suggestions please

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Jun 8, 2010
Reaction score
South East VA
I can't decide if I want to keep the bike I have and ride till I can find and afford a used 08-09 FJR, or should I sell my 06 Honda Sabre keep the money as a down payment and save till I can find one.

I don't have any particular time frame that I need to sell the sabre (its paid off so its not an expense). Its starting to get a little uncomfortable for me and don't want to put any more money into it since I know I'm not keeping it.

I rode an AE '07 ish when I was at a local BMW dealership looking for my Sabre's eventual replacement. I saw the bike and liked it style and color. Sitting on the bike I was instantly comfortable, and having never seen an FJR, perplexed by the lack of a clutch lever. The owner allowed me to tool around in the parking lot with it through a couple gears and in short straight lines, couple circles, nothing spectacular. It only took a min or two to get used to the "clutchless" bike and started to really enjoy what the rest the bike had to offer. It felt good, nice power, good seat position, liked that it had a windscreen and fairings for the cold months.

I ride as much as possible, SE virgina is pretty good year round riding, winters arent too long and cold, minimal snow, summers aren't rediculously hot.

My delima I think is that I don't have much time on a bike, only about 3 years and don't want to loose what skill and time I've gained. 15,000 miles most of which is commuting about 25 miles a day, a few longer trips 200 - 300 miles and several saturday morning 75 mile rides with my brother. After my first "long" trip I realized that the Sabre and I are not suited for this and have not been on many more.

If I sell, no more learning, gaining skills and time, nevermind the fact that I would have NO bike and would then be reduced to the truck like the rest of the General Public. Not having a bike would definatly help me try harder to save for the new one though. If I keep the one I have, more miles, more rust, less desirealbe for trade or private sale the longer I take.

I'm not sure if there really was a question in my rant or not but it helped me. Thanks in advance for all the advise I'm sure will be soon to come.


Didn't see how old you are, but the reality of motorcycling is that it doesn't get any easier with age. There's real logic behind continuing to ride SOMETHING, so that you don't lose the skills and reactions learned. You can probably get them back, but it will undoubtedly be harder and take longer.

If I were in that situation, part of the decision process would also include taking into account how long it would take to save up for the FJR in either situation. But unless the FJR could be had a lot quicker by selling the Sabre, I'd probably keep it and ride, even if it was limited to short weekend rides.

Also, just in case you weren't aware, the AE is the clutchless version, but the A has a traditional clutch.

Like marcusorelius said, keep your eye out for good used bikes, there's lots of them that spring up from time to time in the For Sale section of these forums.

Craigslist that sabre, and buy a 2010 FJR, and all the accessories you want. Get one of those 10 year loans with low payments. Enjoy it now because the world is ending 12-21-2012 anyway.. :rolleyes:

...the world is ending 12-21-2012 anyway..
Gee, am I the last to hear about this? I searched the forum and couldn't find anything!
don't say current with "world events" do you...

When will the world end ??? CLICKY

Thanks for all the quick responses.

I'm still a young buck, 28.

I've weeded through the line up and come to the conclusion that the '08-'09 is the years that I'm looking for. Although the AE would be nice if I sat in traffic it doesn't suit me. I like to have the control, somehow its nice to know when the "ohh sh.." happens I can grab the "ohh sh.." lever and kill power to back wheel.

It can get pretty hot here in the summer with gear on I think I want the gen II for its improved heat management. The abs, linked brakes, and since the further you get in the line up the more bugs have been worked out. I have a problem buying anything first run, so sorry '06 although I would prefer the color over black seems easier to keep clean. not big on the black cherry for the '07 and the silver '10. Not buying new either, sorry guys but I'm gonna let someone else take the hit on price when they go to sell, plus the tend to come pre-farkeled if that can be a word.

I have been stalking the forum for a while trying to learn all I could before making a decision. Had to join to see the for sales and get some idea of how much the '08-'09's were selling for. I'm trying to stay away so I don't get sucked in to a good deal before I'm ready to buy. So far I've been looking at the For Sales for "research".

Craigslist that sabre, and buy a 2010 FJR, and all the accessories you want. Get one of those 10 year loans with low payments. Enjoy it now because the world is ending 12-21-2012 anyway.. :rolleyes:

Now I’m going out and buying that corvette I can’t afford... Thanks ALF

Craigslist that sabre, and buy a 2010 FJR, and all the accessories you want. Get one of those 10 year loans with low payments. Enjoy it now because the world is ending 12-21-2012 anyway.. :rolleyes:

Now I’m going out and buying that corvette I can’t afford... Thanks ALF
And if you can't afford it, you can always get a government bail-out. But I assume you are too big to fail.

