to cold temps, even though the meters are electronic.

So far it's been extremely rare and not yet worthy of me doing without the Feej for YES repairs.

Has anyone else experienced having the needle on the speedo and tach not sweep when the key is turned on and then doesn't register when the bike is in motion? It's been a little odd as sometimes it's both, sometimes one or the other. The only common thing is it usually happens when the weather is cold. If I turn the key on and off a few times, it sometimes starts working. The tach was stuck today and after the engine started warming up, the tack started working the heat from the radiator started rising.
I also have the 17mpg indicator, so I may just bring it into the dealer to have it all replaced under the warranty anyway, but I just wanted to find out if I was alone with this problem or if anyone else has seen this.

Ed, 2006 FJR1300A
Several '06 owners have reported this (myself included). Having the gauges replaced to fix the 17 mpg bug also seems to have cured this problem.
