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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2005
Reaction score
Another wonderful riding season. See you all (on the road) next year! :)

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Whatcha mean??



Yeah, that must be why my insurance is higher than some of those other states. I get to ride more. Don't gloat Gun. We're gonna have a cold snap here pretty soon. We won't be laughin' when it's 60 degrees out and cloudy. Oh yeah, I guess we will. Daddy...what does snow look like? :p

That's it for me. It's stored now. Bye Bye until April. :cry:

Time to break out the winter fun. :drinks:

Looked at the forecast for the weekend here in Denver. Looks like it will be high 50's, low 60's. Sounds like riding weather to me. Just have to stay out of the mountains, got one to two feet of snow up there the last couple of days.

Time to break out the winter fun.  :drinks:
It's been many years since I was into snowmobiling but I still remember the enjoyment of running the lakes and woods of Minnesota with a group of friends. We would end up at a predetermined house for breakfast before going home. Yep, that's right, we would ride all night, usually start Friday night about 7 pm.

Rode mine to work today. It was raining lightly and windy but unseasonably warm. Expecting cold and sunny tomorrow and snow on Friday so the end of the season is drawing near but I'm not ready to surrender yet. I'll probably start putting the charger on it whenevr I park it now that it will be sitting inthe garage some days but I expect to get a few more rides in before winterizing.

42 degrees, the wind a whistling and raining to boot. Turning to snow tonight... :(

Oil, filter and coolant have been changed, Sta Bil in the gas tank, pipes plugged and battery out, on tender, and in basement. How depressing.

Come on April...


Rub it in, Californians, etc. We'll follow your exploits through the winter. I could possibly ride a day or two more, but I'll ask if I should retire for the winter at the top of the game-three days ago I did a quick +130 miles on one of my "loops" around Oneida Lake and on the way home to put Blue away for the season my will power failed and I badly dusted a HD who got froggy with me. Good note to end on? I know it's like someone bringing a knife to a gunfight, but, sometimes the flesh is weak...

I intend to ride to the in-laws, 80 miles away, on Thanksgiving, if I have to drag both feet the entire distance. They think I'm nuts, and I make an effort yearly to reinforce that reputation. They are smart people, who am I to argue? :D

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Forecast here calling for low of 20 tonight (yes...that's Fahrenheit...been flurrying all evening) and high tomorrow of 34...don't care...I'm riding to work tomorrow! As long as there's no
salt on the roads, I'm good to go. :)

Nuthinn personnal, but PFFFHHHHHT (Izz that how to spell the sound of a Bronx cheer??) to all in CA or I wake up to a lawn that turned white overnight here in northern Inndeeannurr...NUTZ! OTOH that wouldn't normally stop me from ridinn (12/12), but the newly installed hip sure least until March when the new FJR is due in! Guess my Gerbing gear won't be getting any use this Winter....WHAAAAAA, not fair, not fair.........DFO :cold:
