The 9th State

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Well-known member
Aug 5, 2011
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Lafayette, LA
Recently, I returned home safely from 9 days and 8 nights of wonderful riding throughout the Appalachian ranges of the southeastern United States. I was joined by my good friends Mikep1300 and Jonjonboo, who lives in Pollack, Louisiana, a town about 100 miles north of Lafayette. Like me, Mike rides an FJR1300 while John rides a Honda ST1300. Both the FJR and the ST are fantastic motorcycles for sport touring the twisty mountain pavement of Appalacia.

The tour was 2700 miles of which only about 5% was traveling via the interstate very nice. We traveled on plenty of state highways and local roads, some 2-digit, some 3-digit, and even a few that the GPS had no name for. I rode some familiar roads like the Cherahola Skyway and others around Deals Gap. However, at least from a riding perspective, I find that the farther north you get from Deals Gap, the better it gets. The roads are just as twisty, there are more places to pull over and sniff, and most importantly, the traffic is virtually non-existent. The state roads in southeastern Kentucky and southwestern Virginia near coal mining operations do have a sprinkling of dust on them, so rider beware. But if you can imagine a polygon formed by connecting Chattanooga, TN, Murfreesboro, TN, Hazard, KY, and the Blue Ridge Parkway, I dare say that you will be hard pressed to find a bad road to ride, slab excluded. I could go there every year indefinitely.

The bikes all ran flawlessly. Mike and I got identical fuel mileage, while Johns ST1300 did just a smidge better. We had no incidents, but did spook a myriad of wildlife on the roads including deer, turkeys, vultures, and even 1 HUGE black bear. Thankfully, all of these proved harmless.

We pre-planned only the first day of riding. Every other day was discussed over breakfast with a peek at the weather, and we basically went wherever we were called. I cant stress enough how enjoyable that is for me. I spend my whole life planning. To take a week and just give it up and allow myself to be enamored in the now is absolutely exhilarating. The more I do this, the less I want to plan it.

A late September motorcycle tour is becoming a regular thing for me, and I enjoy the Autumn season in the outdoors. We were able to do a little leaf peeping in the upper elevations (4500 feet and higher), but for the most part, we timed our trip about a week too early to see peak color. None the less, it was beautiful as expected.

We couldnt ask for better weather. As predicted, the farther north and higher up in elevation we rode, the cooler the weather was. Overnight lows ranged from about 48 to around 62, with highs mostly in the mid 70s occasionally rising to about 80. A wet cold front moved through us twice during the trip, both times luckily overnight and to make it easier on us, for those nights, we opted for a motel instead of camping. As our luck (and skillful awareness) would prove, we were on wet roads a grand total of about 3 hours over the entire 9 day trip. Overall excellent weather.

Other than the two weather front nights, we camped. For me, camping is the ultimate experience on the motorcycle. It amplifies the adventure and the freedom that the bike offers. We split our camping choices between two State Parks, two nights at a US Forest Service campground, and two privately owned campgrounds. All offered plenty of services, and we lacked for nothing the entire trip.

Our travels encompassed eight States: Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, North Carolina, Virginia, and Kentucky. Some days we stayed in one State, some two, and some three. But each day I also visited a 9th state, my State of Mind. I made sure to take a little time each day and think about my 9th state and embrace it as the blessing it truly is.

I hope you enjoy the pics.

Day 1: FREEDOM!!!

Lafayette, Louisiana to Buck Pockets State Park, Alabama

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Mike and I agreed to meet at a local gas station at 5:30 am. We wanted to get around Baton Rouge before the morning rush and that means hitting the slab in the dark. I packed my horse the night before and double checked everything. My brand new 2nd hand tank bag is HUGE!!


North of Baton Rouge, we stopped for a cup of joe and looked forward to a very bright immediate future.


Mike made an unexpected stop near the Mississippi border.


His throttlemeister had come loose easy fix.


While riding, I couldnt help but feel free. My work year is very busy in August and September. A yearly audit always ends in late September and afterwards, Im itching to just get away. These roads are crying freedom to me and I hear them loud and clear.


We were right on time to meet John in Brookhaven, MS at 9:00 am. As expected, he was there early waiting on us with excitement. Mike looks like hes thinking Pants is already starting this ride report bullshit and we havent even gotten anywhere.


We exit I-55 in Jackson, MS and get on the Natchz Trace for a little scenery.


I havent mastered this selfie stuff quite yet.


The reservoir looks very nice with the green lakeshore.


We continue generally northeast into the town of Louisville, MS just in time for lunch. Mikes restaurant picking skills are impeccable. His method is fail proof ride to the center of town and look for the most cars. Eat there.


There will be plenty of food porn in this ride report.


We continue riding the rural countryside into Alabama. About 25 miles before our destination, we stopped to call the wives, check email, etc. Many times at campgrounds, there is no cell service and we just dont know.


We arrived at our destination with fast setting sun.


But there was plenty of time to set up camp


. make a new friend..


,,,and catch Happy Hour.


I love this part!!!


John got a great fire going while Mike and I started cooking. Mike created an alcohol stove out of a tuna fish can and started a pot of beans. Having a bonified scientist on your crew is a definite advantage.



I cooked the pork chops on my grilling pans.


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Yeah that will hit the spot just fine.


I freshened up my cocktail after dinner, lit my pipe, and kicked my vacation in high gear. I am blessed for my freedom.


Buck Pockets State Park, Alabama to Maggie Valley, North Carolina

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I slept like a baby on my new ALPS air mattress from REI. I mean once that tent stopped spinning, I was out like a light. The air is cooler this morning and a good cup of coffee is just what I need.


We break camp and get ready to hit the road. John is ready to go.


So is Pants.


Mike is a little slower out of the gate, but hell get there and I am on no schedule now.


This morning I feel excitement. I havent felt these temperatures in 5 months and its making me frisky (in a non weird way). The anticipation of the upcoming ride is wonderful. At least for this morning, I will be riding roads Ive never seen before. The anticipation of this always makes me feel like a kid at Christmas. Finally, I bask in the realization that very soon, I will be climbing real mountains. All of this is very exciting to me.

Turns out very soon indeed. We zig zag into northern Georgia and take the scenic highway up to Lookout Mountain.


We noticed something high in the sky. An ultralight was pulling a hang glider into the thermals. The skydiving business in the valley uses this method to lift the customers. We watched them for a while.



A very short ride led us to this Army Corp of Engineers Place.


An old Civil War site, it has great views of Chattanooga, TN.


Solid brass cannons.


Thats the Tennessee River down there.


We slabbed it through Chattanooga and exited at Clevland, TN. Soon thereafter, we stopped for lunch.


I had a pulled pork sandwich nothing spectacular, but it filled the void. After lunch, we hit a favorite set of roads toward Deals Gap. Highway 68 follows the Ocoee River.


At Tellico Plains, TN, we turned right onto the Cherahola Skyway. Ive always wanted to stop here, but never did.


Great place to check out.


The skyway is very nice excellent riding although I cant understand why 3 thirty foot campers in a row cant pull over and let us by.


We entered North Carolina on the skyway and rode to Maggie Valley. We found a privately owned campground located right on the highway that had at least 500 spots. We managed to find an empty spot and made the best of it.


Although not our typical campground of choice, it was just fine and much quieter than I expected. Our neighbors even brought us a couple sticks of firewood.

That evening, we rode 2 blocks for dinner.


Fried Chicken with Mac-n-Cheese. Did I tell yall I was excited???


John preferred a club sandwitch


Mike chose the grilled trout and it looked very good.


After dinner, we picked up a 6 pack of Fat Tire and mosied over to the Maggie Vally Inn to meet the FJR Forum Eastern Owners Meeting. It was cool to put some faces with screen names. It was a nice gathering.


We waited for the beer to metabolize a bit before riding back to our campground and calling it a relatively early night. Im in the grove now baby and its only gonna get better. A very exciting day for Pants.


Maggie Valley, North Carolina to Newland, North Carolina

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Surprisingly, the campground last night was very quiet. Once again, I slept well and after coffee and breakfast, we broke camp leisurely and headed out around 8:30 am. We are now smack dab in the middle of some wonderful riding and quite frankly, it was hard to decide which way to go. I persuaded the others to press north as I wanted to explore more of the land west of the Blue Ridge parkway.

As luck would have it, our first stop of the day was the village of Luck, North Carolina.


Not much happening here on a big Saturday.


We continue riding generally north toward the Tennessee border. My thoughts today are very relaxed. The road is technical, but Im not pushing my bike. Rather, Im enjoying the environment with all of my senses. My stresses are a million miles away now and everything and everyone I look at seem so laid back so relaxed.




About lunch time we roll into Weaverville, North Carolina. As we crawl through the middle of town, I asked these people of the food there was good.


Mikes right we went from Well Bred to Well Fed!!


When mama says you can only have 1 cookie, this is the one you want!! Holy crap was that baby good.


After lunch, we get on Highway 19W which is another one of my favorite roads and head toward Erwin, TN. Last year, I stopped at this roadside cascade and I couldnt resist another visit. Can anyone blame me?



Strike a pose!!!


The cool water of that pool was very refreshing and very relaxing.


We saddle up and continue on our journey. Navigating the Pisgah National Forest is a tough job really, but somebodys gotta do it.



Hmmmmm Mike I need some assistance, buddy!


We ride up Hwy 143 in Tennessee to Roan Mountain. Just a touch of color is visible from the overlook


What a great and relaxing day.


After failing to find a camp site on the parkway, John pulled out his phone and made good use of an app he bought to tell him where campgrounds are. 5 miles later we found this private oasis near Newland, North Carolina.


The firewood seemed scattered, so Mike and I loaded the Yamaha Sherpas


Tonight we will have cheeseburgers and grilled potatoes.


This camping shit is rough, man.


After dinner, more campfire stories. I am relaxed, Ive found my Zen, and Im loving it.


Newland, North Carolina to Beech Mountain, North Carolina

Route: Doesnt matter every friggin road in the entire area is excellent!!!


Once again, the mountain air is doing me good. No clogged sinuses in the morning Im well rested. Last night, we bought breakfast fixings with the cheeseburger fixings. I get a bag of ice and use one of my saddlebags as an ice chest.

This morning, we will have my good friend Lokis camp eggs recipe. First, brown the sausage.


Add the onions and the eggs


Add the cheese and tear it up.


As we head out of camp, everyone is ready for another day of rollercoaster.


We get on the parkway and head north. This morning we will visit Grandfather Mountain. We stop at the parkway overlook to size up our destination.


Shortly after, we arrive at the privately-owned mountain and learn that it cost $20 FRIGGIN DOLLARS to get in!!!!! I am livid, but we are told its worth it, so Mike gets us a $1.50 senior citizen discount and reluctantly, I give in.

I decide that since Im going to do some walking, Ill change shoes.


Theres a swinging bridge near the peak of the mountain, and a trail that runs under it.


Mike doesnt act much like a senior citizen.


The view of the bridge from the trail is pretty cool.


We double back to the visitors center and decide to walk across the bridge.



Oh my..



John has gone ahead and conquered the peak already.


Without a doubt, this is the best view of Appalachia I have ever seen.


Theres the Blue Ridge parkway down there.


More parkway



I sat down to think a minute and just be thankful for my blessings. Ive been so fortunate to have a wonderful wife who loves me unconditionally, two beautiful kids that are truly good people, a job where Im respected and appreciated, and enough time to pursue my passions. Its almost dreamlike and for a minute I cant believe that Im here and doing this. A very spiritual experience to be sure. Right now, Im on top of the world, in more ways than one. Quite possibly the best $20.00 I spent all trip.


Alright Pants, have you had enough meditation? Weve got more things to do.


As we walk back to the bridge, we talked to the gentlemen pictured with the hat. He was a volunteer that was counting migratory birds of prey.


John wasnt up for a hike, but Mike and I wanted to explore more.


This is no bunny slope.



Pretty cool place.


Nice of them to put a cable hand rail for us.


About a ½ mile in, we decide that the peak will have to wait for another day and turn around.


We get back on the bikes and ride into the town of Banner Elk just in time for lunch.


Aw what the hell Ill work out when I get back.


John preferred a more traditional Sunday lunch.


A quick check of the weather forecast during lunch reveals that a cold front is going to move through tonight. So we decide to get a motel. Prices in Banner Elk are pretty steep, but I found an established motel in the ski resort town of Beech Mountain, North Carolina. Two queen sized beds, a sleeper sofa, full kitchen, and 2 baths for get this - $61.00!!! Great out of season rate for us.



After checking into the motel, there was still some daylight left so we rode hwy 194 (excellent riding road BTW) to Table Rock and back.



From there, we hit the parkway for a little more hiking.


The low trail is a short walk from the parking lot.



It would be neat to see a paddler go through this.


Johns having trouble walking in his riding boots, so he heads back to the parking lot. Mike and I decide to walk to the upper overlook.




We ate pizza at a local place (eh so so) and went back to the motel for a couple of beers. Another fantastic day and Im so thankful for it.

Day 5: GUILT

Beech Mountain, North Carolina to Bark Creek Recreational Area, Virginia

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I had a pretty good nigh but I called my wife and she is going through a rough time at home. Her job is completely stressing her out to the point that she is physically ill. I have feelings of guilt that Im over here enjoying myself while she is struggling at home. I think about packing up and heading home but she selflessly insists that I stay and enjoy the trip. This is the girl I picked for 27 years, she has accepted me for who I am without pride or prejudice. I pledge to call her regularly.

The weather is moving through. A quick check of the radar shows that we have a window of opportunity.


The motel peeps were nice enough to let us keep our bikes under cover.


It kind of reminds me of a ski resort.


The road is wet so we put on the rain gear and ride very cautiously northwest. First stop is the State line.


Weve played the weather perfectly. We are now on the back side of it.


For some reason, Mike insisted on taking a leak in North Carolina.


While I was taking in yet another beautiful view


John was rooting around for something.


Oh chestnuts. Ive never seen those before.


A little smoke on the mountains this morning.


We roll through Johnson City, Tennessee where Mike offered me a hand.


while John was kicking back.


We decided to stop here for lunch.


This is not what I typically call Hamburger Steak, but it was pretty good for $6.00.


Free dessert too.


Then it was more adventure. This is hwy 347 in northeastern Tennessee. Its a wonderful road for sightseeing rural farm land.


Soon we crossed into Virginia. Everyone is so welcoming on this trip.



We saw plenty fields of this dried corn. I dont know why the farmers do this.



Virginia is gorgeous.



We stop in some unknown town for supplies.


And after a little trial and error, including a 5 mile track down a gravel road, we find our next camping site.


Are you sensing a pattern here??


Cheers gents!


After dinner, Mike and I decide to take a night hike.


Its a short walk to the lake.


We sat by the lake while I drank my rum and thought about my wife. If you accuse me of having a good time, then Im guilty as charged.


Bark Creek Recreational Area Loop through Cumberland, Kentucky

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The rum does its job and I slept well last night.

Morning has broken.


We decide to camp here again tonight. I enjoyed exploring around our camp site. The morning light is great.


Today I am feeling content. Uncharacteristically, I have no expectations for the day. Even though I dont know where we are going nor what we may see, I am satisfied in the inevitability that it will be good. I am with people that I enjoy, the weather is beautiful, and for now, thats more than enough.

Down off the mountain, the fog is thick. So we stop at a gas station in Coeburn, VA to wait it out.


It didnt take long before we are riding the twisties again.


I was leading the group on a very twisty road. As I round a blind left hander, I am welcomed by the Virginia Highway Patrol. I didnt think I was speeding, but the officer asked me for my license, so we all pulled over. Turns out it was just a license and safety check and in 2 minutes we were on our way.

Mike was very appreciative of the Popo. Notice Johns smirk Im not sure what thats all about.


We pressed on toward Kentucky, enjoying our bikes.




This is hwy 119 between Jenkins and Cumberland great riding and great views.



In Cumberland, Kentucky, we ate at this place. Good food.


Occasionally a road crew would hold us up for a minute. John seems content just like me.


Back at the campground, Mike and John were tag teaming the log splitting chores. I dont think this method is in the safety manual.


Anytime the meal starts with Open a beer and sauté some onions, its going to be good. I guarantee it.



A little healthy choice for the evening meal.


What a great trip.


Bark Creek Recreational Area, Virginia to Fall Creek Falls State Park, Tennessee

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I woke up typically refreshed and ready for whatever lies ahead. John has decided he will break off and ride home by himself today. He wants to ride the Natchez Trace Parkway and will head directly there. Mike and I decide that we are far enough away from home too, but will be taking a much more leisurely route home instead. We bid John a safe ride home and thank him for the company.

Mike and I will start heading southwest and see what Tennessee has to offer us. Before we do that, we ride a few unnamed roads in extreme southwestern Virginia.


When you get well off the beaten path, you find places like this. This person has a thing for carriages.


I wonder if these farmers have any idea how peaceful their home is. Theres a light breeze blowing and the sun is shining on these low mountains. The grass is tall, the cows are fat as pigs. I know it must be a pretty hard life, but man, its so peaceful here.







In some unknown town, we stopped here for lunch.


And an hour or so later, stopped somewhere else for dessert.


I didnt take many pictures on this day. I was just enjoying the peacefulness of the road and the scenery. It was very rewarding.

Later in the afternoon, we made our obligatory stop for refreshments.


And then we made our way to Fall Creek Falls State Park near Crossville, Tennessee. Again, the campground was picked pretty clean for firewood, so we put the FJR donkeys back to work


Very quiet this evening.


You know whats coming next.



This one is brewed in Atlanta not my favorite but it was OK.


Now, where was I. oh yeah


Dinner is served.



Fall Creek Falls State Park, Tennessee to Louisville, Mississippi

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Last night was extremely quiet. Hardly a bug was heard during the darkness and at first light, no birds were singing. I woke up and as I drank my coffee, I began to break camp. Mikes newlywed bride makes blueberry jelly and today with my breakfast bagel, I will have Pams Jam.


We break camp and stop at the creek before moving on. The pool is so quiet this morning I can see the reflection of the rock in the water. Im sensing that this party is almost over and that causes me to reflect back on what a fantastic adventure this has been. Im thinking about my wife and hoping that she is doing well. The cell service in this park is excellent; my email and text messages have been blowing up like crazy. I can feel the real world starting to tug me.


Theres a swinging bridge. Mike looks like he is space walking with his Transformer suit on.


We start heading more southwest and mountains give way to hills close to the Tennessee/Alabama border.


We stop at Lake Guntersville, Alabama for lunch typical downtown café.


Crappy picture, but we both ordered a huge bacon burger with blue cheese dressing on it. That may have been the best meal of the trip.


After lunch, we are now heading almost due south and stop at Natural Bridge, Alabama to stretch our legs.


We pay the modest $3.50 admission price and check it out. The rock arch was much larger than I expected.



We are checking the radar regularly now, watching a rainy cold front heading our way. In Starksville, Mississippi, we stopped looking for a hotel room. Those peeps were playing a little football game that weekend, and inexpensive rooms were impossible to find. So we decided to ride 25 miles south to Louisville and get a room there. As we turned south on Hwy 25, the skies unzipped holy terror on us. There was no time to stop and put on rain gear. In a matter of ¼ mile, I was drenched. Thankfully, it was warm so I didnt get cold. We just pressed forward and picked a locally owned motel situated on a lake. I found a wide overhang to store our bikes. Mike wondered if this was OK with the motel management, but I said wed ask for forgiveness rather than permission.


We ate at the motel restaurant (fatty steak sandwitch and a salad) and watched a little football in the motel room. Its time to go home.


Louisville, Mississippi to Lafayette, Louisiana

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Mike had a rough night with some leg cramps, but once again, I slept very well. Today I return to the real world. A vacation is supposed to be refreshing. Its supposed to be a way to recharge ones most personal batteries. As someone who has lived nearly all of his life in a box, until relatively recently, that concept was very hard for me to accept. Ive always been too busy worrying about whats next to really appreciate what is now. Motorcycling and perhaps some maturity have definitely changed all of that for the better. My batteries are at full charge and Im ready to go home. I am refreshed.

While Mike finishes packing, I walked down to the motel lake to be thankful for my blessings.


We ate breakfast at the motel restaurant and got moving. The road is still wet and theres a fine mist in the air, but Im dry even without the rain gear. We are both down to 1 bar on the fuel gate, but everyone knows the reserve on the FJR is generous and I was confident wed fine some gas down the road.

Uh. note to self if you are traveling down Hwy 25 in Mississippi, you better top off the fuel tank first. My GPS tells me that there is one station on the road in the next 40 miles. If that one turns out to be a farce, we are going to be walking this morning.

Thankfully, the gasoline oasis proved to be real. For those that dont know, the FJR holds exactly 6.6 gallons of gas. My take:


And Mikes 3 or 4 more miles and we are done.


The road is flat and familiar now, so we are eating pretty big chunks at a time. We stopped in Clinton, Louisiana for lunch here.


Then we made one last stop for fuel in Livonia, Louisiana before finishing our journey about 3:30 pm.

A quick check of the U.S. map reveals that Ive visited 27 states in my 48-plus years, 14 of these by motorcycle. For this adventure, we touched 8 wonderful States all across this great land. But without a doubt, my favorite state on this trip was the 9th one.

Stay thirsty, my friends.

Wonderful report Pants! I love that area in the mountains, as it's my favorite place to ride now. I too feel like you when I'm up there...just have to pinch myself. Congrats on a great and safe trip!

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Sounds like a great trip, thanks for the report.

I'm curious about the new tank bag. Is it an RKA? If so I wouldn't mind hearing about how it performed.

Post script: I'm not as ignorant as my writing suggest. For some reason, this forum omits much of my punctuation. Dashes and apostrophe's are removed. Still, I think the message is there.


Post script: I'm not as ignorant as my writing suggest. For some reason, this forum omits much of my punctuation. Dashes and apostrophe's are removed. Still, I think the message is there.
Absolutely an awesome report. For the record, this teacher could care less about your punctuation or whatever the board does to it. A++++ is the grade for this report. Thanks for putting it together.

Awesome ride and report. pants. Thanks so much for taking the time to share with us. I'm thinking now of next year...

I'm fortunate also to be able to do such things with the blessing and encouragement of my loved ones.

My friend, you did well. This is Very Good Stuff.

I have eaten at Bear's Den BBQ twice on my way to Deal's Gap and have always eaten my money's worth. In fact, the first time was excellent, the second time just okay.

You finally got to see Bald River Falls! I hope you enjoyed that little road leading to it. Especially the curves with the green slime growing over the asphalt. That always makes it more exciting.

Mr. Jimmy Russell, the Wild Turkey Master Distiller explained the dried corn fields to me. When I asked him about it he said that they want all of the moisture out before the harvest. I pointed out that we don't do that in Louisiana and he explained that with our humidity we could never dry the corn in the field. Their way is more efficient.

I am glad that you and our two goofy friends had a good ride. I should be jealous and envious but I don't think my presence would have made your trip any better than it was. I appreciate that you kept sending me pics of your ride, I would share them with my friends at work and they would laugh at me.

Great report. I know the exact feelings you were experiencing and some in the same spots! Great riding area. Sorry I didn't get to meet you personally in MV.

Very nice ride report. Sorry I missed you at EOM. My son-in-law Tommy told me that a few guys who were camping down the road had stopped in but you had left by then and I had no idea who it might be.

Love it. I recognize some of the roads and destinations from a couple of my trips. And Natchez Trace starts about 10 minutes from my house. A friend and I are going to be heading up to Virginia and then down to Boone, NC (Linville Falls area, kinda) to see a friend and have a brew next month. Might have to find a couple of the same roads, but as you said, NC and VA are chock full of great roads to ride.

We saw plenty fields of this dried corn. I don't know why the farmers do this. Pants, that's field corn that will be cattle feed. Most of the corn will go into a silage pit for cattle feed. If they don't get the moisture level down, the silage pit will turn into a lake and the protein will leach out with the moisture.


