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Well-known member
Sep 30, 2005
Reaction score
San Diego, CA
So I tried the ThrottleMeister back in '04 when my FJR was new. Way to difficult to use. They were returned in a hurry. I went with a VistaCruise for a short time (easily the best bang for the buck) but moved to McCruise shortly after and have been very happy.

However, I recently purchased an XX with ThrottleMeister. Once again, too pathetically difficult to use. I found a solution - use it in conjunction with the VistaCruise. The TM holds much better than the VC but setting the VC first allows you to easily engage the TM (or disengage the TM without a dramatic slowdown). And even with both set, manual over-ride is quite simple. I'll continue to evaluate this setup, but it is likely I will use it in the future instead of going with the high dollar, lengthy install of the McCruise. The AudioVox may be another alternative, but it too is a complicated/lengthy install and the FJR is the only place I've seen instructions (thanks to FJRTech).

The AudioVox may be another alternative, but it too is a complicated/lengthy install and the FJR is the only place I've seen instructions (thanks to FJRTech).
Try to find someone near you and buy them a steak to help you out with the CC install. I had the TM on mine as well and wasn't super happy with it.

It's not THAT bad, and it's totally worth it. Pick a rainy weekend, and knock it out.

So I tried the ThrottleMeister back in '04 when my FJR was new. Way to difficult to use. They were returned in a hurry. I went with a VistaCruise for a short time (easily the best bang for the buck) but moved to McCruise shortly after and have been very happy.
However, I recently purchased an XX with ThrottleMeister. Once again, too pathetically difficult to use. I found a solution - use it in conjunction with the VistaCruise. The TM holds much better than the VC but setting the VC first allows you to easily engage the TM (or disengage the TM without a dramatic slowdown). And even with both set, manual over-ride is quite simple. I'll continue to evaluate this setup, but it is likely I will use it in the future instead of going with the high dollar, lengthy install of the McCruise. The AudioVox may be another alternative, but it too is a complicated/lengthy install and the FJR is the only place I've seen instructions (thanks to FJRTech).
I put a TM on my 2004 and liked it so much I put one on the Bandit 1200 and the new 2006 FJR. So now I have three bikes with Throttlemeisters. There is a learning curve, but after some practice I find them very easy to use. Also, I like the "stealth" appearance of no throttle lock.

I set mine so its on all the time, Its set to have just enough friction to hold the throttle so the throtle is easy to move but it stays where I put it.

:blink: I installed a Throttlemeister on my 05 FJR and my 06 FJR...don't quite understand why you are having difficulty using the TM.

Just put your hand half on the rubber part of the throttle and half on the throttlemeister and rotate at approximately the speed you want.

The throttlemeister will start to engage then when it cinches up fairly snug you can fine adjust the throttle with it engaged.

It is a definite wrist saver on the droning interstates and looks a lot more "finished" then the other throttlelocks. ;)

And if you really want to be an anal farkler, you can color match the stripe! :D


C'mon, the throttlemeister is a piece of cake to install and use! Maybe you have issues with the right hand?

So I tried the ThrottleMeister back in '04 when my FJR was new. Way to difficult to use. They were returned in a hurry. I went with a VistaCruise for a short time (easily the best bang for the buck) but moved to McCruise shortly after and have been very happy.
However, I recently purchased an XX with ThrottleMeister. Once again, too pathetically difficult to use. I found a solution - use it in conjunction with the VistaCruise. The TM holds much better than the VC but setting the VC first allows you to easily engage the TM (or disengage the TM without a dramatic slowdown). And even with both set, manual over-ride is quite simple. I'll continue to evaluate this setup, but it is likely I will use it in the future instead of going with the high dollar, lengthy install of the McCruise. The AudioVox may be another alternative, but it too is a complicated/lengthy install and the FJR is the only place I've seen instructions (thanks to FJRTech).
What a great tip! I too have issues with the deactivation of the TM (Perhaps I'm not as co-ordinated or double-jointed as others). I loved the ease of use of the Vista Cruise on my '04 but enjoy the solid setting of the TM. For the few seconds of stretching my fingers the Vista Cruise was great, for longer stretches the TM works best. Looks like I'm going shopping for a VistaCruise. Thanks.

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