The PNW Crew (Niehart, Panman, et al) in Yosemite - You're Famous!

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Miss Demeanor
FJR Supporter
Nov 19, 2007
Reaction score
Mountain View, CA
Many of you may have seen this epic photograph of four of our PNW FJR riders which has been posted here previously.


Here is the story of the photographer, how he found those riders via the internet, and the story that bonded them all together. Pretty effin cool!! :wub;

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Great photo, great story, great people.

I share stories from this forum with friends and coworkers all the time and very few of them can even begin to grasp the friendships that have been made among such a diverse, widespread group of folks with often little else in common besides our love for these bikes and for riding. That is truly awesome that you guys were able to communicate with the photographer and have added yet another connection through such a simple yet complex chain of events.

What a great story (and now I have new wallpaper for my PC
)...thanks for posting that!

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I was trying to give Escapefjrtist credit for the picture. Seeing as he's been known to run with that group of degenerates. :)

Auburn is right. I have gotten to know so many pricks great people because of this forum. The generosity of the people on this forum is the reason that I was able to keep my house after my motorcycle accident 8 years ago. I have a plaque that also serves as a reminder that hangs on the wall that Bust made and brought to La Crosse, WI for the CFO in Sept 2009. Everyone signed the back and Twiztedcricket brought it home to Omaha, then jumped on a plane to fly it out to me (he had other business here too). It is truly one of most meaningful things that I own. Hard to believe it's been that long now. I have friends here that I wouldn't trade for anything.


+1, Ditto, I Concur, what a magnificent photo, subsequent connection and testimony extolling the values of the brotherhood I am fortunate to have stumbled upon post my FJR purchase two years ago.

Oh and Carl, you are one of my favorite pricks, see ya in a couple of weeks!


I liked the write up and the way it was expressed how we get connected. Keeping those connections over time is the blessing. I would have preferred that you guys were leaned over a little more, as it looks like you are enjoying the scenery too much and/or like you are about to ride off the road. JS.
