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Active member
May 30, 2006
Reaction score
Stanfield Oregon
Does anyone know of a small thermometer out there that will mount or stick somewhere on the dash without a lot of trouble or extra junk?

I really don't want to go with the larger ones with the clock and alarms because of the size of them.

I would like to find something that is like a food probe type with out the metal probe sticking out the back.

Dang, Groo always knows where all this stuff is. Musta been a librarian in a past life.

Doesn't the '06 have one built into the display? Personally, I'm like Mike, if it's hot... I'm hot... knowing how hot won't make much difference. If it's cold, I'm cold... gotta get some electrics to fix that... :rolleyes:

why do you guys need a thermometer on a bike?
When it's cold out I like to know what temp it is so I can be aware of the potential for ice on the road.

When it's hot out I like to know "how hot" so I can have some idea of how much water I need to be drinking. If it's 100 degrees I can drink at my normal pace and not be worried about dehydrating. If it's 110 degrees I like to know that so I can constantly remind myself to take in even more H2O.

I never used to see much of a need for a thermometer either, at least until I had one on my VFR. Now when I don't have it, I miss it. I ordered one from Aerostich.

Yep. I think I had it turned on one time for a minute. I've been more interested in monitoring the gas milage as I go through break in.
You're getting 17mpg, look at the thermometer :D

I mounted a thermometer like the aerostitch #2240 on the fairing of my FJR. I have one on each of my bikes. They are accurate & cheap.

Since I'm involved in farming, we use them all the time to get soil temp, pulp temps, etc. I get them at farm supply places for about $8.00.

I find it interesting to note temperature changes as I ride through the countryside! :D

I'm impressed! You guys watch the display that close? This bike is fast enough for me to glue my eyeballs to the road. The tach is all you really need anyway :blink:

Good one more post to become a pilot without training wheels.......

I'm impressed! You guys watch the display that close? This bike is fast enough for me to glue my eyeballs to the road......

What would you think if you saw me rolling up my off ramp shaking the blood back into both of my hands at the same time? Look ma, no hands! :yahoo:

I'm impressed! You guys watch the display that close? This bike is fast enough for me to glue my eyeballs to the road......
What would you think if you saw me rolling up my off ramp shaking the blood back into both of my hands at the same time? Look ma, no hands! :yahoo:
Um, that you were being stupid? :ph34r:

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