The dangers we face out there

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Well-known member
Oct 15, 2015
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Midlothian, Tx
I watch some of the crash videos up on youtube at times as a reminder not to forget about the dangers we face every time we go out on the roads, whether riding or caging. Some of the Russian dash cam videos are pretty extreme sometimes and make me less likely to complain about the idiots we share the highways with over here. Sometimes it's idiots, but then sometimes it's just a matter of shite happens. I came across one that I was not prepared for and thought I'd post the link to illustrate the dangers we face every time we go out. Warning, it's not for the faint of heart!

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I suspect that in the past 10-15 years more people have been filmed while being killed than were filmed in all of time prior to that.

Scary stuff. Sometimes you are just fu##ed.

Holy crap!

All those pedestrians reminded me of yesterday. I was driving on 45mph road, just cruising along. I suddenly realized the car to my left, in front of me jammed on the brakes. I slowed a hair, and then realized some jackass was crossing right in front of us from left to right. I got hard on the brakes, ABS chattering as I moved to my left to avoid that idiot. I must of missed him by 2 inches. He jest kept walking, all smug, like we owed him something.

He's lucky my youngest daughter was in the truck with me, because I was going to stop and beat that smug look right off his face. IF we had gotten rear-ended, trying to stop for him, he would have needed a trip to the hospital. Dammit, I was pissed.

At the next light, the lady in the white car pulled up next to me and put her window down. She asked, "What was that guy's problem? I thought we were going to kill him." Probably just a drunk asshole.

"Beat that smug look off his face"? Sounds like a cop.....smells like a cop...........must be a cop. Love ya, brother.

Jeeebus - that was really hard to watch..... I couldn't get through it all....
I've watched some crash videos for sobering lessons about riding, maybe pick up some clues about recognizing when a situation is about to get hairy and look for ways to anticipate and avoid them. But these crashes were too much horrible crashes and situations that were completely sudden and impossible to avoid. I didn't see any lessons that could be taken away, except maybe if it's your time . . . Not much there that a rider could use to be safer out there.

Don't ride in Russia, maybe.

Holy crap!
All those pedestrians reminded me of yesterday. I was driving on 45mph road, just cruising along. I suddenly realized the car to my left, in front of me jammed on the brakes. I slowed a hair, and then realized some jackass was crossing right in front of us from left to right. I got hard on the brakes, ABS chattering as I moved to my left to avoid that idiot. I must of missed him by 2 inches. He jest kept walking, all smug, like we owed him something.

He's lucky my youngest daughter was in the truck with me, because I was going to stop and beat that smug look right off his face. IF we had gotten rear-ended, trying to stop for him, he would have needed a trip to the hospital. Dammit, I was pissed.

At the next light, the lady in the white car pulled up next to me and put her window down. She asked, "What was that guy's problem? I thought we were going to kill him." Probably just a drunk asshole.
I believe that some states require traffic to stop for pedestrians no matter where or when they choose to cross the road. I know that I have had some hot heads yelling at me for not stopping as soon as they unexpectedly stepped off of the curb, though I can't remember exactly what city or state that was.

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After my recent get off with zero warning...think I'll skip the videos this time. If it is your time...

BTW: since her insurance is covering my "losses", the judge found her not guilty of failure to yield ROW when entering the roadway this morning because she had a clean record prior.

After my recent get off with zero warning...think I'll skip the videos this time. If it is your time...
BTW: since her insurance is covering my "losses", the judge found her not guilty of failure to yield ROW when entering the roadway this morning because she had a clean record prior.
Well THAT is fooked.

She didn't yield...which is why you got hurt.

After my recent get off with zero warning...think I'll skip the videos this time. If it is your time...
BTW: since her insurance is covering my "losses", the judge found her not guilty of failure to yield ROW when entering the roadway this morning because she had a clean record prior.
Well that sucks, I hope the insurance company doesn't renege after she is no longer guilty. I hope you already cashed the check.


"Beat that smug look off his face"? Sounds like a cop.....smells like a cop...........must be a cop. Love ya, brother.
Haha...Wanting to do it and actually doing it are two totally different things. Like, I know you WANT to club the seals at the zoo, but you don't DO it. One is a punishable crime and the other isnt.

It's what separates us from the animals. :)

Okay, the saudi car flipping scene was pretty horrific! The idiot on the bike that rear ended the car, flipped up on the roof and rode on the top of the car to a stop was downright lucky. Hitting the cows getting on with it was pretty funny though.

Just goes to show you never know what is going to happen and you always need to be aware of your surroundings. A split second to react just might save your life. Just because you have the right of way at the cross walk doesn't mean some drunk idiot isn't going to run the red light and cream you. You might win a civil suite, but does that make up for being paralyzed for the rest of your life?

Just goes to show you never know what is going to happen and you always need to be aware of your surroundings.
Yep and I'm off to court today as a witness to a crash that sent a car in my direction while I was stopped at an intersection.

It came to rest close enough that I could reach out and touch the bumper.

VERY close call and happened VERY fast!

Scary video, most of the scenes from Russia. You saw many people flying out of the cars. They have a habit of not using the safety belts: "a real man does not need that shit...." They fix the seatbelt behind their back to avoid the belt signal.

I used to go there often for work, none of my Russian colleagues ever used the belts and laughed on me when I always did. I told them that on a next emergency brake they will fly out of the windscreen, but they did not care. Its a destiny issue, they would say. Yeah, right!

Yesterday morning my wife and I were coming home through downtown Spearfish. There are two stoplights, and several cross walks at intersections with no stoplights. I observed an older gentleman patiently waiting to Cross in a cross walk at one of the intersections, I stopped, he stepped off the curb and I looked in my left side rear view mirror and saw a Buick coming pretty fast in the lane to my left. All I could do was blow my horn and turn left into the lane in front of the Buick. The Buick stopped to keep from hitting me and the old boy made it across the street. I believe that if I hadn't looked in my mirror the Buick would have smoked him.


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