Throttle cable return unhooked from throttle body...

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Sep 14, 2013
Reaction score
Wilmington, Delaware
Help needed on this one.... 2006... I removed the throttle grip and was lubricating the throttle cables.... I wasn't careful enough and the throttle cable return has unhooked from the throttle body... I have removed the tank and can see the top of the throttle body but can't get at the area where the cable end hooks back in... Does anyone know what is involved to fix this? If I remove the air box - can I get at this area? Or do I have to remove the throttle bodies?? Looking for the basic procedure to get the cable re-attached... Any advice or links will be greatly appreciated... I have tried searching the forum but can't find any prior posts yet on this... Thanks...

I'm guessing you might be able to reach with the airbox off (not sure) but while I was into it that far, I think I would remove the throttle bodies to clean the intakes and butterflies. You will already have done most of the work to get there.

Removing the fuel rail will give you enough room

to reattach the cable.

You'll need a couple of long, thin flat screwdrivers.

It isn't difficult, just takes a lot of patience.

Also, completely remove that end of the sheath from its bracket

to help manipulating the cable end.

Good luck.

Two more things to add:

Open the throttle completely and wedge something in the

linkage to hold it open so you can see the hole for the cable.

And make a "hook" out of a piece of fine tie wire to bring

the cable end around into position near the hole for it.

Then push it into place with the long screwdriver. HTH

Thank you SLK... It makes sense so I am going to give it a whirl - probably tomorrow.....
Just be aware that removing the fuel rail involves removing two machine screws that were tightened by a gorilla on crack. Rather than mess around with an ill-fitting Philips screwdriver, go straight to the impact driver with a decently fitting point.

You don't have to hit the thing hard, just hold it tightly twisted counter-clockwise and give it a sharp tap with a medium size hammer. They break free easily enough, but trying to simply unscrew them will probably chew up the heads.

All Done..... Thank you everyone for your suggestions... I did remove the fuel rail, and yes those screws were really tight.... once removed it only took 5 minutes to get the cable end back in.... I will be a lot more careful next time and make sure I don't let this throttle cable unhook from the throttle body....

Many thanks...
