This looks cool

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That's pretty cool. I'm assuming that you get a matching peg on the other side?

Seen this video's a brilliant solution.

Definitely a "better mousetrap".

Here's a LINK

Only problem I have, from the limited info on the above website, is I'd want a matching peg for the right side. I wouldn't necessarily use it as a lock, but would want matching pegs.

I've fired off an email asking just this question. I'll be curious to see if I get an answer and what it'll be.

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I wan't one of those. That is too cool not to have. Just the idea behind it makes it worth having.

Looks interesting, but I'm not sure I would necessarily put my foot on the peg BEFORE starting out...maybe I do it to shift from neutral into first and might notice there was something missing, but I don't think so...I think I just tap the shift lever down without putting my boot on the peg. I don't like disc locks anyway and it would have to be REALLY idiot-proof and convenient (keyed same as ignition, no squatting down to put on and take off) before I would consider it.

Well, well, well. A response to my email. :)

Here's what I sent Luma:

Folks...hope you have someone who reads English.

Your XMART disc-lock is brilliant.

I'm one answer from you away from purchasing one for my '04 Yamaha FJR1300. And the answer from you is to this question:

Is there a matching peg for the right side of the motorcycle. Doesn't have to be a lock. But I'd want the pegs to match

...and here's the response I woke up to this morning:

Thank you for your interest and compliments for the XMART, it is indeed a worldwide success!

As for the right XMART, it is a project we are currently working on; it will be exactly the same as left version, but for the right peg; so it is a lock too! We expect it to be ready for the summer '06, so your pegs will match then, and it will be up to you to use the right peg or not as a lock!

The YAMAHA adaptor we have developed, that perfectly fits the FJR1300 01-02, FJR1300 03-04 and the FJR A 1300 03-05 left footpegs, also fits on the right side.

Please do not hesitate to contact us back anytime! Best regards,

José Ramón Mallo


I'll definitely be bookmarking the XMART page and checking back occasionally. It's on my farkle list now.

I had posted regarding the LUMA awhile back and in the meantime have actually purchased one for my VFR. I ordered them through a company called CIMA international, I think the guys name was Keith if I remember correctly. I ordered it on a Thursday and had it by the following Wednesday. The lock itself is $75.00 and the adapter for your particular bike is another $10.00. My first impression of it is that there may be a problem with road grit getting into the lock tumbler over a period of time. It has a small plastic shield which slides shut and covers the hole but I'm not sure that it looks adaquate. It also looks like the small screws holding pieces of the lock together aren't even stainless steel. I haven't had 2 minutes to myself lately so I haven't installed it yet but I opted to just go for the LUMA on the left side and regular peg on the right. I had asked Keith about a matching peg also when I purchased and he said the same thing as the response that RADIOHOWIE got from them, that they will probably be sending them out as a pair in the future. It will be interesting to see how it holds up under real use anyway....


Thanks for the info on your email response. Got to have matching pegs, right? Cmon...that's a no brainer. The slow riders see both sides when the FJR is doing figure 8s around them! B)

Truly a no brainer would be the 77 Camaro pilot telling me a "real" motorcylce would have matching pegs.


:) :) :)

I've had the LUMA on my FJR now for about 10K miles. As suspected, road spooge entering the lock and bolt mechanism causes it to stick when trying to open it occasionally especially if it hasn't been used in awhile. I live and ride in an area that I'm not to worried about the bike being stolen so I don't use it alot. It is convenient for sure when you want to add a bit of security in a dicey area. The rubber has held up well and the whole peg is as strong as any other. No one has ever mentioned that there isn't a matching peg on the other side and, frankly, I don't notice it anymore myself. Even with 75 or 80 other FJR riders at EOM in the fall, only one other rider even noticed it on the bike. What I have realized is that most of time I bang the bike into gear without ever putting my foot on the peg so there is always a chance that you may try to ride off with disc lock attached....Don't ask me how I know. :blink:
