TBS question?

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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2010
Reaction score
Hi to all

To cut a long story short yesterday i did my first "completely Un-Authorized TBS" and have found that after a good ride that the idle is around 1500rpm. Tried to turn the idle knob down and nothing changes.I know that all the air by-pass screws are very close to one full turn out.

Today i thought i'd give it another go, so after reading a few articles on the web and noticing that Mr Yama mama recommends that the FJR should be 33.3 kPa (250mm Hg, 9.8" Hg) at idle, i hooked up the Morgan carbtune and set number 3 air bypass to read 250mm Hg or therabouts on the Morgan. I then proceded to do the same on # 1 cylinder followed by #4 and lastly #2.During the adjustments i got the idle sorted and is now sitting on a solid 1000rpm. So........As i recall, if you screw in the air by-pass screws as i did to reach the 250mm Hg, that will pull more vacumm but will this make the bike run richer at idle???

Why i ask is because at idle this afternoon when i got home it smelt as though it was running a bit rich.

Thanks to all


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Did you follow my procedure?

Because I explain what to do for a high, un-reduceable idle. You just need to close all 4 of the air screws down an equal amount and then re-adjust them for balance at idle. That's it. Sounds like that may be what you did while watching the absolute vacuum levels (which I never do)

And no, you did not (can not) change the fuel mixture with vacuum or idle speed. It is fuel injected and it is what it is.

Click the little nerd below for a link to my procedure



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