I don't know what the "compressed when installed" actually means, I haven't had to compress the main spring on any cartridge fork I have ever changed the oil on....damper rod forks usually do require main spring compression to re-install the caps.
"Compressed when installed" is the difference between the free spring length and the installed spring length. I'm not sure what you are talking about. I have never
not had to compress a fork spring (cartridge or damper rod) when installing the spring. Every fork I've ever touched you need to push the spring down (a little) while threading the locknut down on the top of the spring spacer. There is definitely some coil preload there.
If the FSM is correct about the fork spring rates then the "A" fork should be slightly softer for the first little bit until what's left of the soft rate gets coil bound. The stiffer rate is essentially the same as the single rate spring in the ES. Most of whatever spring preload is applied would be taken up by the softer spring section.
But I am certain they borked up the specs on the A shock springs. There is no way the spring is 1952 lb/in. That would feel like a hard tail when on the "hard" position. And then they screwed it up and gave the softer (976) spring rate as what remains when you put the lever to hard. I think whoever compiled the data for the specs section just goofed.