Supreme Court Second Amendment Case

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Well-known member
Jul 9, 2005
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Sedona AZ in the Village of Oak Creek
A motorcycle publication to which I once subscribed termed the FJR demographic as made up of "bitter, middle aged firearms enthusiasts." I don't know about that, however, in the larger interest of being well informed on the constitutional issues of the day, I give you the transcript of today's oral argument in the case of District of Columbia v. Heller. This is the case in which the Supreme Court, for the first time in almost 70 years, takes up the meaning, scope and reach of the Second Amendment. The lower court ruled that the Washington, D.C. ban (since 1976) of private home ownership of firearms was a violation of the individual right guaranteed by the Second Amendment to "keep and bear arms."

Behold the fancy footwork of the D.C.'s lawyer as he says the city never really meant that you can't defend yourself in your own home, and never really meant to say that you can't use a gun to defend yourself in your own home, despite the fact that this is exactly what the city contended in the court below and that this is exactly what the law says and means. You can see from the transcript how little anyone in the courtroom knows about firearms, yet these are the folks who will be deciding if state and local governments will be given the latitude to tell us what firearms we can own and whether we will be allowed to possess them in our own homes for self defense purposes.

By the way, if you are in need of a good horse laugh, all you "sportsmen" should check out Barack Obama's addle-brained idea of the Second Amendment on his website. Everyone remembers, don't they, how the Continental Army was so into duck hunting in 1775, so thanks, Barack, for assuring me that I will be able to keep on hunting (I don't).

DC v Heller Oral Argument Transcript 3-18-08

Obama's "Sportsmen" Position on Second Amendment

...FJR demographic as made up of "bitter, middle aged firearms enthusiasts."

I read that & the first thing that popped into my mind was the image of Tom Melchild at Gerlachfest. Ya had to be there.

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