That feared time has come

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Well-known member
Mar 28, 2006
Reaction score
Austin, TX
You've all heard the expression- "its not IF but when." Well my when happened yesterday.

Actually it is a worse when- my wife low sided her Kawi ER6N on a relaxing sunday morning ride.

There is nothing worse than seeing your spouse in a ditch!

Luckily we always wear full protective gear from boots all the way to helmet and this prevented any road rash.

But- she has 3 broken bones, 2 in one leg and the other in the thumb.

We all think that this won't happen to us and that the person must have done something. But, we all inspected the road very closely, no sand not pebbles. She wasn't going very fast- it was a tight corner heading up hill- maybe 25 mph- bike just lowsided- it was instantaneous- she reports she was just looking up through the curve and that's the last she remembers before seeing the road sign her head narrowly missed!

Scorpion helmet, and jacket, olympia pants, and full over the ankle boots all kept her skin intact.

So, you never know when this will happen to you so be sure to be prepared at all times!

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Sorry to hear about your wife, but I'm also glad she's not hurt worse.

No pebbles or sand, but maybe oil or diesel fuel? Just a guess.

Sorry to hear of your wife's get off. Good thoughts for a speedy and full recovery. Both physical and mental. Glad to hear full gear was being worn!

Glad she is okay. Sounds like two more smart ones survived. That's how it should be.

Heal fast, ride often, ride safe.

Sorry to hear about the wife's getoff.

I've been behind my wife when she's dumped her Ninja 650R a few times. Can't imagine watching a full low-side at speed.

I hope she recovers quickly and true.

Edit: Also...did you see anything on her bike touch during the turn? On my DL650 I was taking a low speed turn on an entrance ramp and because of the bank angle of the road I touched down a corner of my Jesse pannier. I hit it just so that it touched and popped my bike back up, but if it had dug in...wouldn't have been nice.

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Looks like you have the right attitude.... could have been worse.

Hoping for a fast and 'pain free as possible' recovery!


"Dress for the slide and not the ride..."

Sorry to hear about the crash. Best wishes on a speedy recovery to your wife.

... we all inspected the road very closely, no sand not pebbles. She wasn't going very fast- it was a tight corner heading up hill- maybe 25 mph-bike just lowsided- it was instantaneous- she reports she was just looking up through the curve and that's the last she remembers ...
glad she's recovering. kinda lot of damage to her from 25 mph, but that's way mine was, too.

We just don't bounce at 'my/guessing her' age...

well, change something on bike to make her feel more comfy riding again.

what was she riding? A smaller bike I'd guess ... maybe fresh tires w/ reput for grip when leaned over...

Prayers for a speedy and encouraging recovery sent..


I know it was difficult seeing her go through that; being helpless having to let it unfold.

Good on gear and safety.


As I ride with my wife; usually she on her bike in front, I watch her moves closely.

It's the unwanted result, but as you said, not if but when....


Let her know that we are encouraging her healing from afar and as in my case down 290...

That has to be the most sinking feeling one can feel seeing there loved one go down. Hope she recovers fast

Considering that just yesterday my wife passed her MSF, I won't be telling her about this quite yet.

Glad she is relatively well. Hope she gets back on again sometime.

Sorry to read about your wife's get-off John. Sending thoughts and prayers for a speedy recovery and return to two wheels.


Considering that just yesterday my wife passed her MSF, I won't be telling her about this quite yet.
Glad she is relatively well. Hope she gets back on again sometime.
If i were you i`d keep it from her , & until she gets some happy miles under her belt , try not to discuss crashing till then & body protection is a must. (just my .02)
