Superbrace shipping??

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Jun 27, 2005
Reaction score
Lincoln Hills, CA
Has anyone received either their GB fork braces or notification of shipment yet?? I got confirmation of my purchase of two -- one for my FJR and one for my XX -- back on December 30. I don't recall the time frame anticipated for shipping, but I've had more complex GB goodies ordered after the Superbrace that have already arrived.

What's up?

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Just called Superbrace and found out that I should be getting mine in a week or so. They are expecting my two braces to arrive in the next couple days, then to ship to me for that anticipated arrival time.

I was wondering the same thing. We ordered two back in December and as I recall, the shipping date was about 8 weeks lead time. I'm thinking they ought to be coming soon too....

I received mine only a couple of weeks after the GB Order.... Back in December or the first week or so in January (I think),,,, A Christmas present for myself....

The shipping was free also, but they charged me sales tax 'cause I live in CA....

When I originally ordered it, I think they said 8 weeks,, but it was much faster for me...

Good Luck..


I just called superbrace and the guy told me another week or two. I ordered the black anodized and they are waiting to get from the anodizer.

These better be worth the wait.

Have had mine going on 2 months now. They must have run out of aluminum and had to mine a batch.

Oh the cruel bastards that get their group buy stuff before the rest of us just love to tease us about it.....You guys will be owing us all a beer in Reno!

I'm not teasing. I can't help but wonder why it should be so hard to deliver product on a timely basis. Not good business.

I am wondering why the ship date keeps getting moved back. I ordered the polished version two months ago. I figured the non-anodized pieces would be shipped first. Don't get it.

GP :(

Well, I received my Superbrace from the group buy today. Sure is shiney :bigglasses: I'm going to put a brushed finish on it to tone it down some I think. Anyway, just though I'd give a heads up on my delivery.


I was feeling exactly the same way until mine finally came today.

So add 3 days for the border BS for me and I should have mine this comming week!!!

I was getting a little concerned.

Hopefully my black anodized will be here this week, but I'm not holding my breath. However my cc was charged over two monthes ago! yackadoo yackadoo yackadoo !!! Dwayne

I got mine today. It was a nice suprise to have a Christmas(when I ordered it) present in March. I wonder what they have been doing with my money for the last 3 months?

