Sunday Squids

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Chicks Dig Scars
Staff member
Jun 21, 2005
Reaction score
A Child Of The Universe
On the shake-down run Sunday, my SiL and I were out-and-about. We stopped for gas at one place and a guy came up and started chatting up SiL about his Triumph 600cc bike (did he like it, etc.). Once we got him going, SiL very non-commitally drew him out until we learned the following. Each item was drawn out after each previous comment. So without more discussion, each item would appear to be an isolated event to the people he usually tells these stories to.

1. He used to have an R6 but it was wrecked and he's not sure about getting another one.

(him: Do you like the performance of you Triumph?)

2. His best friend was kill when he wiped out on said R6 and it totalled the bike.

(him: Does your T have enough power on the top end?)

3. He goes WFO everywhere, wheelying along i35 in dallas in traffic.

(him: (In response to SiL talking about liking the handling): That's not something I worry about too much. The top end and power are what's important.)

4. The bike was pretty trashed out. It was already 2 years old, needed a new transmission and the motor was toasted because the only way to ride them is WFO.

My comment, as we left, was that maybe his next bike ought to come with a bucket and mop to clean the blood off the streets so it won't leave slick places for the rest of us. Strangely, we ran into about 3 or 4 of these non-riding "EXTREME!!!!" riders that day.

Guess thats the good thing about motorcycling airbags to cradle what is possibly a waste of good airspace in our current time continuum. Anyway, I just hope noone, besides this moron, gets injured or killed before Darwinism can exact its toll on these poor miserable souls. These guys are why we pay so much for insurance !!!


I ran into one of those guys the other day at our local indoor carting track (which is AWESOME by the way). I noticed he was all bandaged up so I had to ask what happened..."I crashed wheeling my R1 out front this morning. I got messed up worse this time than last time because I was only wearing jeans and a t-shirt."

Brilliant. No wonder people assume we're all idiots...

Last week I met a guy who had just purchased a 2006 Honda CBR1000RR. It has been at least 5 years since he has ridden but he was bragging about how easy it was to do wheelies. Even worse, however, is when I looked at his tires. With only 143 miles on the bike he had already put the bike over and was working on eliminating any signs of chicken strips.

He did wear a helmet and gloves but the rest of his riding gear consisted of tennis shoes, jeans, and a t-shirt.

Thank God he does not have a family relying upon him.

Wide Freaking Open - i.e. full throttle. You knew that and you're just messin with us, right? :lol:
Thanks. What's the 'T stand for? :blink:


It's funny to me that people make stuff up. I hear BS often from people that don't have a clue what they are talking about.

Obviously, it's easier to detect when I know the subject matter and that ain't often.

It's funny to me that people make stuff up. I hear BS often from people that don't have a clue what they are talking about.
Obviously, it's easier to detect when I know the subject matter and that ain't often.
"I calls 'em as I sees 'em an if I don't sees 'em, I makes 'em up!" - Biff Barf, sports caster. :lol:

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Thanks. What's the 'T stand for? :blink: :lol:

It's funny to me that people make stuff up. I hear BS often from people that don't have a clue what they are talking about.

Obviously, it's easier to detect when I know the subject matter and that ain't often.
I once wrote a friend a note at work that said: "WTF's up with this part?"

He came over and asked me: "What the F**k does WTF me.......... never mind." You should have seen the look on his face. PRICELESS! :lol:

Bounce, in NJ these squids are multiplying daily. As I'm typing this, it sounds like three or four of them heading up the highway across the river. By the sound and gear changing, I'd estimate 120-130.

The part that cracks me up the most is one of these ******* passing you at WFO, with the T shirt flapping in the breeze.

I went to the local Hooters a few times just to get a good laugh. The best was one squid wearing an ICON jacket around the parking lot, only to take it off and strap it to the back of the bike when he left. And it was NOT hot out that night! Upper 60's maybe.

I went to the local Hooters a few times just to get a good laugh. The best was one squid wearing an ICON jacket around the parking lot, only to take it off and strap it to the back of the bike when he left. And it was NOT hot out that night! Upper 60's maybe.

He didn't want to mess up his cool jacket if he crashed.

I can name (at least) 3 people who are ATGATT folks after this past weekend (if they weren't already).
The weekend didn't do it for me, but I'm glad I am ATTGAT. It paid off 8 days ago when I low sided my DRZ on a back road and I went sliding. Durn sand was the culprit in my first get off on the tar!

What made me ATTGAT was a photostory on a BMW airhead forum about 4 years ago. Until I saw the results of falling without gear, I was as squidly as anyone. I always wore a helmet (full face or flip front) but I often rode around in business slacks and short sleeve shirts and tennis shoes.

Wow...I was lucky to never fall riding around so unprotected! Now that I have crashed wearing all the gear and know what it's like to have time during a slide to think, "this is taking longer to stop than I thought it would," I am very appreciative of the lessons learned virtually. I still have my skin.

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