Bucket and suds with soft cotton or microfiber cloth (use soap formulated for automotive use, not dish soap). Use linear strokes, not circular swirls. Use vertical strokes on windshield, not swirls or horizontal strokes (micro scratches will be less visible). Don't ever use pressure washer! Take off your watch and rings so you don't scratch anything. Cover the exhaust openings. Use hose without nozzle, copious low pressure rinse. Duct tape over metal end of hose or use cut-off end, again to prevent scratching. S100 or Simple Green followed by soap suds for heavy stuff, but be sure to rinse really well. Use small paint brushes to get into small spaces but be sure to cover the metal ferrules with duct tape to prevent scratching. Careful around electronics and instruments. Primum non nocere, Doc. Don't forget the cables/hoses and the undersides of things. Dry with cotton terry or microfiber cloths. Use a reversed shop vac (warning: be sure it is clean so you don't blow a ton of dirt onto the wet bike) or leaf blower if you have them to get water out of the tight spaces. Take a ride around the neighborhood.