Target Fixation?

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more from the same videog.. interesting to watch as I have almost been there myself on a couple occasions..

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I simply don't understand why it's necessary to show us the exact same video twice every time, once as it happened and then again at 1/10 speed.

OK, I got it.


As for the first one, I don't think it was target fixation. I don't think they registered as SLOW until he was on them.

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Looks to me like the motorcyclist might have taken his eyes off the road (check speedometer?) at the wrong time. He wasn't going that fast that he would need to be on the outside of that curve (wasn't watching his line), should have easily been able to pass on the bicyclists' left. Also didn't appear to make any attempt to brake, like he didn't see the bicyclists until too late to do so. Any time I see anything that can present an unavoidable obstruction (children, animals, bicyclists, scooters, etc.), I automatically adjust my speed and lane position to be able to deal with it. Rookie mistake, IMHO.

OK, I'll bite.

No excuse whatsoever for that level of stupidity. Judging by the # of and attire of the bicyclists, there must have been some sort of organized event. The "motorcyclist" should have already been aware that he was sharing the road with bicycles. He should have adjusted his riding accordingly. I found it interesting that the motorcycle rider was not there to assist in loading his bike onto the wrecker. Had he been arrested? Was he riding under the influence?

He was and probably still is, a doofus.

OK, I'll bite.
No excuse whatsoever for that level of stupidity. Judging by the # of and attire of the bicyclists, there must have been some sort of organized event. The "motorcyclist" should have already been aware that he was sharing the road with bicycles. He should have adjusted his riding accordingly. I found it interesting that the motorcycle rider was not there to assist in loading his bike onto the wrecker. Had he been arrested? Was he riding under the influence?

He was and probably still is, a doofus.
What, all two of them? I don't disagree with your assessment, but never underestimate the douchebaggedness of the stereotypical road rider. (I'm convinced those "Share the road" signs are meant for them and not motorists)

at NAFO, I come around a blind curve in the twistys heading back to Knoxville and there are 4 bicycles riding in a box pattern...two by two...I hit the air horn as I notice oncoming traffic coming toward me and they do nothing. I was ready to place kick the closest outside rider into the ditch if that kept me from crossing the double yellow into the oncoming pickup truck.

I can't figure why if they aren't going to ride single file, to at least ride staggered to it's easy to tuck into single line as necessary.

note: I didn't watch the above vid...don't need the stress and emotion that goes with such things

have a good day


OK, I'll bite.

No excuse whatsoever for that level of stupidity. Judging by the # of and attire of the bicyclists, there must have been some sort of organized event. The "motorcyclist" should have already been aware that he was sharing the road with bicycles. He should have adjusted his riding accordingly. I found it interesting that the motorcycle rider was not there to assist in loading his bike onto the wrecker. Had he been arrested? Was he riding under the influence?

He was and probably still is, a doofus.
What, all two of them? I don't disagree with your assessment, but never underestimate the douchebaggedness of the stereotypical road rider. (I'm convinced those "Share the road" signs are meant for them and not motorists)
No, if you watch the entire video you will see a very large group of bicyclists gathering around the scene. It looks like an organized event.

I am aware of the "Militant" bicyclist type, yes I have seen it. In this case however, unless the motorcyclist had been provoked badly and hit them out of retaliation, I still say the motorcyclist was the Doofus.

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This one wants to avoid the water on the road so he fixes the side I guess.

Bicyclists can be a real nuisance on the Blue Ridge Parkway (two lane with lots of crests and curves). They usually stay to the right edge of the road and aren't that hard to avoid. The real menaces are the cagers trying to avoid them. If the bicyclist is in your lane with a cage or two behind him, you might have a wait to get around, unless you're feeling brave and attempt to blast around the whole pack (risking a cager deciding to do the same as you're along side them). The real danger, IMHO, is when a bicyclist is in the other lane approaching you, with a cager coming up behind him. In that situation, it's a dead balls certainty that the cager will cross the center line into your lane to get around the bicyclist in a hurry, with total disregard for you. I always keep the horn and brakes covered when I see that situation develop.

We had situations like that when we rode the entire parkway but the worse near miss was a sportbike rider pulling out in front of a camper. He was southbound like us and if the bike had been a nanosecond slower or the camper a little quicker they would have knocked him right into me.

I'm a cyclist as well as a motor cyclist. In defense of the bicyclists - they were well over, to the right of the white line, they were only two of them, not a whole peleton. Yes, badly disciplined groups of bike risers can be a hazard - and as Cycle Coach I never let my team be badly disciplined - but these two were doing what they should have been doing.

By the way, the close up of the wrecked bicycle at 2:32 shows it to be a Merlin. For the un-initiated, these are extremely expensive, hand built, custom titanium frames. No way the rider of a Merlin was inexperienced or didn't know what he was doing. Its not like a Porsche where a rich kid can just go in and buy one.

Just a simple rider out of control not know what to do label how you want with all the adjectives just the motorcyclist fault

I'm a cyclist as well as a motor cyclist. In defense of the bicyclists - they were well over, to the right of the white line, they were only two of them, not a whole peleton. Yes, badly disciplined groups of bike risers can be a hazard - and as Cycle Coach I never let my team be badly disciplined - but these two were doing what they should have been doing.
By the way, the close up of the wrecked bicycle at 2:32 shows it to be a Merlin. For the un-initiated, these are extremely expensive, hand built, custom titanium frames. No way the rider of a Merlin was inexperienced or didn't know what he was doing. Its not like a Porsche where a rich kid can just go in and buy one.
Wow! Just checked the merlin bicycles website. Those fine machines start at $3500.00. That squid better have deep pockets/good insurance, because there's no question he was at fault.

I've seen plenty of "experienced" bike riders with their heads up their asses and riding all over the road. I used to road race in college, but I didn't have the money to keep up.

Bicyclists have a sect that believe they own the road and don't have to follow any rules. BUT...Those guys in that video were riding near the right edge, single file. That doofus on that MC prolly has no business operating a MC.

Is that Mulholland Dr? I don't get why there are so many crashes on that road. Obviously there ate enough of them that people perch up with cameras just waiting for the next one.

The bicyclists look like they were in the right this time.

@ the past EOM there were a group of us on a ride & 2 bicyclists were in front of us riding abreast... not a breast... abreast. Could't get past the fuckers because of traffic in opposite direction & twisty nature of road. I was leading. I remember one of them kept looking back at me like I was going to run him over, or something. When I finally managed to blow by, I was sure to offer a hearty one fingered salute.

OK, I'll bite.

No excuse whatsoever for that level of stupidity. Judging by the # of and attire of the bicyclists, there must have been some sort of organized event. The "motorcyclist" should have already been aware that he was sharing the road with bicycles. He should have adjusted his riding accordingly. I found it interesting that the motorcycle rider was not there to assist in loading his bike onto the wrecker. Had he been arrested? Was he riding under the influence?

He was and probably still is, a doofus.
What, all two of them? I don't disagree with your assessment, but never underestimate the douchebaggedness of the stereotypical road rider. (I'm convinced those "Share the road" signs are meant for them and not motorists)
No, if you watch the entire video you will see a very large group of bicyclists gathering around the scene. It looks like an organized event.

I am aware of the "Militant" bicyclist type, yes I have seen it. In this case however, unless the motorcyclist had been provoked badly and hit them out of retaliation, I still say the motorcyclist was the Doofus.
I was there that day it wasn't an organized event just a large group of bikes out riding.

I almost hit a group of them that were all over the road as I came around a curve, I had to swerve into the oncoming lane good thing there were no cars coming the other way!

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